
  • 网络advance organizer;advanced organizer
  1. 背景信息包括语篇题目,事实信息,信息概要及先行组织者等。

    Several types of background information have been studied including text titles , factual information , informational outlines and advance organizers .

  2. 实验班学生接受略图式先行组织者教学策略,而控制班学生则接受传统常规教学方式进行教学。

    The experimental group students were taught by the teaching strategies of ketch-style advance organizers , while the control group students taught by conventional teaching methods in general .

  3. 美国教育理论家、心理学家奥苏贝尔(D.P.Ausubel)的先行组织者教学策略(AdvanceOrganizerModel)给了我们很好的启迪。

    The United States education theoretician , psychologists Ausubel ( D.P. Ausubel )" Advance Organizer " teaching strategy ( Advance Organizer Model ) gave us a good enlightenment .

  4. 在教学中合理运用先行组织者的教学策略。

    In teaching reasonable utilization " advance organizer " teaching strategy .

  5. 先行组织者在高中化学教学中的应用探究

    The Exploration of Advanced Organizers for Chemistry Teaching in Senior Middle School

  6. 先行组织者理论在化学教育中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Advanced Organizer on Chemistry Education

  7. “先行组织者”教学策略是教育心理学家奥苏伯尔提出的一个重要概念。

    The Advance organizer is an important conception of educational Psychologist D.P.Ausubel .

  8. 先行组织者和化学概念教学

    " The Go-ahead Organizers " and Chemistry Concept Teaching

  9. 成人院校《高等数学》课堂教学中先行组织者的设计

    Designing Advance Organizer for Higher Mathematics'Teaching in Classroom

  10. 试析数学课程中的先行组织者

    Analysis of advance organizer in the mathematics courses

  11. 教学实施主要应采取先行组织者和概念规则教学等基本策略;

    The main basic sub-strategies in teaching-implementation include the pre-organizer strategy and the concept-teaching strategy .

  12. 奥苏伯尔的先行组织者模式强调在学习者接受新观念时,要重视学习者的认知基础。

    Advance Organizer proposed by Ausubel emphasizes learner 's cognitive basis when they receive new concepts .

  13. 包括重新整合课程内容、实施先行组织者、问题探究式教学、多媒体创设情境和以人物为主线等教学策略,它们为高中历史课堂有效教学的实现提供了有效的途径。

    These teaching strategies supply effective way for realizing effective teaching in history classroom of senior high school .

  14. 自美国心理学家奥苏贝尔提出先行组织者概念以来,关于先行组织者的理论和应用研究受到大家广泛关注。

    Advance organizer and its application had attracted much attention since the concept was proposed by American psychologist David Ausubel .

  15. 先行组织者教学策略在高中化学概念教学中的应用研究

    The Practice and Research of the Teaching Tactics of the " Advance Organizer " in the Middle-school Chemistry Concept Teaching

  16. 先行组织者模式与高校外语专业教学&以俄语为例

    Foreign Language Teaching in Relation to the Pattern of Advance Organizer in China 's Universities & Exemplified with Russian Language

  17. 在进行教学时,如果没有上位观念可以同化新观念,教师就应该在引入新观念时先介绍先行组织者,然后用其同化新观念。

    In teaching process if there are no up-level concepts that can assimilate the new concept , teachers should first introduce Advance Organizer .

  18. 中学化学练习中经常有先行组织者模式的运用,特别是信息迁移题。

    The model of advanced organizer is often adopted in the chemistry exercises of middle school , especially in the question of information .

  19. 先行组织者理论,自奥苏泊尔创立以来,已被作为一种教学策略,广泛地应用于各学科教学中。

    Since Advance organizer theory was founded by Ausubel , it has been widely used as a teaching strategy in the teaching of various disciplines .

  20. 事实上,先行组织者策略适用于一切言语信息的学习,尤其是像英语这样的以讲授教学为主的学习。

    In fact , advance organizer strategy applies to learning about all the words information , especially English teaching which used lecturing teaching primarily in .

  21. 本研究尝试将先行组织者策略应用于初中英语阅读教学中,采用了文献分析法和案例分析法,全文共分为六个部分。

    This study attempts to use advance organizer strategy in the English reading teaching of junior high school . The study adopts literature analysis and case analysis .

  22. 随着理论研究深入,我们不难发现先行组织者更多情况下可以放在各个阶段使用,不只是在前端。

    As the theory further , we can easily find " advance organizers " more can be placed under various stages of use , not just in the front .

  23. 在学习的过程中没有有效运用先行组织者,影响学生学习新知识以及化学计算的技能的形成。

    Not taking proper advantage of the pioneer organization in the process of learning impacts on the students ' learning new knowledge and shaping the skills of chemical calculation .

  24. 值得注意的是,先行组织者的呈现可以贯穿高中数学概念学习的全过程。

    Last but no the least , it is worth noting that , the use of " Advance organizer " throughout high school math concepts can be the whole process of learning .

  25. 而本文正是在这个理论背景下,借鉴教育心理学中所提出的先行组织者技术,提出将先行组织者技术与行为疗法中的系统脱敏技术相结合,应用在心理咨询与治疗的临床干预中。

    The thesis attempts to combine the theory with the advance organizer in educational psychology , which is integrated with systematic desensitization of behavior therapy that are applied in clinical psychotherapy and counseling .

  26. 教学方法的使用以教育心理学和教学论为指导,常用的方法有先行组织者教学法,纲要信号图式教学法,自学辅导法等。

    Use of instruction methods is guided by educational psychology and pedagogy . Common instruction methods used in this course are advance organizer methodology , schematic signal diagram methodology and self learning tutor methodology .

  27. 第三部分,在上述理论的指导下构建了相应的高中化学概念教学策略:先行组织者概念教学策略;实验探究概念教学策略和主体性概念教学策略。

    In the most important part , we put forward the strategies for the instruction of Chemical conception involve : the advance organizer strategy , the experiment based inquiry strategy and the self-determination strategy .

  28. 从研究的结果上看,概念图作为先行组织者能够支持学生的有意义学习,能够为学生建立起新旧知识的有意义连结,使学生不必采用机械记忆的方式学习。

    Through the results of research , and as an advanced organizer , it can sustain students'meaningful learning , and make a meaningful combination with old and new knowledge inorder to avoid students ' mechanical memory .

  29. 本文依据奥苏伯尔先行组织者的概念,分析了先行组织者在数学课程中的表现形式及其作用,以期指导中学数学的教学。

    Based on Ausubel 's concept of advance organizer , this paper analyzes the apperance forms and functions of advance organizer in the mathematics courses so as to guide the teaching method of mathematic 's in the middle School .

  30. 并简单分析了学习目标分类理论、元认知策略、最近发展区概念、支架式学习理论、先行组织者学习策略对编写目标的指导作用。

    This paper also simply analysing the guidance effect of classification theory of the learning objective , Meta-cognition Learning Strategy . the zone of proximal development . the Scaffolding learning theory and advance organizer study tactics when writing learning objectives .