
  • 网络Emerging Industry;industry
  1. 这些包括政府对于科研方面的资金支持、国家对于新兴产业的政策扶持、教育上的成果、工程师和科学家的培养,甚至还有互联网宽带服务的网速。

    These include government financing for scientific research , national policies to support emerging industries , educational achievement , engineers and scientists graduated , even the speeds of Internet broadband service .

  2. 运用SWOT分析法,对河南省发展战略性新兴产业的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行分析。

    Based on this , the paper uses SWOT method to analyze the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of developing the strategically emerging industries in Henan Province .

  3. 尽管这可能会提高亚轨道旅行的安全性,但它将给这个新兴产业增加巨大的成本和复杂性,而这个新兴产业迄今为止主要是亿万富翁和抱有梦想的工程师的乐园。

    While that may make suborbital travel safer , it would add significant cost and complexity to an emerging industry that has until now operated largely as the playground of billionaires and dreamy engineers .

  4. 要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇,加快5G网络、数据中心等新型基础设施建设,抓紧布局数字经济、生命健康、新材料等战略性新兴产业、未来产业。

    While seizing the opportunities of industrial digitization and digital industrialization , China also needs to expedite the construction of " new infrastructure4 " projects such as 5G networks and data centers , and deploy5 strategic emerging sectors6 and industries of the future including digital economy , life health services and new materials .

  5. 简要介绍一门新兴产业&物业设施管理(FM)的发展背景、内容和现状,并提出发展物业设施管理行业的几点看法。

    Introduce the development background , content and current situation of facility management which is the new industry today then put forward some viewpoints of facility management .

  6. 发展CNG汽车可以解决石油资源短缺、调整能源结构、治理汽车尾气污染和培育新兴产业等问题。

    The development of CNG vehicles can solve such issues as shortage of petroleum resources , the imbalance of energy structure , the pollution of automobile exhaust , and it can nurture emerging industries .

  7. 本文使用Matlab软件绘制出战略性新兴产业的规模分布图,发现战略性新兴产业的规模分布服从对数正态分布,中小企业构成产业发展的主体,在战略性新兴产业的发展中发挥了重大作用。

    We use the matlab software to map out the size distribution of strategic emerging industries , find that the size distribution of strategic emerging industries obey lognormal distribution , SMEs constitute the subject of industries development and play a major role in the development of strategic emerging industries .

  8. “沙产业”是21世纪的新兴产业,经过20a来的生产实践,已开始步入科学有序的发展轨道。

    Desert Industry is a new and expanding industry . Through the productive practice over more than 20 years , desert industry has got onto a developing course with scientific order .

  9. 兽医生物制品产业是一个迅速崛起的新兴产业。

    Veterinary biological products industry is a rapidly emerging new industry .

  10. 首先对现有的战略性新兴产业政策进行分类描述。

    First to existing strategic emerging industry policy classification and description .

  11. 吉林省新兴产业选择与培育战略研究

    Strategic Study on Choice and Fostering Emerging Industries of Jilin Province

  12. 分离科学是自然科学和应用科学中的一个重要分支。如今,以生物医学和手性药物分离为代表的新兴产业对分离科学提出了更高的要求。

    Separation science is an essential branch of science and technology .

  13. 物联网产业在我国是一个具有巨大潜力的新兴产业。

    The Internet of Things is an emerging industry with huge potential .

  14. 目前,旅游业已经跃升为世界上最具潜力的新兴产业。

    Now tourism has leapt to the most promising new industry worldwide .

  15. 六是培育新兴产业,促进草业、加工业及服务行业的发展,延伸产业链条。

    Improve the new industry and its extended industry chains .

  16. 两年前国务院确定了七大战略性新兴产业。

    Two years ago the State Council identified seven big strategic emerging industries .

  17. 电子信息科学技术的新动向与未来新兴产业

    New Tends of Electronics and Information Science and Technology and the Future Industry

  18. 旅游业是当今世界上发展前景广阔、产业规模庞大的新兴产业。

    The tourism industry is developing fast in the world with large scale .

  19. 物业管理在我国是个新兴产业。

    Community management is a new industry in China .

  20. 浅论河南林业新兴产业的发展

    Discussion on Development of New Forestry Industrial in Henan

  21. 新兴产业:现代物流业

    A Rising Industry : Modern Industry of Goods Flow

  22. 作为农村新兴产业,沈阳市休闲农业起步较晚,但发展较为迅速。

    The recreational agriculture in Shenyang city started recently but developed very rapidly .

  23. 文化产业是全球范围内的一个新兴产业。

    Culture industry is one of the rising industries around the whole world .

  24. 大力培育战略性新兴产业。

    We will foster emerging industries of strategic importance .

  25. 新兴产业也用古老的销售方式。

    Young industries are embracing old sales techniques .

  26. 旅游业是龙泉乡的新兴产业。

    Longquan Rural tourism is an emerging industry .

  27. 旅游业是世界上发展最快的新兴产业和朝阳产业之一。

    Tourism industry is one of the emerging and sunrise industries in the world .

  28. 对于新兴产业,其中不正当竞争和垄断现象的判断错综复杂。

    For emerging industries , which determine the intricacies of unfair competition and monopoly .

  29. 它反映了溢出效应的变化,与传统产业相比,溢出效应对新兴产业的影响更大;在各类产业内部,溢出效应的影响随产业的发展而降低。

    It reflects the change of spill effect .

  30. 异军突起的新兴产业&典当行

    The Sudden Emergence of New Industries & Pawnshop