
  • 网络Investment Banking;Investment Banking Industry;Careers in Investment Banking
  1. 投资银行业一直被认为是MBA学员的传统归宿之一。

    Investment banking has always been considered one of the traditional homes of an MBA .

  2. 对美国那些重提格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法(Glass-SteagallAct)的人来说,界限是在商业银行与风险更高的投资银行业之间。

    For those in the US who hark back to the Glass-Steagall Act , the distinction is between commercial and riskier investment banking .

  3. 中国加入WTO之后,根据《服务贸易总协定》和新的金融服务协议,资本市场上首先开放的就是投资银行业。

    After China 's entry into WTO , according to the General Agreement on Trade and Service and the new Finance Service Agreement , the first open financial industry is investment bank industry .

  4. 在IPO之后,私人银行家希望获取一大部分上市收益,这些收益正是他们的投资银行业的同事协助创造的。

    After the IPO , the private bankers are hoping to capture a large part of the float proceeds that their investment banking colleagues helped to create .

  5. 那些在资本市场或投资银行业工作的人,可以期望在头三年实现薪金翻倍,与新聘用的MBA毕业生的薪金相当。

    Those working in capital markets or investment banking could expect to double that in the first three years , giving them salaries similar to newly recruited MBAs .

  6. 咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)预测,在监管压力之下,全球投资银行业的超额回报可能会减半。

    McKinsey , the management consultancy , predicts that the very high returns in global investment banking could halve under regulatory pressure .

  7. 1980年,我正式进入投资银行业,开始负责雷曼兄弟库恩-洛布公司(LehmanBrothersKuhnLoeb)的能源客户业务。当时,个人计算机还没有出现。

    When I started as an energy client coverage investment banker at Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb in 1980 , the personal computer had yet to be invented .

  8. 投资银行业正在做好准备,迎接就业岗位的加速流失。此前,作为该行业的明星,高盛(GoldmanSachs)尽管第二季度业绩出色,但仍在上周对其全球范围内的投行部门进行了裁员。

    Investment banks are bracing themselves for an acceleration in job losses after Goldman Sachs , the sector 's star performer , last week made cuts to its investment banking division worldwide in spite of posting impressive second-quarter results .

  9. 惠誉培训(FitchLearning)的毕业生业务专门为投资银行业的新人提供培训服务,该业务的主管拉贾•苏德(RajSood)指出:“他们的要求要高得多。他们希望自己能够快速晋升。”

    Raj Sood , head of Fitch Learning 's graduate business , which teaches trainee investment bankers , observes : " They are much more demanding . They want their careers to move quickly . "

  10. 如今,35年过去了,我仍然没有离开投资银行业,并且还供职于最初入行时的公司&巴克莱(Barclays),雷曼兄弟破产后,巴克莱收购了其北美资产。

    Today , 35 years later , I am still an investment banker , surprisingly at a legacy of the same firm at which I started – Barclays [ Barclays bought the North American assets of Lehman out of bankruptcy ] .

  11. 如今,35年过去了,我仍然没有离开投资银行业,并且还供职于最初入行时的公司——巴克莱(Barclays),雷曼兄弟破产后,巴克莱收购了其北美资产。这算是一个令人意外的奇迹。

    Today , 35 years later , I am still an investment banker , surprisingly at a legacy of the same firm at which I started - Barclays [ Barclays bought the North American assets of Lehman out of bankruptcy ] .

  12. 次贷危机下我国投资银行业发展的对策

    Development Strategies of China 's Investment Banking under Subprime Lending Crisis

  13. 众所周知,投资银行业已经不存在了。

    Investment banking , as we know it , is dead .

  14. 从当前国际投资银行业的竞争特点看我国投资银行的发展

    Development . On The Development of Investment Bank in China INVESTMENT

  15. 融资制度创新与中国投资银行业的发展前景

    Financing System Innovation and Developing Future of Investment Bank of China

  16. 中国投资银行业存在的问题及对策研究

    Study on Problem and Countermeasure of Investment Banking Industry in China

  17. 但投资银行业尤其不稳定,需要依赖“明星”个体的出现。

    But investment banking is unusually volatile and reliant on individual stars .

  18. 硬性推销文化在投资银行业继续大行其道。

    The hard-sell investment banking culture has continued to predominate .

  19. 美国投资银行业重现活力?

    US Investment Banks : A Spring In Their Step ?

  20. 中国投资银行业发展的研究

    The Study of the Development of China 's Investment Bank

  21. 高盛取得上述业绩之际,整个投资银行业收入增长迅猛。

    It came amid booming revenues right across the investment banking sector .

  22. 投资银行业之所以重要,并不是因为它规模庞大。

    It is significant not because it is big .

  23. 我认为,这种邪恶的不对称是投资银行业背后的驱动因素。

    I hold that this vicious asymmetry is the driving factor behind investment banking .

  24. 这就是投资银行业要想取得成功就必须削减成本的原因所在。

    That is why cost cutting is vital if the industry is to succeed .

  25. 合伙制、激励机制与投资银行业创新路径探讨

    Partnership , Incentives and Innovation of Investment Banks

  26. 如此混乱的局面为精明玩家提供了机遇,尤其是在声誉扫地的投资银行业。

    Such turmoil creates opportunities for smart players , particularly in the discredited investment-banking sector .

  27. 我知道在目前的投资银行业中并没有多少女性,但事实上这个行业需要更多女性。

    I know there are not many women investment bankers – but there should be .

  28. 投资银行业是一个与人打交道的行业。

    Investment banking is a people business .

  29. 扫一眼1997年的投资银行业排名,一些久违的名字赫然在目。

    A scan of the investment banking rankings for 1997 throws up some long-lost names .

  30. 这部分因为投资银行业是个周期性的行业,可能达到顶峰。

    This is partly because investment banking is a cyclical business , which may be peaking .