
  • 网络educational administration;educational management;Science of educational management
  1. 建国以来教育管理学的学科建设和人才培养

    Major Construction and Talents Cultivation in Educational Administration Science Since 1949

  2. 批判反思:教育管理学的当务之急

    Critical reflection : the task of top priority in educational administration

  3. 跨世纪我国教育管理学的研究重点

    The key to the research of China 's educational management science

  4. 我国高等教育管理学的历史、现状与未来走向

    The History , Actuality and Trend of Our Higher Education Management

  5. 关于我国教育管理学发展中的五个问题

    On Five Problems of the Development of China 's Educational Administrative Science

  6. 科学主义、人本主义与西方教育管理学研究

    Scientism , Humanism and the Study of Western Educational Administration

  7. 中国教育管理学30年:成就、特点与问题

    30 Years of Chinese Educational Management : Achievement , Characteristics and Problems

  8. 高等教育管理学作为一门应用性学科,具有很强的实践性指向。

    The subject of higher education management is of practical character obviously .

  9. 教育管理学基本范畴论

    On the basic ranges of the science of educational management

  10. 我国教育管理学批判反思的对象及其相关问题

    The Object of Critical Reflection in Educational Administration and the Relative Problems

  11. 新世纪教育管理学的新方向

    New Trend for the Educational Management in the New Century

  12. 高等教育管理学:学科构建与价值评判

    Higher Education Administration : Construction and Evaluation of the Discipline

  13. 关于探索我国大教育管理学学科建设的刍议

    On the Construction of the Subject of China 's Grand Educational Administration

  14. 教育管理学的学科关联探析

    An Exploration into the Disciplinary Relevancy of Educational Administration

  15. 论教育管理学与其他相关学科的关联

    On the Relevancy of Educational Administration to Other Subjects

  16. 人论:教育管理学理论范畴逻辑起点

    Theory on Human Being : Logical Starting Point of Educational Administration Theory Category

  17. 新世纪国外教育管理学理论的发展趋势

    Trends of Educational Administration Theory in the Twenty-first Century

  18. 价值论与整合论:外国教育管理学理论的新进展

    Value Theory and Naturalistic Coherentism : Recent Development of Theories in Overseas Educational Administration

  19. 论教育管理学与教育管理学史

    Educational Administration Discipline and Educational Administration Discipline History

  20. 教育管理学的逻辑起点是动态的教育组织,是教育管理学科理论构建的基石,它与其学科的性质、产生和研究范畴有着必然的联系。

    The logical starting point of Education Administration is the keystone of Education Administration .

  21. 教育管理学的研究对象及其分类

    Objects of Educational Management Study and Their Classification

  22. 从移植到创新:对我国教育管理学学科建设的审视

    From Transplantation to Innovation : On Analysis of Discipline Construction of Educational Administration in China

  23. 论教育管理学的性质

    On the Nature of Educational Management Science

  24. 高等教育管理学的逻辑起点

    The Logical Starting of Higher Education Management

  25. 也谈教育管理学的学科体系问题

    On the System of Educational Administration Discipline

  26. 论教育管理学的社会科学属性

    On Educational Administration as a Social Science

  27. 诱思探究学科教学论的辩证逻辑&试论学科教学论的性质、范畴、理论体系试析研究生教育管理学的理论体系

    Heuristic seeking Teaching Approach & Subject Instruction : Its Nature , Category , and Theoretical System

  28. 话语生产与实践生长:我国教育管理学的两种论证思路

    Discourse Producing and Practical Growing : the Two Demonstration Ways of the Educational Administration in Our Country

  29. 从教育管理学的角度研究,强调“校本管理”,凸现“教师为本”理念;

    Studying from the angle of education management , we should emphasize school-based management and embody teacher-based idea .

  30. 改革开放后教育管理学发展的阶段性成就梳理与反思

    Reviewing the Developmental Course of Educational Administration and Rethinking What It Has Achieved Since the Reform and Opening-up