
  • 网络leading indicator;leading economic indicator
  1. 伦敦咨询公司EnergyAspects称,自5月份开始全球石油需求大幅下滑是全球增长放缓的先行指标,而欧洲和日本公布的最新国内生产总值(GDP)数据也证实了这一点。

    A sharp drop in global oil demand that began in May was a ' leading indicator ' of slowing global growth , as the latest round of gross domestic product data from Europe and Japan have confirmed , says London consulting firm Energy Aspects .

  2. 房价是政策、销售和投资变化的重要先行指标。

    House prices are a key leading indicator of changes in policy , sales and investment .

  3. 研究方法:GM(1,1)模型、贝叶斯方法及先行指标法。

    Methods of GM ( 1,1 ) gray prediction , Bayesian and antecedence index were employed .

  4. 研究结论:通过编制城市地价指数,采用GM(1,1)灰色模型、贝叶斯方法及先行指标等对市场地价水平及其波动转折点进行预测分析,是一条较科学的技术途径。

    The GM ( 1,1 ) gray prediction , Bayesian and antecedence index are useful tools to predict urban land price and the turning point of fluctuation .

  5. 其次将所选取先行指标与宏观经济(GDP)运行状况进行多元回归分析,发现有七个变量显著的进入回归模型,可以用其对宏观经济走势进行预测。

    Then we analyse the chosen indicators and the GDP using the regression method and found that there are seven indicators significant in the regression . So we could forecast the macroeconomics situation using the seven leading indicators .

  6. 其它影响因素包括美国经济数据的显著改善尽管美国供应管理学会(instituteforsupplymanagement)调查等主要先行指标仍远低于去年春季的水平日本和英国央行扩大资产负债表,以及中国放松货币政策。

    Other influences include a noticeable rise in US economic data although main leading indicators , such as Institute for supply management surveys , remain significantly lower than they were last spring expanding central bank balance sheets in Japan and the UK , and monetary easing in China .

  7. 协整回归预测模型充分利用了CPI的先行指标信息,又有效地避免了多元回归预测模型中的自由度过多损失。

    Co-integration regression prediction model takes full advantage of leading indicators of the CPI , but also to avoid excessive loss of freedom in the multiple regression prediction model .

  8. 汇丰(HSBC)高级经济学家范力民(FredericNeumann)在近期一份研究报告中指出,先行指标表明,经济活动仍将保持强劲,新出口订单将继续增加。

    Frederic Neumann , senior economist at HSBC , said in a recent note that leading indicators showed activity will remain robust , with new export orders continuing to rise .

  9. 巴克莱(Barclays)对该数据评论称:“出口提速的首要原因是对大陆出口持续增加,对欧洲出口也在好转。对美出口增速放缓令人惊讶,但先行指标显示,这一趋势很可能逆转。

    Barclays commented on that report : The pick-up was led by continued strong growth to China , with exports to Europe also improving . Export growth to the US slowed surprisingly , but leading indicators suggest this is unlikely to last .

  10. 伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths,UniversityofLondon)高级讲师克里斯•布劳尔(ChrisBrauer)负责有关工作场所可穿戴设备的试验,他预计未来经理们将会用仪表盘显示员工睡眠质量等实时生物指标,这些是预示业绩表现的先行指标。

    Chris Brauer , a senior lecturer at Goldsmiths , University of London , who runs experiments with workplace wearables , predicts a future in which managers have dashboards showing real-time employee biometrics such as sleep quality that are leading indicators for performance .

  11. 通货膨胀先行指标和预测方法的国际比较

    An International Comparison on Inflation Antecedent Indicators and Forecasting Methods

  12. 新疆宏观经济先行指标体系构建实证研究

    The Study of Leading Indicators System of Xinjiang 's Macroeconomic

  13. 基于宏观经济先行指标的股票价格指数走势预测分析

    Prediction of Stock Index Based on the Macroeconomic Leading Indicators

  14. 但先行指标显示,还会有更糟糕的情况出现。

    But lead indicators suggest there is worse to come .

  15. 建设先行指标体系的科学方法

    Index ; On the Scientific Methodology of the Construction of Leading Indicators System

  16. 福建省宏观经济先行指标体系研究

    Research on Leading Indicators System of Macroeconomic of Fujian

  17. 第五部分,提出了先行指标研究的部分问题、思考及建议。

    In chapter five , I proposed some policy suggestions about leading indicators forecast .

  18. 先行指标并未告诉我们情况正在改善。

    The forward looking indicators do not tell us the situation is getting better .

  19. 技术恢复&先行指标达到15年来的最高水平。感觉不好,但正在悄悄地改善

    Tech Recovery - Leading Indicators at 15-Year High . Feels Bad But Is Improving Quietly

  20. 对生产资料价格指数作为先行指标的有效性分析

    The efficiency analysis that the means of production 's price index is taken for precession indicator

  21. 可是,在中国,什么才能作为信贷增长的先行指标这个问题,仍然值得一问。

    But it is worth then asking what the leading indicator is for credit growth in China .

  22. 在此基础上,本文分别基于已筛选的先行指标和一致指标构建了先行扩散指数和一致扩散指数。

    Based on the results above , we construct the diffusion index of leading and coincident diffusion index .

  23. 先行指标喜忧参半,6月份出口订单年度下滑3.4%。

    Early indications are mixed , with export orders falling by an annual 3.4 per cent in June .

  24. 对美出口增速放缓令人惊讶,但先行指标显示,这一趋势很可能逆转。

    Export growth to the US slowed surprisingly , but leading indicators suggest this is unlikely to last .

  25. 另一个先行指标每周平均工作时间创下新低,至33小时。

    Another leading indicator , the average working week , fell to a new record low of 33 hours .

  26. 一些研究还表明移入居民的增加是经济增长好转的先行指标。

    Some studies also suggest that increased inflows of migrants are a leading indicator of a pickup in growth .

  27. 近来美国新屋销售等先行指标的企稳令你感到欣慰?

    You draw comfort from the recent stabilisation of forward-looking indicators such as new home sales in the US ?

  28. 而今,在人们对全球经济复苏日渐乐观之际,冰岛可能再次成为彰显未来困局的先行指标。

    Now , amid growing optimism about global recovery , Iceland may again be a leading indicator of trouble ahead .

  29. 不过,各项先行指标预示着今年下半年可能出现更普遍的减速。

    However , leading indicators suggest that a more general slowdown is likely in the second half of the year .

  30. 它可能提供一个先行指标,展示中国的互联网公司能否将其成功复制到海外市场。

    It could provide an early indication of whether a Chinese internet company can transfer its success to international markets .