
  • 网络education supply
  1. 乡村私学的兴起,增加了教育供给,满足了不同阶层的教育需求;

    Rural private schools increased education supply and meet the education demand of different stratifications .

  2. 试论我国欠发达地区农村基础教育供给体制的创新然而,与此形成鲜明对比的却是教育领域迎来了其短缺时代,教育供需矛盾日益尖锐。

    A Tentative Discussion on the Innovation of Rural Elementary Education Supply System in Underdeveloped Areas The education supply and demand contradictory is day by day incisive .

  3. 新公共管理与中国高等教育供给体制改革

    New Public Administration and System Reform of Chinese Higher Education

  4. 四川民族教育供给还远不能满足需求。

    Supplies for ethnic education in Sichuan are far behind the requirements .

  5. 财政分权视阈中的农村义务教育供给机制研究

    Research on the Supply Mechanism of Rural Compulsory in Fiscal Decentralization Vision

  6. 职业教育供给:在政府与市场之间的选择

    Provision of Technical and Vocational Education : the Choice between Government and Market

  7. 积极财政政策与扩大高等教育供给

    Positive Financial Policy and Expanding Supply in Higher Education

  8. 论教育供给中的政府失灵

    On the failure of government in supply of education

  9. 论教育供给有效性的衡量

    On the effectiveness of educational supply appropriations

  10. 基于此,进行高等教育供给模式的制度性创新是解决问题的根本之道,所以在传统供给模式的基础上提出高等教育有效供给的外包模式。

    The paper points that the innovation on the higher education system is the basic way .

  11. 本文从教育供给效率的角度,分析我国教育财政分权对义务教育产出的影响。

    This paper intends to explore the impact of China 's educational decentralization on compulsory education productive efficiency .

  12. 省级政府在农村职业技术教育供给中的职能定位研究

    Research on the Position of Provincial Government Function in the Supply of Vocational and Technical Education in Rural Areas

  13. 高等教育供给不足与高等教育需求旺盛的矛盾是我国的基本国情。

    The discrepancy between the inadequate higher education supplies and the thriving higher education requirements is the basic situation of our country .

  14. 本文以教育供给需求理论、教育成本收益理论为指导,构建影响陕西农村青年职业教育决策的经济因素的经济模型。

    Constructed the economic model of economic factors of the impact of vocational education for Shaanxi rural youth in decision-making of choice .

  15. 近年在中国高等教育供给多元化的背景下,国际化高等教育服务的供给引起了学者们的关注和争议。

    There has been much attention and disputes over the supply of Oversea higher education under diversified supply patterns in Chinese higher education .

  16. 只有通过履行国际承诺,扩大教育供给,促进社会公平,才能逐步向教育平等迈进。

    It is believed that education equality can only be progressively accomplished through fulfilling international commitments , expanding educational input and promoting social equity .

  17. 在我国优质教育供给不能满足社会日益增长的教育需求时,起到了一定的补充作用。

    It has played a compensatory role on condition that supply of quality education in our country can not meet the growing educational needs .

  18. 即高等教育供给要求学费收取由政府定价为主逐步走向政府定价与学校自主定价相结合;

    That is , the supply of higher education requires that the criterion of tuition is decided by university and government gradually instead of government alone ;

  19. 现阶段,我国教育供给与需求的矛盾愈加突出,教育供求失衡暂时不可避免。

    In the present period of China ′ s education , the contradiction between supply and demand is becoming increasingly intense ; however , it is inevitable .

  20. 随着近年来贫富差距的拉大,不同阶层间的义务教育供给问题也日益凸显。

    In recent years , with the widening gap between rich and poor , between different strata of the obligation education supply issues are becoming increasingly prominent .

  21. 结合中国式财政分权的实际情况来解释教育供给的行为,这恰是本文的重要意义所在。

    Chinese-style fiscal decentralization combined with the actual situation to explain the behavior mechanism of local government in education supply , this is the significance of this paper .

  22. 在海岛城市化进程中存在着人力资源供求矛盾,必须增加职业教育供给。既有需求的原因,也有供给的原因;

    Since there exists the contradiction of demand and supply in human power resources during the course of insular urbanization , the supply of vocational education must be strengthened .

  23. 办学体制改革对于扩大教育供给,满足人民群众日益增长的教育需求具有十分重要的意义。

    The reform of the school management system has great significance to expanding educational supply and satisfying the people 's educational needs that are increasing with each passing day .

  24. 公共选择理论所研究的政府失灵现象,对我们认识教育供给中存在的某些问题具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。

    The failure of government , studied by theory of public selecting , has some enlightening and referencing significance in our reorganization to some problems in supply of education .

  25. 社会热点事件与科学普及的互动机理,是以科普教育供给和公众科普需求为基础,进而通过一定的程序和规范产生实际效用。

    The interactive mechanism aims to generate practical effect through specific process and regulations , according to the supply of science popularization education and public demand for science popularization .

  26. 第一部分对教育供给和教育需求两个概念进行了界定,并提出实现教育供求均衡存在的一般问题。

    The first part gives the definition of education demand and supply and poses the common questions existed during the procedure in reaching equilibrium of education demand and supply .

  27. 从供给层面上看来,教育供给不足,这种状况为早教机构发展提供百年一遇的机会。

    Seen from the aspect of the supply , education market is lack of the supply , which provides the invaluable chances for the development of the early education centers .

  28. 实践证明,民办高校在增加教育供给,满足居民教育需求,改革办学体制和教育管理体制方面发挥了重要作用。

    Practice has proved , private universities education increase in supply and demand and education of school education system and the reform of management system has played an important role .

  29. 第三部分是对中等职业教育供给和需求矛盾的分析,其中对中等职业教育供需矛盾存在的问题、矛盾存在的原因和矛盾的解决一一进行了分析。

    Part III , analysis of the contradiction between the support and demand of secondary vocational education , including the existing problem and reason , and how to solve the contradiction .

  30. 拟就我国欠发达地区农村基础教育供给体制的现状和存在的主要问题,结合实际情况,探讨如何进行制度创新。

    This paper tries to probe into institutional innovation by taking into consideration the major problems and facts existing in the rural elementary education supply system in China 's underdeveloped areas .