
  1. 这里的一般文化产业是指非特色文化产业。

    Here general cultural culture industry refers to the non-characteristic culture industry .

  2. 延安特色文化产业发展透视

    Yan'an Special Cultural Property Development Fluoroscopy

  3. 特色文化产业与农村社区发展关系研究&以甘肃庆阳市香包产业为例

    On Relationship between Cultural Industries with Regional Features and Development of Rural Communities & A Case Study of Sachet Industry in Qingyang City

  4. 特色文化产业既有产生区域经济发展的一般性功能,又有适应区域经济发展的特殊性功能。

    Characteristic culture industry not only produces a general feature of regional economic development , but also has the special function which adapts to the regional economic development .

  5. 第五,必须加快推进社会主义文化建设,深化文化体制改革,大力发展特色文化产业,促进社会主义文化大发展大繁荣。

    Fifth , must accelerate socialist culture construction , deepen the reform of the cultural system , develop the special cultural industry , and to promote socialist cultural greater development and prosperity .

  6. 并从加强组织领导、创新扶持政策、强化宏观管理三个方面论述了加快青海省玉树地区特色文化产业发展的保障措施。

    And from strengthening the organization leadership , innovation aid policy , strengthening macroscopical management three respects discussed accelerating safeguard measures of Qinghai Yushu area characteristics culture and the cultural industry development .

  7. 根据其资源特征和优势,文章提出了依托民族文化资源优势建设湘西特色文化产业的构想,并就关于建设湘西特色文化产业的市场创新提供了建设性建议。

    According to the resources ' characteristics and advantages , this paper puts forward a tentative idea of building a cultural industry with its own characteristics , and provides some constructive suggestions about the industry 's marketing innovations .

  8. 以文化建设为突破口,发展地方特色文化产业,闯出一条绿色发展的新路子为例!得出文化建设在转变经济发展方式,提高地方文化软实力中的重要作用。

    In hospital culture construction as a breakthrough , rushes out a new way of green development for example ! Draw culture construction in the transformation of the mode of economic development and improve the local cultural soft power in an important role .

  9. 加快推进双峰县特色文化旅游产业发展的思考

    Reflection about Quickening the Development of Characteristic Culture Tourism of Shuangfeng County

  10. 构建具有历史文化名城优势和地方特色的文化产业体系。

    To form cultural enterprise system with advantage of historical cultural famous city and regional features .

  11. 因此,民族特色是文化产业在当今世界发展中的重大趋势。

    So , national features are the most important trends in the development of cultural industry .

  12. 这样不仅能进一步发展民族文化,逐步提升民族地区的政治、文化认同感,还能发展特色民族文化产业和地区特色经济。

    This will not only develop national culture and improve the political and cultural identity , but also develop economic characteristics .

  13. 通过对杂志上登载的征文、广告的研究试图了解晚清小说初:具现代特色的文化产业特征;

    Trying to understand the cultural industry characteristic of Late Qing novel which for the first time showed " modern feature " through study on Solicit articles , advertisement published on the magazines .

  14. 对文化产品的商品性,文化资本、文化产业的市场性和重要性,以及如何发展中国特色的文化产业等新问题,进行了新的探索。

    In this paper , the commercial quality of cultural product , the marketing and significance of cultural capital and industry , and how to advance cultural industry with Chinese feature are newly explored .

  15. 所以,我省的广大民族地区,应该充分依托丰富的文化资源,发展具有民族特色的文化产业,为地方区域发展开拓更广阔的空间。

    Therefore , our province general multi-national area , should depend on the rich cultural resources fully , the development has the national characteristics cultural industry , develops a broader space for the place area development .

  16. 在经济全球化的背景中,我们需要对客家文化进行市场化移植,从而使客家文化真正走向市场,形成具有自己特色的文化产业。

    In the background of the economic globalization , we need to transplant Hakkas ′ culture to marketization , really make Hakkas ′ culture move towards the market , and form the cultural industry with one ′ s own characteristic .

  17. 要以全面的发展观为指导,丰富农村文化建设的内容,开展形式多样的农村文化活动;开展具有农村地域特色的文化产业。

    As a guide of the scientific development , the contents of cultural construction in rural areas should be richer , various forms of rural cultural activities should be . conducted and with regional characteristics of the cultural industry in rural areas be carried out .

  18. 改革开放20多年来,广东的文化产业取得了长足的发展。目前已基本形成融入市场经济大循环的文化市场和文化产业,初步形成了具有自身特色的文化产业布局和架构。

    With the reform and open policy of more than twenty years , the culture industry in Guangdong has achieved plenty of progress , has grown into culture market rooting in market economy circle and has preliminarily formed culture layout and framework with own characteristics .

  19. 论地方特色文化资源的产业化经营

    On Industrialization of Cultural Resources of Local Specific Characteristics

  20. 我们应当加快改革步伐,在与世界文化交融的同时,努力发展有中国特色的社会主义文化产业。

    We should step up our reform , and do our best to develop the socialist culture industry with China 's characteristics while ours melts with the world 's culture .

  21. 应对新的形势,必须大力发展我国的民族文化产业,应广泛吸纳社会资金、增强市场运作能力,逐步形成具有中国特色的民族文化产业。

    Therefore , we need to make great efforts to develop our national cultural industry , absorb more social funds and increase the ability in operating the market , thus forming a national cultural industry with Chinese characteristics .

  22. 长沙歌厅产业是湖南具有地方特色的演出类文化产业,在我国有比较大的名气。

    The Performing arts industry in Changsha is local characteristics of the performance culture industry in our country , has a relatively large fame .

  23. 特色内含的复杂性和城镇本身的特点决定了塑造城镇特色的过程需要景观设计与特色经济建设和文化产业发展同时进行,并要求具体建设与政策法规、评价体系共同约束和引导。

    The complexity of characteristic and identity of small town determined that the progress of mould small town identity requests townscape design to go on with characteristic economic construction and cultural industry development at the same time , requiring policies and regulations and appraising system restrain and guide together .