
  • 网络Investment Banker;i-banker
  1. 珍爱网的创始人和CEO李松曾就读于哥伦比亚大学,之前是一名投资银行家。

    Zhenai 's founder and CEO is a Columbia University-educated former investment banker named Song Li .

  2. 如果资深投资银行家张红力(LeeZhang)厌倦了日常工作,他可以考虑重新接受培训,成为一名广告销售员。

    If senior investment banker Lee Zhang ever tires of the day job , he could consider re - training as an advertising salesman .

  3. 许多白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。

    Many white-collar workers , like stock brokers and investment bankers , find themselves in the unemployment lines .

  4. 与此同时,伦敦金融城(city)的投资银行家、律师和会计师也对新的收费来源颇为心仪。

    City investment bankers , lawyers and accountants were meanwhile drawn by the promise of a new fee source .

  5. 比如说,硅谷的投资银行家们望眼欲穿地希望苹果收购Twitter。

    Silicon Valley investment bankers desperately would like to see Apple acquire twitter , for example .

  6. 一谈到汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)排名,投资银行家们就会开始哆嗦。

    Investment bankers generally start quivering when discussion turns to Thomson Reuters rankings .

  7. 35岁的投资银行家安德鲁•西蒙斯(AndrewSimmons)的观点则更为随意。

    Andrew Simmons , a 35-year old investment banker , has a more relaxed view .

  8. 高盛前高级投资银行家王理查(richardong)也加入了厚朴基金。

    Mr Fang was joined at Hopu by Richard ong , a former senior Goldman investment banker .

  9. 两年前,一位投资银行家严厉指责我使用“一团黑”(murky)来描述结构金融(structuredfinance)业务。

    A couple of years ago , an investment banker berated me for using the word " murky " to describe the world of structured finance .

  10. 很多从事IPO的投资银行家都从人文角度着手,向投资者许下各种承诺。

    A lot of investment bankers who do IPOs come at it from the perspective of the humanities and make all kinds of promises to investors .

  11. 南加利福利亚大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)2012年一项针对青年投资银行家的研究表明,加班以及由此导致的睡眠剥夺,对最近四年工作期间内出现的身体及情绪疾病负有责任。

    A 2012 University of Southern California study of young investment bankers suggests that punishing hours , and resulting sleep deprivation , contributed to physical and emotional ailments within four years on the job .

  12. 在摩根士丹利只干了不到两年,戈登伯格就被对冲基金行业相中,加盟了高桥资本管理公司(HighbridgeCapitalManagement),成为转投对冲基金行业的第一批年轻投资银行家之一。

    Less than two years into her stint at Morgan Stanley , Goldenberg was one of the first young investment bankers to be picked off by the hedge fund industry .

  13. 本次路演只对少数特权派开放&投资银行家及其高端客户,这些人将能以发行价购入Facebook股票。

    The roadshow is reserved for the privileged few & investment bankers and their well-heeled clients who will get a shot at buying Facebook shares at the offering price .

  14. 戴蒙德是聪明的投资银行家之一正如我的同事约翰凯(johnkay)指出的,这些人现在执掌着大部分重要的全球银行机构。

    Mr Diamond is one of those clever investment bankers who , as my colleague John Kay has noted , now manage most important global banking institutions .

  15. 李齐文指出,甚至是那些大部分时间用于在内地进行IPO工作的香港投资银行家,可能也会被认为有缴税义务。

    Mr Lee notes that even Hong Kong-based investment bankers who spend much of their time doing initial public offering work across the border could be deemed liable .

  16. 上月,一家香港法院宣判,摩根士丹利一名前投资银行家的内幕交易罪名成立。这名前雇员是在为中国最大的国有投资集团中信资源(CiticResources)提供顾问服务期间获得相关信息的。

    Last month , a Hong Kong court convicted a former Morgan Stanley investment banker for insider trading involving information he obtained while advising Citic Resources , China 's largest state-owned investment group .

  17. 杰夫•维斯蒙特曾是投资银行家,他创建了一家专注于消费品公司的对冲基金WestwoodsCapital。

    Jeff Westmont , a former investment banker , is the founder of westwoods capital , a consumer oriented hedge fund .

  18. 中国高级外交官之子、摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前投资银行家杜军,因内幕交易罪被判破纪录的七年徒刑。

    Du Jun , a former Morgan Stanley Investment Banker and son of a high-ranking Chinese diplomat , was given a record seven-year sentence for the offence .

  19. 中国证券监管机构将解除实行了10个月之久的首次公开发行(ipo)禁令,这个消息让西方投资银行家们打起精神,整整自己的领带。

    News that the Chinese securities regulator is set to lift a ten-month ban on initial public offerings has got western investment bankers sitting up straight and adjusting their ties .

  20. 据知情人士透露,今年美国银行(bankofamerica)将向投资银行家们支付丰厚奖金,但表现最佳员工的奖金将在3年内分批支付,而且其中股票将占据多数。

    Bank of America will pay healthy bonuses to its investment bankers this year but the compensation for its top performers will be spread over three years and the majority will be in stock , according to people familiar with the matter .

  21. 父亲1993年去世时,我25岁。我决定辞掉律师工作,与做投资银行家的哥哥一起创办CoffeeRepublic。

    It was when my dad died in 1993 when I was 25 that I decided to leave my job as a solicitor and start up Coffee Republic with my brother , then an investment banker .

  22. 该行最终选择了5个月前才加盟花旗的投资银行家潘伟迪(vikrampandit)。

    The bank eventually tapped Vikram Pandit , an investment banker who had joined Citi just five months earlier .

  23. 去年7月,摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前投资银行家杜军飞抵香港国际机场,试图通过供本地居民使用的自动化入境系统进入香港。

    In July last year a former Morgan Stanley Investment Banker flew to Hong Kong International Airport and attempted to enter the territory through an automated immigration system for local residents .

  24. 艾森伯格拥有范德堡大学(VanderbiltUniversity)的工程学与数学双学位,最初是一位投资银行家,后来开始为著名发明家、专利持有人莫里斯•堪巴工作。

    Eisenberg , a double major in engineering and mathematics from Vanderbilt University , originally worked as an investment banker before taking a job with the noted inventor and patent-holder , Maurice Kanbar .

  25. 自8年前互联网泡沫破裂以来,伦敦金融城和金丝雀码头(canarywharf)的投资银行家还没有感到过如此难以把握未来。

    Not since the bursting of the dotcom bubble eight years ago have investment bankers in the square mile and Canary Wharf faced such uncertainty about their future .

  26. 猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(armstronginternational)表示,华尔街和伦敦金融城的顶级投资银行家们今年年底的奖金中,将有至多70%以股票、而非现金的方式支付。

    Top investment bankers across Wall Street and the city of London will see up to 70 per cent of their year-end bonuses paid in shares rather than cash , according to the executive search firm Armstrong international .

  27. 全球招聘咨询公司OptionsGroup的数据显示,今年,一位顶级投资银行家在巴西平均可以赚取170万美元,是中国的两倍,比印度或美国高级管理人员的收入也要高出15%。

    This year , a top investment banker in Brazil will earn an average $ 1.7m , according to Options Group , a global recruitment consultancy , twice as much as in China , and 15 per cent more than managing directors in India or the US .

  28. 报纸仍然被看做是实现更深远的政治目标一种手段,而不是为了赚钱,珍克莱门特·特希尔(Jean-ClémentTexier),一名专注于媒体的投资银行家说道。

    Papers are still seen as a means to further political aims , not to make money , says Jean-Cl é ment Texier , an investment banker specialising in media .

  29. 同样,像FSA打压明星投资银行家长期性保底奖金之类的举措,只应针对大型机构,而不适用于小型机构。

    Similarly , initiatives such as the FSA 's crackdown on long-term guaranteed bonuses for star investment bankers ought to apply to large institutions rather than small ones .

  30. 上周五,花旗集团副董事长路易斯•卡登(LewisKaden)和投资银行家爱德华•凯利(EdwardKelly)与纽约联邦储备银行行长盖纳(TimothyGeithner)通了电话,讨论了不断恶化的局势。

    On Friday , Citigroup Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden and investment banker Edward Kelly spoke by phone with New York Fed President Timothy Geithner to discuss the worsening situation .