
  • 网络education budget
  1. 学生家长积极参加反对削减教育预算的活动。

    The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget .

  2. 联邦政府仅掌控6%的教育预算。

    The federal government controls just 6 % of the education budget .

  3. 国会已批准了新的教育预算。

    Congress has approved the new education budget .

  4. 这项调查称,这意味着和前几代人相比,情况发生了彻底的变化:此前,相对富裕的家庭得到了大部分的教育预算。

    The study says this represents a complete turnaround from previous generations when richer families took the lion 's share of education budgets .

  5. Makki曾在阿布格莱布监狱服刑两年,并被萨达姆·侯赛因的政权判处死刑,他也正在为教育预算加倍而斗争。

    Makki , who served two years in Abu Ghraib prison and was sentenced to death under Saddam Hussein 's regime , has also been battling to double the education budget .

  6. 由于加利福尼亚州教育预算削减,州长施瓦辛格肯定会收到许多忧心忡忡的民众的来信,用铅笔和没有横线的信纸书写的信,没有提前打草稿,甚至他的名字都可能弄得一团糟。CNN记者THELMAGUTIERREZ报道。

    As far as California 's education goes , Governor Schwarzenegger can expect a lot of letters from some concerned citizens , letters written in pencil , unlined paper , no cursive , and his name might be a little ed. Here 's CNN 's THELMA GUTIERREZ .

  7. 教育预算将不再增加。

    There will be no further increase in the education budget .

  8. 国会决定增加教育预算的经费。

    Congress decided to add money to the education budget .

  9. 失业率正不断攀升,政府在大幅削减医保和教育预算。

    Unemployment is rising and governments are slashing healthcare and education budgets .

  10. 政府的限制开支会严重地影响教育预算。

    The government 's spending limits will seriously impinge on the education budget .

  11. 农村义务教育预算管理改革需要强调社会公平目标。

    Management reform of rural compulsory education budget needs to be emphasized social equity objectives .

  12. 教育预算的大部分花费在二十五岁以下的人身上。

    The major portion of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25 .

  13. 芝加哥计划关闭50多所学校,以缓解高达10亿美元的教育预算赤字。

    Chicago plans to close more than 50 schools to help with a $ 1bn education budget deficit .

  14. 占人口总数三分之一的老年人只占有百分之一的教育预算。

    Only 1 % of the education budget is currently spent on the oldest third of the population .

  15. 一些价格指数显示房价会更加稳定,这也保证了丰厚的地产税收和教育预算。

    Several price indices point to stabilising house values , which should buoy up property-tax revenues and education budgets .

  16. 市议会要做出艰难抉择,决定到底要削减教育预算还是旅游预算。

    The city council has to make the tough call and decide whether to cut education or tourism budgets .

  17. 不过,在整个非洲都在削减教育预算的背景下,我们要做些什么才能实现这个愿景?

    Yet given the background of education budget cuts throughout Africa , what can be done to realise this vision ?

  18. 从另一个人口普查局表我们可以使万拖欠教育预算总额的5现金流代表。

    From another Census Bureau table we can make educated estimates of the total cash-flow represented by the5 million delinquencies .

  19. 比尔&梅琳达??盖茨基金会的更大一笔捐赠是纽约市年教育预算的大约两倍。

    the much larger endowment of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is about double the annual education budget of New York City .

  20. 他只获得了一点点成功:卡耐基基金会最初的捐赠比联邦政府年教育预算多27倍;

    He succeeded only up to a point : the Carnegie Corporation 's initial endowment was27 times bigger than the annual federal government education budget ;

  21. 加利福尼亚的教师表示,州政府的财政困境和教育预算的削减给他们造成了很大的压力,难以继续授课。

    Teachers in California say the state 's budget troubles and education cuts have put so much stress on them that it 's hard to teach .

  22. 随着很多州削减了教育预算,教学职位的竞争也日趋激烈,正因为这样,你的简历才需要尽一切可能显示出优势。

    With many states slashing school budgets , competition for open teaching jobs is heating up , and your resume needs to show every possible advantage .

  23. 平均指标、变异指标显示我国各地区之间职业教育预算内生均拨款差异较大。

    The average exponent and the variant exponent show that there are more regional differences in budget of per student appropriation of vocational education in our country .

  24. 要缩小职业教育预算内生均拨款地区差异,中央政府应加大对欠发达地区转移性支付的力度,拓宽转移性支付的范围;

    To narrow the regional differences , on one hand , the central government should increase the level and range of financial transfer payment in poor regions .

  25. 在印度这样的国家,税收收入不得不从医疗和教育预算,大规模地转移至能源补贴,以便少数精英的汽车能够加满油。

    Tax revenues , on a huge scale in nations such as India , have to be diverted from health and education spending to fill the fuel tanks of a small elite .

  26. 教育预算应该排在接近榜首的位置,否则,一到两年的国家预算削减,外加发达国家缩减援助预算,可能会让十年的进步历程毁于一旦。

    Education budgets should be near the top of this list , or a year or two of national budget cuts coupled with cutbacks in developed countries ' aid budgets , could undo a decade of progress .

  27. 更糟糕的是,在目光短浅的正统观念的驱使下,当今有一些国家正考虑大幅削减教育预算&这反映出,在应对金融危机的副作用时,各个国家的选择范围都更加广泛。

    Worse , today some countries , driven by a short-sighted orthodoxy , are considering serious reductions to their education budgets – a reflection of a broader choice being faced by all countries dealing with the fallout from the financial crisis .

  28. 应加强高等教育财政预算管理

    Fiscal Budget Management of Higher Education Should Be Strengthened

  29. 该州要从高等教育的预算中削减4千万美元。

    The state wants to cut away $ 40 million from the higher education budget .

  30. 教育部门预算削减幅度最大。

    Education faces the biggest reductions .