
  • 网络investment;Investment decision;Investment Strategy;capital budgeting
  1. 该研究有助于为供应链各成员提供RFID技术投资决策,并且为生鲜农产品供应链特定的不对称信息提出了解决方案。

    This study helps to provide RFID technology investment decisions and asymmetric information solutions for each member of the supply chain .

  2. 疯狂的股价还促使深圳证券交易所(Shenzhenstockexchange)警告投资者不要对新上市股票进行过度和盲目的炒作,而是要做出理性的投资决策。

    The giddy price moves also prompted the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to warn investors against excessive and blind speculation on new listings , but to make rational investment decisions .

  3. AHP方法在投资决策中的应用

    The Application of AHP in Investment Decision

  4. 以EVA激励机制为杠杆优化经营层投资决策

    Optimizing Input Decision-making by Lever of EVA Incentive Mechanism

  5. 这表明,VaR成为养老基金进行投资决策分析的有效工具。

    In conclusion , VaR is important for the analysis of decision-making for pension fund investment .

  6. 内资BOT公路建设项目投资决策评价模型研究

    Study on the Investment Decision-making and Economic Evaluation Based on China Inner Financed BOT of Highway Project

  7. 通过实例说明内资BOT电力基础设施建设项目投资决策的可行性和适用性。

    This article shows that the option game theory is feasible and applicable in the domestic BOT of the power infrastructure projects .

  8. 具有l2范数有界不确定性扰动的证券投资决策分析

    Decision Analysis of Long-term Portfolio Investment With l_ 2-norm Bounded Disturbance

  9. 本文结合众多案例,从资金时间价值的计算和投资决策中有关指标的计算两方面,详细地介绍了EXCEL财务函数在财务管理中的应用。

    From fund time value computation and investment decision related target computation , this article unifies the multitudinous cases , and introduced the EXCEL finance function in the financial control application .

  10. M-V证券组合投资决策的风险厌恶模型

    A Risk Aversion Model for Decision of M-V Portfolio Investment

  11. 包括:(1)B-S期权定价模型在企业战略投资决策中的应用。

    Includes : ( 1 ) The application of B-S option pricing model in enterprise strategy investment decision .

  12. 传统的投资决策分析方法(NPV法)往往会低估项目价值,存在很大的缺陷与不足。

    Traditional investment decision analysis method ( net present value method ) often underestimates the evaluation of investment project , which is great deficiency and shortage .

  13. 作为对传统投资决策中使用的NPV方法的延伸和扩展,它为企业投资提供了新的分析思路和分析方法,其应用价值正日益显现。

    As an extension of the NPV method for traditional investment decision analysis , real option theory offers new approach and techniques , and sees increasing practical value .

  14. 通过上海股价周收盘指数的时变Hurst指数的实证分析,时变指数的引入比原来常数指数对于投资决策来说具有更好的指导作用。

    Week-index analysis of Shanghai Stock Market is taken as a real example . Varying-time Hurst index is of better guidance than constant Hurst index for investment strategies .

  15. 长期以来,以净现值(NPV)法为代表的传统财务分析方法一直占据项目投资决策分析的核心地位,但是由于这些方法的假设并不符合实际情况,它们不能对项目进行正确的估价。

    The traditional investment decision analysis methods , such as net present value method ( NPV ), have been viewed as an effective way to think about corporate investment decisions . However , it can not properly deal with the valuation of project investments .

  16. 传统的投资决策方法是贴现现金流(DCF)方法,其本身隐含了对项目未来发展状况的预先假定,因而无法准确地对当前不确定性日益增大的投资机会作出合理的评价。

    Traditional investment decision-making approach is the discounted cash flow ( DCF ) method , which itself implies the future status of the project presupposes , and therefore can not accurately increasing the current uncertainty in the investment opportunity to make a reasonable assessment .

  17. 基于环境因素的企业项目投资决策方法研究

    Research on Enterprises Projects Investment Decision Method Based on Environmental Factors

  18. 国际航运投资决策应用实物期权方法的分析

    Applying Real Options Approach in Analysis of International Shipping Investment Decisions

  19. 网络安全风险分析与投资决策初探

    The Preliminary Research of Network Security Risk Analysis and Investment Decision-making

  20. 企业面临的一类投资决策是所谓的资本限量决策,文献1给出两种解法:获利指数法和净现值法。

    Capital rationing decision is a common problem enterprises confront .

  21. 风险投资决策中的错误研究

    The Error Research in Decision-making of Ventrue Capital On power capital INVESTMENT

  22. 国债二级市场和国债回购市场的投资决策模型研究

    The Decision Making Model of Bond Exchanging Market and Bond Repo Market

  23. 远洋渔船编队规划的多阶段投资决策

    Multi Stage Investment Decision of Planning Fleet for Deep Sea Fishing Vessels

  24. 用模糊线性规划进行公路建设投资决策

    Using Fuzzy Linear Programming to Make Investment and Decision of Highway Construction

  25. 新兴技术的研发投资决策

    New Technology The Decision of R & D Investment of Emerging Technology

  26. 蒙特卡洛模拟法在矿山投资决策中的应用

    Application of Monte Carlo method in mine investment decision making

  27. 试论估价师在房地产投资决策中的作用

    The Discussion of the Function of the Appraiser in Real Estate Investment

  28. 基础产业集团企业在投资决策中的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Invest Decision in Public Utility Group

  29. 项目投资决策中折现率的选择

    Choice of the discount rate in the investment decision of the project

  30. 社会资本、政治关系与公司投资决策

    Social Capital , Political Connections and Corporate Investment Decision