
  • 网络Investment supply
  1. 由此,从系统观点出发,对风险投资供给、风险投资组织、风险投资决策、风险投资需求和风险投资退出五个关键子系统进行了深入分析。

    Fram the perspective of more system option , the paper analyzes five key subject systems of venture investment including : venture investment supply , organization , decision , demand and exit .

  2. 然后通过分析十五期间的产业投资供给结构和产业投资需求结构,指出黑龙江省十五期间产业投资的基本形势和可能出现的问题。

    Secondly , by analyzing the real investment demand structure and the real investment supply structure , the basic situation and possible problems in the coming 10th five-year period are given .

  3. 测算了FDI对江西省固定资产投资供给的影响,并与中部五省进行了横向比较。

    The Empirical Study on the effect of FDI on investment in fixed assets in Jiangxi .

  4. 生育率下降与经济发展内生性要素的形成&兼论中国人力资本投资供给的制度性短缺

    Fertility Decline and the Shaping of the Endogenous Force of Economic Development

  5. 海南省教育投资供给现状的实证分析

    A Study on the Supply for Education Investment in Hainan

  6. 财政投资供给效应分析

    An Analysis on the Supply Effect of Fiscal Investment

  7. 这为西安市和西部解决区域经济增长提供了两条主要路径:①积极引进外资,增加投资供给;

    One is to introduce foreign investment to increase the supply of fixed-asset investment .

  8. 中国基础设施投资供给研究

    INVEST Research on Infrastructure Supply in China

  9. 同时,收入差距和公共财政政策都会影响到人力资本投资供给曲线的变动。

    On the other hand , income differences and public financial policies could affect the supply .

  10. 资金缺口巨大要求我国水利融资必须稳定现有资金渠道、开辟新的资金渠道,保证水利投资供给。

    Huge shortfall in water funds is necessary to stabilize the existing funding channels , and open up new funding channels , so as to guarantee water resource investment .

  11. 第三,公共投资供给曲线是所有最优规模点的集合,对政府制定相关政策具有指导和借鉴作用。

    Thirdly , the " the supply curve of public investment ", the collection of all the optimal size points , is the guidance and reference for government to take public investment policy .

  12. 因此,该模型有异于强调国际投资供给面(即资产开发)但忽略需求面(即获取资源)的主流国际投资模型或学说。

    So , this model differs from most of the mainstream models and paradigms , which often stress the supply-side of FDI ( i.e. , asset exploitation ) but ignore the demand-side ( i.e. , resource seeking ) .

  13. 美国开放式基金之所以发达,主要原因在于开放式基金具有协调发展的制度环境,如成熟的金融市场、充足的投资资金供给、完善的法律体系等;

    The main reason why American mutual fund is so advanced is that there is the concerted mechanism environment for mutual fund , such as the mature financial market , sufficient investment capital supply , well-developed system of laws and so on .

  14. 主要研究个税对经济产生的影响,具体体现为对储蓄、投资以及劳动供给的影响。

    The research is about the influence of saving and labor supply .

  15. 在此基础上,研究了国外风险投资的资本供给情况。

    Secondly , I develop a research on the capital supply of foreign countries .

  16. 证券分析师作为证券市场会计信息的采集者和投资信息的供给者,在证券市场上一直扮演着双重角色。

    Securities analysts have played a dual role through gathering accounting information and providing investment information in securities market .

  17. 十五期间中国铁路基本建设投资需求与供给预测分析

    Forecast the Demand and Supply for Investment in Railway Capital Construction of the 10 ~ ( th ) Five-year Plan

  18. 我国风险投资制度存在供给型制度的固有缺陷,且与所处的内外部制度环境存在明显的不适应。

    There is inherent limitation for supply-typed institution in China 's venture investment system , with explicit unfitness for its internal and external system environment as well .

  19. 对于支撑体系的设计则从风险投资的制度供给出发,分别就外部政策环境建设和内部制度安排进行阐述,同时简单分析了风险投资资本市场的建设。

    To design of supporting system , the article begins with analysis to institution supplies for venture capital . It discusses construction of external policy environment and arrangements of internal environment respectively .

  20. 而第4部分主要从筹资方式、对储蓄和投资、劳动供给、企业竞争力以及财政税收等方面分析开征社会保险税给一国带来的潜在影响;

    In the 4th part , it is studied that the influence awards to a country by levying the tax from the money raising method , saving and invest , labor supply , enterprise competition ability , public finance and taxation .

  21. 应当确立决策与投资相统一的供给主体,而不能简单地进行公司化运作;

    The infrastructure provider should be a single entity of decision and investment ;

  22. 中国不断增长的经常帐户盈余以及强劲投资意味着超额供给。

    China 's widening current-account surplus and its strong investment imply excess supply .

  23. 企业的投资从需求和供给两个方面影响产业结构,促使产业结构优化升级。

    Corporate investment from both the demand and supply of industrial structure , promote industrial structure optimization and upgrading .

  24. 投资者是整个投资活动资金的供给者,投资者利益保护是私募股权投资基金退出需解决的核心问题。

    To protect the interests of investors are the core problem to be resolved in the exit of Private Equity Fund .

  25. 这两个国家都拥有大量可出口谷物剩余,但需要更长期的投资,以确保供给反应的可持续性。

    Both countries have significant exportable cereal surpluses , but more long-term investment is needed to ensure that this supply response is sustainable .

  26. 佐利克还敦促更多私营部门对农业企业投资,包括为供给环节、基础建设和后勤项目融资。

    Mr Zoellick also urged more private sector investment in agribusiness , including the financing of supply chain , infrastructure and logistics projects .

  27. 政府生产性支出作为公共支出的一部分,在引导私人资本投资,提高劳动供给水平,促进经济长期增长方面具有重要作用。

    As a part of public expenditure , the productive government expenditure has an important effect on guiding private capital investment , improving the level of labor supply and promoting long-run economic growth .

  28. 作者首先对成都市近年来商品住宅市场的总体投资情况、土地供给情况、物业供给情况进行了数据统计和分析,叙述了成都市商品住宅市场在2002年国家开展宏观调控后的发展现状;

    First of all , the investment situation , land and housing supply in the commodity housing residences market is statistically analyzed , the developing situation of this market under macro adjustments and controls in 2002 is described in this paper .

  29. 但是随着农村经济发展步伐的加快,新农村建设需要大量资金投入,因此当前农村基础设施建设投资需求与资金供给的矛盾还十分突出。

    However , with the accelerated pace of economic development in rural areas , the new rural construction require significant capital investment , so the current investment in rural infrastructure , the contradiction between demand and supply of funds is also very prominent .

  30. 本文试用哈罗德-多玛投资理论分析对科技期刊的投资在期刊供给和需求方面的非对称性,以及其形成的原因。

    The unbalance and reason of supply and demand of science and technical journal are analysed with Harold-Doma investment theory in this article .