
  1. 投资效益审计目标及内容研究

    A Discussion on the Auditing Goal and Contents of the Investment Benefits

  2. 刍议提高学校基本建设投资效益审计质量

    The Immature Comment on Promoting Audit Quality for Invested Beneficial Results of School Basic Construction

  3. 本文从投资效益审计的目标及内容两个方面进行分析,旨在为探索投资审计提供一定的理论依据。

    This article gives an analysis on the goal and contents of the investment benefits auditing , intending to give a theoretical base for the researching of the investment auditing .

  4. 基于AHP的公共环境投资项目效益审计评价指标体系的构建

    The Construction of Performance Auditing & Evaluation System for Public Environmental Invest Project Based on AHP

  5. 基于改进逻辑框架法的公共投资项目效益审计研究

    Study of Improved Logical Framework Approach on Public Investment Project Performance Audit

  6. 对公共工程投资项目效益审计的探讨

    Discussion on Performance Auditing of The Public Investment Project

  7. 固定资产投资项目效益审计评价指标体系设计

    Design of Evaluation Index System for Performance Audit in the Fixed Assets Investment Project

  8. 科学发展观对于开展公共投资项目效益审计,提高公共资金使用效益、促进经济持续发展具有重要意义。

    The concept is of great significance to carrying out effectiveness audit on public investment projects , increasing effectiveness of public funds and promoting economic development .

  9. 本文以公共工程投资项目效益审计作为研究内容,探讨效益审计理论与实务的相关问题,希望有助于我国政府效益审计实务的顺利开展。

    This thesis takes government 's investment project as the research contents of the efficiency auditing , probes into relevant problems on the efficiency auditing theories and practices , and hopes to contribute to the smooth the development of the practice on the efficiency auditing of our government .

  10. 对环境投资项目的效益审计来说,“评价”方法比“审计”方法更重要。

    Discussion on classification and choosing audit measure of engineering benefit audit matters ;

  11. 公共投资项目的效益审计及运作

    About the Benefit Audit to the Public Investment Item

  12. 在公共投资领域开展效益审计是许多国家政府审计关注的重点和主要工作内容。

    Performance audit on public investment is getting more attention and become main work in many countries'government audits .

  13. 公共工程投资绩效审计与效益审计、财务收支审计既有区别,又有联系。

    Both difference and connection exist between performance audit , benefit audit and financial and accounting audit .

  14. 阐述了政府投资领域开展经济效益审计的必要性,分析了经济效益审计时应该注意的问题,并提出几点建议。

    This paper expounds the necessity of developing the economic benefit audit in the government 's investment field , analyzes on some problems needing attention in the economic benefit audit , and puts forwards some suggestions .

  15. 绩效审计视野下的政府投资项目全过程跟踪审计以科学发展观指导公共投资项目效益审计

    Following the Guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development on Carrying out Effectiveness Audit of Public Investment

  16. 油田产能建设项目的投资审计重点应做好项目投资的前期审计、项目投资的在建审计、项目投资的竣工结算审计、项目投资的竣工决算审计、项目投资的效益审计。

    The focal point of investment audit of oilfield producing energy construction project should make the early stage audit of project investment , building audit of project investment , project completed settling accounts audit and audit of returns of project investment , and benefit audit of project investment .