
  • 网络Network Culture Industry;internet culture industry
  1. 第三部分是中国网络文化产业SWOT分析。

    The third part mainly discusses the SWOT analysis of Chinese Internet culture industry .

  2. 中国网络文化产业的发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategies for Chinese Internet Culture Industry

  3. 网络文化产业的发展与湖北省支柱产业结构的调整

    The Development of Net-cultural Industry and the Adjustment of Hubei Pillar Industry

  4. 在与人类社会的经济发展和文化建设的相互关系中,网络文化产业发挥了重要的社会功能。

    Network culture industry play important social role in economy and culture , i.

  5. 优化网络文化产业结构,大力开发教育软件市场;

    Optimizing the structure of Internet culture industry and developing educational software market vigorously ;

  6. 追逐网络文化产业盈利新支点

    Seeking New Profitability from the Net Culture Industry

  7. 提高网络文化产业的科技含量,增强竞争力;

    Improving the scientific and technological content of Internet culture industry and strengthening the competitiveness ;

  8. 网络文化产业研究

    A Study on Network - Culture Industry

  9. 所以在发展网络文化产业中,必须坚持正确的导向。

    So the development of network culture industry , must adhere to the correct orientation .

  10. 推动体育产业与网络文化产业联动发展具有重要的战略意义。

    Boosting the interactive development of the sport industry and the network culture industry is strategically important .

  11. 网络文化产业是文化产业的新兴领域,发展潜力巨大。

    Network culture industry is a new field of the culture industry with great potential of development .

  12. 如果不重视网络文化产业的发展,后果将不堪设想。

    If do not attach importance to the development of network culture industry , consequence will be unimaginable .

  13. 任何产业在其兴起之初,都不可能完美无缺,网络文化产业也不例外。

    Any industry in the rise early , is impossible to perfection and network culture industry is no exception .

  14. 首先介绍了与网络文化产业密切相关的文化产业和网络产业的概念。

    First the concepts of culture industry and network industry that are closely related to Internet culture industry have been introduced .

  15. 网络文化产业是大连市新的经济增长点,是知识经济时代最具竞争力的产业之一。

    Internet culture industry as the most competitive industry in knowledge-based economy time , becomes a new economic growth point in Dalian .

  16. 网络文化产业已经逐渐成为公认的新的赢利支点,一个全新的虚拟文化市场正在兴起。

    The Internet culture industry has become a recognized new profit pivot gradually , and a brand-new fictitious cultural market is springing up .

  17. 从广义上讲,网络文化产业是以互联网络为主要依托,平台扩展至手机等通讯网络的文化产业。

    From the broad sense , network culture industry is mainly rely on Internet , platform for extended to mobile phones telecommunication network culture industry .

  18. 从狭义上讲,网络文化产业是指基于互联网络这一平台从事文化产品生产和提供文化服务的经营性行业。

    In narrow sense , network culture industry based on Internet refers to the platform in cultural and provide the cultural service products production and business industry .

  19. 但是,目前大连市网络文化产业还存在一些问题,例如:对网络文化产业认知程度不足、原创产品开发贫乏、经营管理市场不完善等等。

    There still exist some problems , however , in Internet culture industry of Dalian . For example , the low degree of awareness in Internet culture industry , deficient exploitation for original productions and the imperfect administration in market .

  20. 网络文化产业是展示国家形象的重要手段,同时,网络文化产业在缓解社会压力,构建和谐社会方面也将起到巨大的作用。

    Network culture industry is an important means of show the image of the state , and at the same time , the network culture industry in the alleviation social pressure , constructing the harmonious society but also have the will play a tremendous role .

  21. 网络游戏文化产业化的研究

    A study of the industrialization of the cyber games culture

  22. 我国网络传媒的文化产业经营研究

    Researching on Culture Industry Management of Chinese Online Media

  23. 网络游戏作为文化产业中最有活力的部分,国家加大了对该产业的政策扶植力度。

    As the cultural industry in the most active part , the country has enlarged to this industrial policy prop dynamics .

  24. 网络游戏产业属于文化产业,是文化产业里不可缺少的组成部分之一。

    The network game industry is one of the indispensable part of the culture industry .

  25. 间接效益来自于依托文化事业的相关产业,如文化旅游业、网络文化业、动漫产业、音像产业、影视产业、其他版权产业、艺术品市场等。

    The indirect benefits are from culture-related sectors , such as cultural tourism , network culture industry , animation industry , audiovisual industry , film and television industry , other copyright-based industries and art market .

  26. 网络兼容并蓄,网络文化产业更是丰富多彩,包括网上新闻资讯、网络文学、网络音乐和电影、网络游戏和网上动漫等内容。

    Network incorporates things of diverse nature and network culture industry is even richer and more colorful , including news resources and information in the internet , network literature , network music and film , network game and cartoon , etc.

  27. 伴随网络文化的大潮,网络文化产业也日益蓬勃发展。

    The Internet culture industry has grown vigorously accompanied with the springtide of Internet culture .

  28. 伴随着网络文化大潮,我国的网络文化产业也从无到有,并逐步成长为一个消费额数以亿计的巨大市场。

    With the development of worldwide network culture , China 's network culture industry is growing from naught to an enormous market whose consumption amount is over ten million .

  29. 网络游戏的发展是伴随着网络文化和文化产业共同的发展而进行的。

    The development of cyber games is following the common development of cyber culture and culture industry .

  30. 苏州市顺应网络文化发展的大趋势,采取了一系列网络文化建设与管理的措施,创造了健康文明的网络环境,为苏州市网络文化产业的快速成长提供了支持。

    Suzhou follows the development trend of Internet culture , adopted a series of measures of Internet culture construction and management to create a healthy and civilized Internet environment for Internet cultural industries in Suzhou City .