
  • 网络Total Social Supply;aggregate supply
社会总供给 [shè huì zǒng gōng jǐ]
  • [aggregate social product] 指社会所能提供的生产资料与生活资料的总和

  1. 根据货币数量理论,当货币供给量大于货币需求量时,社会总需求大于社会总供给,会使物价上升,产生通货膨胀。

    According to the quantity theory of money , when money supply is greater than the demand for money , the total social demand is greater than the total social supply , prices level will raise and lead to inflation .

  2. 在数千年的传统农业社会中,人类面临的主要问题是生产能力低下,社会总供给难以满足需求水平很低的社会总需求,但人类社会对自然生态系统的破坏也不大。

    In long history of man traditional agricultural civilization , Human with low production capabilities always had to confront the difficulty that social aggregate supply could not meet fully social aggregate demand , However , human activities had little damages to ecosystem .

  3. 在市场经济条件下,电力总需求与社会总供给之间发生变动时,必然会反应到市场上。

    In the market economy environment , when the total power demands and social supplies change , the market inevitably responds to that .

  4. 实现资金供求的均衡,是实现社会总供给与总需求均衡的重要保证。

    Realizing the balance between capital supply and demand is an important guarantee to realize the balance between the overall supply and overall demand of the society .

  5. 产业结构是国民经济结构极为重要的组成部分,是实现社会总供给和总需求相平衡的关键。

    Industrial structure is the essential part in the National Economic Structure , and is the key point to keep the balance between the social supply and demand .

  6. 通货膨胀归根结底是社会总供给与社会总需求失衡的产物,是一种特殊的货币现象,也是货币经济的必然产物。

    Inflation is ultimately a product of the total supply and total social demand imbalance . Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon , is the inevitable product of the monetary economy .

  7. 根据财政政策在调节社会总供给和总需求方面的不同功能,分为平衡财政政策、盈余财政政策和赤字财政政策三种类型。

    According to its function of adjusting social total supply and total demanding , it is divided into three types : balance financing policy , surplus financing policy and deficit financing policy .

  8. 合理地掌握它,可以建立巩固的国防体系用以保障国家安全和经济发展,调节社会总供给与总需求的均衡关系,推动科学技术的研究开发,促进经济增长。

    A sturdy national defense system can ensure national security and economic development , regulate the balance between gross supply and demand , and promote the research and development of science and technology .

  9. 开发低丘缓坡地资源,是增加耕地,扩大园地,提高社会总供给能力的主要方向;

    The main direction , such as extending cultivated land , enlarging plots and increasing the social gross supply , is to exploit the land resources on the low hill and gentle slope .

  10. 当前存在的主要问题是社会总需求超过总供给,具体表现为物资短缺,物价上涨。

    The major Problem in existence is the excess of total demand over supply .

  11. 二是要保持社会总需求和总供给基本平衡,合理调整产业结构;

    Second we must keep the balance between the total demand and supply , and further adjust industrial structure .

  12. 工资分配与社会总需求和总供给之闻具有直接的关系,从而形成了由工资决定的国民收入决定模型。

    Since wage distribution is directly linked to the social aggregate demand and supply , a wage-determining-national-income model has taken shape .

  13. 社会总需求与总供给的平衡,对国民经济持续、稳定、协调的发展具有重要意义。

    The balance between total demand and supply is importantly significant for making the national economical growth continuously , steadily and co-ordinately .

  14. 财政赤字是宏观调控的手段,对其评价,关键是看宏观经济状况和社会总需求小于总供给,财政赤字就是好的;

    The financial deficit is a means of macro adjustment and control , the key to appraise it is to see the macro-economic situation .

  15. 两大政策虽然都能对社会总需求与总供给进行调节,但在调节中的作用却是不同的和不可替代的。

    Although the two policies both play a role in adjusting gross demand and gross supply , yet their respective roles are different and not mutually replaceable .

  16. 但必须注意的是,这种状况必须控制在一定范围之内,否则,可能导致社会总需乞降总供给的不平衡,容易引发通胀。

    But what we should be careful about is that borrowing money must be controlled so that not breaking its limitation , or it possibly can cause inflation .

  17. 马克思的有效供给理论主要包括三个方面,即商品有效供给的必要前提、社会总产品的有效供给和出口产品的有效供给。

    The theory mainly includes three parts , e.g. the necessary prerequisite of effective supply , effective supply of social total products and effective supply of export products .

  18. 政府对财政支出规模和财政支出结构进行调整,会对社会总需求乃至总供给的规模和结构产生影响,从而影响经济增长。

    Adjustment of the scale of fiscal expenditure and the fiscal expenditure structure will affect the total social demand and supply , and then influence the economic growth .

  19. 由于消费者对社会注意力资源的总供给是相对不变的,并且对于单个消费者来说,每个人不能同时注意两件事情,所以,一方所得到的注意力资源就意味着其他方所损失掉的注意力资源。

    Since the total supply from consumers to social attention resource is relatively constant , and not anybody can focus on two different things for the single consumer , the attention resource obtained by someone means that the others lose the similar things .

  20. 取消农业税政策手段的执行,通过财政政策的传导机制和财政政策乘数效应,使社会总需求或总供给发生变化,与政府的政策所期望实现的目标相一致。

    The execution of the policy means of cancel the agricultural tax , pass the conduction mechanism of the financial policy and financial policy multiplier effect , make the total social demand or supply change , compatible with the goal that the policy of the government expects to be realized .

  21. 同时要保持较快的经济增长速度,加大结构调整力度,提高产品科技含量,扩大社会的有效需求,使社会总需求与总供给能很好地对接起来。

    Meanwhile , we must quicken the growth of economy , strengthen the adjustment of economic structure , improve the scientific quality of products so that there will be a balance between supply and demand .