
jiào shòu
  • professor;teach;teacher;lecture on;instruct
教授 [jiào shòu]
  • (1) [professor]∶高等教育机构的教师的最高级学衔

  • (2) [teacher]

  • (3) 古时设置在地方官学中的学官

  • (4) 对私塾老师的敬称

  • 教授不知,这厮夜来赤条条地睡在灵公庙里,被我们拿了这厮。--《水浒传》

  • [instruct] 讲解传授知识、技能

教授[jiào shòu]
  1. 她是利兹大学某个学科的教授。

    She 's a professor of something or other at Leeds .

  2. 请琼斯教授原谅,证据表明…

    The evidence suggests , pace Professor Jones , that … .

  3. 她获聘为普林斯顿大学经济学教授。

    She was appointed to a professorship in Economics at Princeton .

  4. 他40岁时成为教授。

    He was made professor at the age of 40 .

  5. 这场电视辩论由一位法学教授主持。

    The television debate was moderated by a law professor .

  6. 她是一位牛津大学教授的女儿。

    She 's the daughter of an Oxford professor .

  7. 这部电影由卡里∙格兰特饰演一位教授。

    The film features Cary Grant as a professor .

  8. 他的行为与大学教授的身份不相符。

    His behaviour is unbefitting of a university professor .

  9. 威尔逊教授获邀就自己的研究成果发言。

    Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research .

  10. 他是牛津大学一位教授的儿子。

    He 's the son of an Oxford professor .

  11. 教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。

    The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures .

  12. 她是爱丁堡大学的音乐准教授。

    She is Reader in Music at Edinburgh .

  13. 大学教授既要教学又要从事研究工作。

    University professors both teach and undertake research .

  14. 她周末给私人教授英语。

    She gives private English lessons at weekends .

  15. 为什么在人们心目中教授就一定健忘呢?

    Why are professors stereotyped as absent-minded ?

  16. 他说话的口气简直像个教授。

    His tone was almost professorial .

  17. 新的欧洲研究中心应设在教授所有欧洲语言的大学里才合适。

    It is fitting that the new centre for European studies should be in a university that teaches every European language .

  18. 英国教育学家在如何以最佳方式教授阅读的问题上存在分歧。

    British educationalists are divided about how best to teach reading .

  19. 教授快要把莫莉惹毛了。

    The Professor was beginning to get on Molly 's wick .

  20. 武术:私人教授:每小时8英镑

    Martial arts : Private lessons : £ 8 per hour .

  21. 他们极力要求给他们的孩子教授法语。

    They had pressed for their children to be taught French .

  22. 教授年轻人如何给汽车喷漆和修理护栏。

    The youths are taught how to spray paint cars and mend fences

  23. 贝克教授并不熟悉“代议制民主”这一思想。

    Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy

  24. 他被任命担任南安普敦大学的社会学教授一职。

    He has been appointed to the chair of sociology at Southampton University

  25. 1979年,英国只有2%的教授是女性。

    In 1979 , only 2 % of British professors were female .

  26. 他的举手投足更像是一个全神贯注的数学教授。

    His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor

  27. 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school

  28. 他用这个节目的录像带教授英语。

    He uses tapes of this program to teach English .

  29. 协会成员将继续教授所有课程。

    Members of the union will continue to teach their full timetables .

  30. 英国专家对该教授的断言进行了强烈驳斥。

    British experts delivered a strong counter-blast to the Professor 's claims .