
  • 网络investor;Capital Investment Entrant Scheme;investment immigrants;Investor Immigrants
  1. 美国的创造就业投资移民签证项目,即EB-5,将于9月到期。国会参议院司法委员会主席格拉斯利、资深成员莱希日前联合提出一项两党支持的议案,延长并完善EB-5项目。

    US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy introduced bi-partisan legislation to extend and improve the job-creating immigrant investor visa program , known as EB-5 , which is set to expire in September .

  2. 加拿大的投资移民计划提供了若干好处,对国际投资者,包括前面永久居民身份,并保证投资回报。

    Canada 's Immigrant Investor Program offers several benefits to international investors , including permanent resident status up front and guaranteed repayment of the investment .

  3. 人们对移民方案的兴趣如此浓厚,以至于业内专家们已经建立了投资移民理事会(InvestmentMigrationCouncil),旨在推动行业发展,设立透明度标准。

    There 's been so much interest in immigration alternatives that experts have established the Investment Migration Council , whose mandate is to promote the industry and set standards of transparency .

  4. 北京的两大移民顾问公司——GlobeVisa和CansineImmigration在继加拿大投资移民之路破灭之后正大力推荐美国投资的道路。

    Two major emigration consultancies in Beijing , Globe Visa and Cansine Immigration , are recommending the US now that Canada 's immigrant-investor option has shuttered .

  5. 现有的EB5投资移民方案是不错的,但对大部分中国移民来说,可能并不适合。

    The existing EB5 program is fine but may not be suitable for many Chinese immigrants .

  6. 投资移民理事会主席季米特里•科切诺夫(DimitryKochenov)是一名马耳他国籍项目顾问。据我所知,马耳他的国籍项目是最受业内专家们推崇的项目。

    Dimitry Kochenov , who runs the IMC , was an adviser on the Malta citizenship programme , which I 'm told is the one most favoured by industry specialists .

  7. 投资移民仍为中国有钱人考虑的主要问题。

    Investment immigration continues to be at the top of rich Chinese minds .

  8. 投资移民面试培训口译。

    Interpreter of investment immigration interview simulations .

  9. 签证面试问题:a)你申请的移民属于哪个种类?是属于技术移民、投资移民还是家庭移民?

    VISA INTERVIEWER QUESTIONS : a ) What category will you immigrate under , Skilled Worker , Business or Family ?

  10. 此项目旨在吸引大陆某领域的专业人才移民香港,但是这有别于投资移民。

    That program is designed to attract immigrants in certain professions from the mainland , but is different from the investment immigration plan .

  11. 其中,近年以美国、加拿大及其魁北克省为代表的投资移民立法就是这种趋势的典型反映。

    The legislations of immigration through investment in America and Canada , including its Quebec province have been the typical reflection of this trend .

  12. 因此,笔者拟就北美国家关于投资移民的立法进行比较评析,同时研讨中国关于投资移民立法的前景。

    So it is necessary to compare and analyze these legislations on immigration in North America and to improve Chinese legislations in this field .

  13. 联邦及魁省的投资移民条件不太一样,遭联邦拒绝,要看看什么原因。

    Federal and the investment immigrant condition that chief omits are not quite same , refuse federally by , want to see what reason .

  14. 加拿大政府同时对加拿大联邦投资移民提出了新的申请标准,以便于投资移民项目对加拿大经济有更大的贡献。

    The Government is also proposing new eligibility criteria for the immigrant investor program so it makes an even greater contribution to the Canadian economy .

  15. 要看是什么性质移民,假如技术移民,几万就可以。若是投资移民可能需要200万。

    Should looking is what property immigrant , if the technology is emigrant , tens of thousands of OK . If invest emigrant likelihood , need 2 million .

  16. 昨日金融中介机构与魁北克移民部的联席会议确认魁北克投资移民项目不会暂停。

    At a meeting held yesterday between the financial intermediaries and MICC , it was confirmed that there will be no moratorium on the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program .

  17. 最近大家或许已听说联邦政府正在考虑在目前80万加元的基础上进一步提高投资移民计划的资产净值。

    You may all have heard recently that the federal government is considering increasing the threshold of net worth from the current $ 800,000 for their immigrant investor program .

  18. 大陆媒体以及香港(前英国殖民地)都报道称马云将在2015年年底之前通过投资移民前往香港。

    Media reports in China and in the former British colony have said Ma will become a Hong Kong resident by the end of 2015 through an investment immigration plan .

  19. 中国人对美国投资移民的庞大需求本身也使得美国绿卡更难拿了。现在中国已经是世界上最大的人口出口国。

    The sheer demand for visas to the U.S. and elsewhere by Chinese is making them harder to get , with China now the world 's biggest exporter of its people .

  20. 和美国投资移民不同,L-1签证对于在美国的投资金额,以及在美国创造的工作都没有特别要求。一般来说,几个星期就可以批下来。

    The L-1 visa has no investment or job-creation requirements , while the U.S. investor visa program does , and L-1 visas can usually be approved in a matter of weeks .

  21. 美国是中国富豪最喜欢的移民目的地。上个财政年度美国批准的7600个投资移民的签证中,有八成给了中国人。

    The U.S. is the most popular destination , with as many as 80 % of the 7 , 641 investor immigrant visas approved in the U.S. in fiscal 2012 taken up by Chinese .

  22. 议案还同时赋予国土安全部更大权限,可否决或终止涉及欺诈、犯罪分子滥用、威胁公共安全和美国国家安全的投资移民申请。

    It also will provide increased authority to the Department Of Homeland Security to deny or terminate applications where there is fraud , criminal misuse , or a threat to public safety or national security .

  23. 曾经开放包容的美国,如今关上了国门,拒绝众多技术和投资移民。

    A less tolerant America , whose prosperity was built on openness to the world , has shut down its borders and locked out many of the skilled and eager immigrants whose help it could dearly use .

  24. 申请加拿大联邦商业投资移民遭拒签,可否转入申请魁北克省投资移民,需要等多久才可重新申请?

    Application Canada federal commerce invests immigrant to be signed by refus , can deny turn to apply for Quebec to save investment immigrant , how long to need to wait for ability to you can apply for afresh ?

  25. 最近,已经办好了英国的投资移民的签证了,马上把孩子送到英国去读书。免得他们学习瑞典语了。瑞典语是个小语种,学了没有多大用途。

    Recent , Has run the UK 's investment of immigrant visa , Immediately send their children to Britain to study , Lest they learn Swedish the , Swedish is a small language , Learn there is not much use .

  26. 咨询公司贝恩(BainCompany)在周二发布的一份报告中说,大批中国有钱人仍想投资和移民海外,但他们的目标已开始发生变化。

    China 's rich continue to want to invest and move abroad in large numbers , but their goals have begun to shift , consulting firm Bain Company said in a report released Tuesday .

  27. 咨询公司贝恩(Bain&Company)在周二发布的一份报告中说,大批中国有钱人仍想投资和移民海外,但他们的目标已开始发生变化。

    China 's rich continue to want to invest and move abroad in large numbers , but their goals have begun to shift , consulting firm Bain & Company said in a report released Tuesday .

  28. 过去30年,随着国际贸易、跨境投资和移民等各方面的蓬勃发展,全球化进程得以加速进行。

    That process has accelerated during the past 30 years , as international trade , cross-border investment and migration have all boomed .

  29. 全球发展中心分析了7个领域环境,援助,贸易,投资,移民,安全和科技每个领域在总排名中都分值均等。

    CGD analysed seven policy areas environment , aid , trade , investment , migration , security and technology each contributing equally to the overall ranking .

  30. 但俄罗斯总是对中国的动机心存猜疑,对于太多投资或移民进入其广袤、人口稀少的东部地区持谨慎态度。

    But Russia has always mistrusted Chinese motives , and is cautious of too much investment , or migration , into its vast and under-populated eastern regions .