
tóu zī shōu yì
  • income from investment;income on an investment;income from an investment
  1. 你将能获得8%的平均投资收益率。

    You 'll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8 % on your investments .

  2. 他们愿意等待更加长期的投资收益,并不特别在乎短期利润。

    They are prepared to wait longer for a pay-back from investment rather than concentrate on short-term profits .

  3. 他的报告是关于今年投资收益的。

    His report was about this year 's investment income .

  4. Twitter如何向广告主证明投资收益率?

    How do you show ROI to advertisers ?

  5. 相似的,发行价格因子(PRC)与初始投资收益率因子(IR)与长期股票收益率之间呈现出负的相关性。

    Similarly , there is a negative relation between the buy-and-hold return and the offering price factor and the initial return factor .

  6. SOA的好处是很明显的:它们令企业将它们的应用程序都作为服务,这提高了投资收益。

    The benefits of SOAs are clear : they enable companies to expose any or all of their applications as services , which improves return on investment .

  7. 最大化SSD投资收益的方法就是将DB2fori数据放到SSD中,这将最大化应用程序的性能。

    The way to maximize investment in SSDs is to place DB2 for I data on SSDs that will maximize the performance of your applications .

  8. 针对净现值(NPV)与内部收益率(IRR)的非自洽性问题,认为再投资收益率说并不能很好地解释NPV与IRR非自洽的原因。

    In allusion to the reason of the conflict between NPV and IRR , this paper thinks reinvestment rate theory cant explain it well .

  9. 常言道,一个英国女人的家就是她的城堡,而女王的家真的是就是城堡。不过女王对伦敦市中心奢侈住宅——白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)——的偏爱,近来对她的不凡投资收益有突出贡献。

    In this case an Englishwoman 's home really is her castle , but the Queen 's bias towards central London luxury housing ( Buckingham Palace ) has been a clear source of outperformance recently .

  10. 对一个商业软件产品来说,商业案例应该包括一组关于项目和投资收益(ROI)的数量级的假设。

    For a commercial software product , the Business Case should include a set of assumptions about the project and the order of magnitude return on investment ( ROI ) if those assumptions are true .

  11. 本文主要讨论了度量金融风险的VaR方法,并且在股票收益随机游动的假设下计算了深圳股市在不同置信水平下的风险值,并与实际投资收益做了对比。

    This paper discusses the VaR methodology for measuring financial risk . Based on the random walk hypothesis of stock return , the VaRs of stock in Shenzhen market under different confidence level are investigated , and the comparisons with actual investment return are also presented .

  12. 沃伦•巴菲特在这场投资收益的竞赛中赌定,一支标准普尔500指数基金的表现将超过与其打赌的纽约资产管理公司ProtégéPartners所选5支对冲基金组合的平均回报率。

    In this competition about investment performance , Warren Buffett is contending that an S & P 500 index fund will outscore the average return of five hedge funds of funds picked by his betting opponent , New York asset management firm prot é g é partners .

  13. 文章介绍了能源投资收益率(EROI指数)的概念&能源生产过程中能源产出和能源消耗的比值,引入了能源质量因子的概念,并以此为理论依据介绍了能源投资收益率的计算方法。

    In this paper , the author introduced the concept of energy return on investment ( EROI ) and method of calculating EROI by energy quality .

  14. 结果表明:增施有机肥和氮肥能够提高黄瓜产量,经济效益和投资收益率均较高的是M2N3、M3N1、M3N2。

    The result showed that the yield of cucumber was increased by increasing the rate of organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer application , and the ones were M2N3 、 M3N1 、 M3N2 which had a higher economic benefit and investment income rate .

  15. 投资收益由投资者共享,投资风险由投资者共担。

    Both investment income and investment risk are shared by investors .

  16. 人力资本投资收益与风险分析

    The Analysis of Income and Risk from the Human Capital Investment

  17. 在自动化测试集的3年设计寿命到达时,客户的投资收益比已经达到236%之高。

    And after 3 years , the ROI is 236 % .

  18. 证券组合的投资收益率被忽视了。

    The rate of return on a portfolio has been neglected .

  19. 对冲基金投资收益与风险理论文献综述

    Literature Review of Investment Returns and Risks Theories of Hedge Fund

  20. 成本法核算时长期股权投资收益的确认

    The Confirmation of Long-term Share Investing Gains in Working out the Cost

  21. 首先,导出企业投资收益函数和投资临界值。

    Firstly , value function and investment threshold are derived .

  22. 一种卫生投资收益预测方法的探讨

    Study of A Kind of Medical Investment Profit Forecast Method

  23. 建立和完善人力资本投资收益机制;

    Establishing and completing system of labor capital investment benefit ;

  24. 或任意两种金融商品的边际投资收益率相等。

    Or the marginal cost of financing by financial product must be equal .

  25. 投资收益和风险的规划模型

    A programming model of return and risk in investment

  26. 基于马尔可夫模型的企业人力资本投资收益预测

    Income of Investment in human capital of enterprise based on Markov Forecasting Model

  27. 智力资本投资收益的制度分析

    The Institutional Analysis of Intelligence Capital Investment and Income

  28. 带随机投资收益的多险种风险过程的破产概率

    Ruin Probability of a Multiple Line Risk Process with a Stochastic Return on Investments

  29. 考虑投资收益率随机变化的复合二项风险模型的破产概率

    The ruin probabilities in compound binomial risk model with stochastic varying yields of investment

  30. 其他收入,列出具体来源,如自有生意的利润、信托投资收益等。

    Other income-specify source , e.g. , business profits ( self-employed ), trust , etc.