
  • 网络Investment Manager
  1. 更糟糕的是,俄罗斯持续上涨的不确定性,导致了投资经理人的投资延误,被广泛视为基准的德国IFO商业景气指数在八月份也出现下降情况。

    More devastating is the rising uncertainty over Russia that is causing managers to delay investment . Germany 's Ifo business-climate index , a widely watched benchmark , fell in August .

  2. 非对称信息下实物期权投资经理人的最优薪酬激励机制

    Optimal Salary Incentive Mechanism of Enterprise Manager in Real Option Investment Under Information Asymmetry

  3. 祖克曼告诉我他最近给一群投资经理人进行了一次关于偶遇的讲话。

    Zuckerman told me about a speech on serendipity he recently gave to an audience of investment managers .

  4. 投资经理人担心,这导致的结果是,在价格下跌或金融危机促使投资者将资金撤出债券基金时,债券市场会出现失灵。

    As a result investment managers fear that bond markets could seize up if falling prices or a financial crisis prompt investors to pull their money out of bond funds .

  5. 风险投资职业经理人的价值模型分析

    Analysis of Professional Entrepreneurs ' Value Model in Venture Capital Investment

  6. 中投公司还在物色高级研究员、分析师、公关经理以及负责欧洲、北美和新兴市场固定收益投资的经理人。

    CIC was also looking for managers for fixed-income investments for European , North American and emerging markets , senior researchers , analysts and public relations managers .

  7. 其次,对我国风险投资的经理人市场的三大信息不对称进行了分析,提出了发展我国经理人市场的政策建议;

    Secondly , this part analyzes 3 information asymmetry in managers ' market in venture capital investment , then provides some policy suggestion to develop the managers ' market of our country .

  8. 最后,对投资者如何合理使用评价结果、投资基金经理人的激励约束机制的建立以及中国投资基金的发展模式进行探讨并提出若干对策建议。

    Finally , we discuss and give some proposals about how to use the evaluation results , establishing the impelling and restraining mechanism of investment managers , and the development mode of china funds .

  9. 作为一个有投资意识的经理人,我们必须将资产与负债相分离。

    As investment-minded managers , we got to separate assets and liabilities .

  10. 这项计划遭到广泛质疑;此外,由于很多结构性投资工具的经理人已经采取其它措施,以支撑自己的财务状况,因此,对这只基金的需求也有所减退。

    The plan was met with widespread scepticism and the need for the fund has receded as many SIV managers have taken other steps to shore up their finances .

  11. 避免资产/贸易战的最安全之策,就是允许主权财富基金通过指数化产品或只做长线和多样化投资的外部经理人,进行被动型的股本投资。

    The safest way to avoid an asset / trade war is to allow SWFs to invest passively in equities via indexed products or via external , long-only , diversified investment managers .

  12. 在此基础上,本文对我国的16只开放式基金进行实证分析,对基金的的投资业绩、基金经理人的择时与选股能力、基金业绩的持续性以及基金的流动性风险进行评价。

    Based on the above all analyzing , this paper will go on to appraise the investment performance of the first 16 equity open-end fund in China , the skill of market timing and stock selection , the lasting performance and the liquidity risk of the fund .

  13. 据信,中投公司正在研究以基金的基金工具为“核心”投资,同时投资于单个经理人的基金。

    CIC is understood to be looking at investments in single-manager funds alongside a " core " investment in fund of funds vehicles .

  14. 从历史上看,外汇交易主要由经营全球业务的投资银行、商业银行、货币投资组合经理人、货币经纪人、大公司和极少部分的私人投资者把持。

    Historically , Forex has been dominated by inter-world investment and commercial banks , money portfolio managers , money brokers , large corporations , and very few private traders .