
  1. 通过对其旅游业的研究提出改善其淡旺季经济、餐饮业、文化娱乐服务业的经营状况的措施。

    Through analyzing the tourism research are presented to improve its season economy , catering , entertainment and cultural services operating status measures .

  2. 在我的首次东京之旅中,我曾因为小费问题,颇为尴尬地与一位出租车司机僵持不下。自那以后,我对于不同文化处理服务业员工报酬的方式一直感到困惑。

    I have been puzzled by the way that different cultures approach service workers " pay ever since I was involved in an awkward stand-off over a tip with a taxi driver during my first trip to Tokyo .

  3. 文化价值取向对服务业顾客评价服务质量的影响&以中国天津的医疗行业为例

    Effect of Cultural Value Orientation on Evaluation of Service Quality in Service Industry & Taking the Hospital Industry of Tianjin for a Case

  4. 礼仪文化产业包括礼仪服务业和礼仪用品制造业,其中礼仪服务业包括礼仪培训业、庆典礼仪业、礼仪用品销售业及礼仪中介业等。

    Etiquette culture industry including etiquette service and manufacture industry . Etiquette supplies services and manufacturing industries , service industries , including one of etiquette training business etiquette , wedding etiquette business etiquette and ritual supplies sales intermediary industry and so on .

  5. 推进金融、教育、文化、医疗等服务业领域有序开放,放开育幼养老、建筑设计、会计审计、商贸物流、电子商务等服务业领域外资准入限制,进一步放开一般制造业。

    The finance , education , culture and medical sectors will enjoy an orderly opening-up to market access , while nursery , pension , architecture design , accounting and auditing , trade and logistics , and e-commerce investment restrictions will be eased .