
  • 网络Leading Industry
  1. 房地产业已发展成为我国国民经济中重要的基础产业、先导产业和支柱产业,在国民经济中占有重要地位,对GDP的贡献巨大。

    The real estate has already developed into important basic industry , leading industry and pillar industry in our national economy , occupying the important position in national economy , and the contribution of the real estate to GDP is enormous .

  2. 信息产业是国民经济新的增长点,是具有战略性的新型先导产业。

    Information industry is the new increasing spot of national economy , which is a strategically new leading industry .

  3. 把流通业提升为先导产业是社会主义市场经济体制初步确立、生产相对过剩和加入WTO新形势的必然要求。

    Promoting the circulation industry to be a guiding one is a necessary requirement of new situation of initial establishment of social market economy system , " relevant overproduction " and WTO entry .

  4. 作为全球化的先导产业,发展中国家的高新技术产业的国际化程度相当之高;

    The internationalization of high-tech industries in developing countries is very obvious .

  5. 流通业作为先导产业的贡献、问题与对策分析

    Contribution of the Circulation Industry , Problems in It and Countermeasures Against Them

  6. 旅游业是带动西南经济快速发展的先导产业

    Tourism Is the Industrial Guild of Accelerating the Economic Development of Southwest Region

  7. 生态旅游:西部地区先导产业

    Eco-Tourism & the Pioneer Industry in West China

  8. 旅游业具有作为西部先导产业的特质和条件。

    The exploitation of the western regions also provides conditions and opportunity for the tourism industry .

  9. 旅游业既是国民经济的先导产业,又是一个对资源环境依赖特强的产业。

    Tourism industry guides industry of national economy , it is one that depends on resource environment .

  10. 它是国民经济的先导产业,关系到国家的综合竞争实力和经济安全。

    It is a forerunner industry in national economy and relates national comprehensive strength and economical security .

  11. 制定产业政策和战略的关键是扶持好先导产业,建设好主导产业。

    The key points of formulating industrial policies and strategies are to support leading industries and construct leading ones .

  12. 流通业是国民经济的先导产业,在国民经济的发展中具有战略性的地位。

    Circulation is the leading industry in the national economy , and it has strategic position in the economic development .

  13. 目前,旅游业已成为促进新疆经济起飞的先导产业和优势产业。

    At present , travel industry has become a first and advantage property of promoting the development of Xinjiang economy .

  14. 我国软件产业历经30年的发展,至今已经成为经济社会发展的基础性、战略性的先导产业。

    Chinese software industry has become a basic and strategic industry which leads the development of Chinese economy and society .

  15. 我国西部经济亟待开发,在城市发展战略中,旅游业作为先导产业,被给予了高度的重视。

    In Great Development of West China , tourism , as a forerunner industry , is attached importance with highest degree .

  16. 钢铁业作为国民经济的基础产业,是加快实现工业化的先导产业。

    The iron and steel industry as the foundation of the national economy , is a leading industry to accelerate the industrialization .

  17. 汽车产业是国民经济的先导产业,对国民经济的快速增长起到了十分重要的作用。

    Automotive industry is leading industry of national economy , and it played a very important role for the rapid growth of the economy .

  18. 以青海生态建设为依托,开发生态旅游资源为发展的先导产业,是青海经济可持续发展的推动力。

    The trade that is based on ecological construction and exploited ecological tourist resources is motive force that pushes Qinghai economy to develop continuously .

  19. 辽宁省工业不同部门产业地位的简单识别案例证明,文章所提出的先导产业、主导产业、支柱产业等概念和识别方法是科学合理的,也是可行的、实用的。

    The simple identification cases of industrial departments in Liaoning Province proved that these concepts and identification methods are scientific , feasible and practical .

  20. 钢铁业在国民经济中发挥着重要的作用,是加速实现工业化和现代化的先导产业。

    Steel industry is the leading industry to accelerate the industrialization , and they play a more and more important role in the national economy .

  21. 房地产业是国民经济的先导产业和支柱产业,房地产行业的健康发展是经济良好运行的重要基石。

    Real estate industry is the leading and supporting industry of the national economic ; the healthy development of it is foundation of whole economic .

  22. 根据投入产出理论,一个产业的影响力系数与感应度系数如果都较大,那么可以将其作为先导产业。

    According to input-output theory , if the influence of an industry coefficients and sensitivity coefficients are greater , it can be used as leading industries .

  23. 先导产业体现在促进生产领域的价值实现,拉动首都经济的整体增长和经济地位不可动摇三个方面。

    The guide industry manifests is promoting the value realization of manufacture , draws the capital economy the whole growth and the economic status unshakeable three aspects .

  24. 先进的现代制造业必须有与之相适应的现代服务业作为先导产业,服务业必将促进制造业加快发展。

    The advanced manufacturing industry must have a corresponding modern service industry so as to create favorable circumstances , which would stimulate the development of manufacturing industry .

  25. 纺织产业是发达国家工业化进程的先导产业,也是发展中国家重要的支柱性产业。

    The textile industry is the leading industry of the industrialization process in the developed countries ; it is also a pillar industry in the developing countries .

  26. 与此同时,零售业作为先导产业,中国的零售市场不能完全被外资控制,中国要有强大的本土零售企业。

    Meanwhile , retailing as the predominant industry , it can not be controlled by the multinational giant retailing , we should have our domestic giant retailing .

  27. 知识经济是继农业经济和工业经济时代之后的,以知识为基础,以不断创新为动力,以教育、文化和研发为先导产业的新型经济形态。

    Knowledge economy is a kind of new-style economy based on knowledge , driven by innovation , and led by education , culture , research and development .

  28. 建筑业是我国国民经济建设中的支柱产业之一,是相关行业赖以发展的基础性先导产业。

    Building industry is one of the pillar industries in our national economy construction . It is the basic guide industry that relevant industries depend on to develop .

  29. 旅游业对相关产业拉动之强,使许多国家和地区都将旅游作为地区发展经济的重点产业及先导产业来发展。

    Because the tourism plays a great role in related industries , many countries and regions treat it as a key and leading industry to develop regional economic .

  30. 高新技术产业是知识密集、技术密集的产业,也是代表一个国家综合国力和整体竞争力的重要先导产业,对高新技术产业的规模化发展对策进行分析有十分重要的意义。

    High-tech industry is the dense knowledge and technology industry . It is the most important precursor industry that represents the total national power and competition of a country .