
  • 网络contingent valuation method;contingent value method;cvm
  1. 研究结果:(1)意愿调查法能够兼顾农民、用地单位和政府三方对征地补偿标准的受偿意愿、支付意愿和决策意愿,测算结果更具可执行性。

    The results indicate that Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) is practical , which can consider the farmers ' accepting willingness , the land users ' willingness of payment and the government 's willingness of decision-making about the compensation standard on land requisition .

  2. 采用意愿调查法(CVM)对杨凌的游客进行随机抽样调查,获取了游客对都市农业景观娱乐游憩功能的支付意愿及其相关影响因素,并对都市农业的发展进行了量化分析。

    Based on the investigated data of the randomly selected tourists to Yang Ling by Contingent Valuation Method , this paper collects the information of willingness degree to pay for their touring and the relevant influencing factors , and it also analyses quantifiably the development of urban agriculture .

  3. 意愿调查法评估环境资源价值的思考

    Consideration on Evaluating the Environmental and Natural Resources with Contingent Valuation Method

  4. 意愿调查法在评价森林资源环境价值上的运用

    Application of the Contingent Value Method in Appraisal of Environmental Value of Forest Resources

  5. 意愿调查法在退耕还林生态价值评估中的应用

    Application of Contingent Valuation Method to Ecological Value Assessment of Returning Cultivated Land to Forests

  6. 然后,较为详细地阐述了意愿调查法的原理、操作流程、存在的缺陷及其完善措施等。

    Then , we discuss economic theory , operating procedure , latent problems and improve measures about contingent valuation method .

  7. 意愿调查法在房屋拆迁补偿价格评估中的运用&以武汉市为例

    Application of the Contingent Value Method in Appraisal of the Compensation Price for Removal & A case study of Wuhan city

  8. 用意愿调查法评估都市农业游憩价值&以杨凌国家农业高新产业园区都市农业建设为例

    Evaluating the Value of Urban Agricultural Leisure Landscape by Contingent Valuation Method & Sampled by the Urban Agriculture Construction of Yang Ling National Hi-tech Industrial Park

  9. 在农地外部效益界定的基础上,分析出了农地外部效益适宜的评估路线,并比较择定适宜的评估方法为意愿调查法。

    On the basis of definition of rural land external benefit , we analyse suitable road for its assessment , and appropriate method is contingent valuation method .

  10. 其中的经济价值本文提出采用费用-效益法进行分析,取其中的收益费用比纳入指标体系中,其他的定性指标,采用意愿调查法等评价方法进行量化。

    The economic value is analysed by the cost - benefit , the index of cost – benefit proceeds into the target system , the other qualitative index using evaluation methods is quantified .

  11. 讨论了实验经济学的优缺点,并分别介绍了实验经济学在环境资源价值评估中两方面的应用:在意愿调查法中使用实验拍卖方法与选择实验。

    It discusses the pros and cons of experimental economics and introduces two kinds of application of environmental economics in the valuation of environmental resources & the experimental auction in contingent valuation method ( CVM ) and choice experiment .

  12. 论文采用成本法、意愿调查法、森林环境效果评价法及木材需求曲线修正法等方法对井冈山林区生态公益林价值进行核算,并对其结果进行分析。

    In this paper , cost method , contingent value method , forest resource environmental ef-fect evaluation method and timber demand curve amend method were applied to calculate value of ecological forest in Jinggang Mountain region , Jiangxi of China .

  13. 本研究依据我国国情,自拟调查问卷运用意愿调查法估算了农地外部效益;二是农地外部效益经济内在化普遍青睐补贴,产权交易是一次大胆的尝试。

    This research use contingent valuation method to appraise rural land external benefit under domestic concrete situations . Secondly , The internalization of rural land external benefit is generally inclined to subsidy , the transactions of property fight is a bold attempt .

  14. 本章介绍了耕地资源内涵、耕地资源可持续发展等理论,依据耕地资源外部性的表现,界定耕地资源利用外部性并介绍评价耕地资源利用外部性的评价方法,着重介绍意愿调查法。

    This chapter presents the theory of cultivated land resources connotation , cultivated land resource sustainable development , bases on the cultivated land resources using externality , to define it and introduce the method of the cultivated land resources using externality evaluation , and emphatically introduces Contingent Valuation Method .

  15. 属于陈述偏好法的意愿调查评估法是应用广泛、影响最大,也是富有争议的一种非市场评估技术,被广泛地应用于环境与资源价值评估。

    Contingent valuation method ( CVM ), which belongs to the stated preference approach , is a widely-applied and controversial non-market valuation technique .

  16. 研究方法:对成本与效益做出界定,对体现存在价值的景观用地采用意愿调查价值评估法(CVM),其余用地用成本-效益法评估。

    Method of contingent valuation was used to valuate the land for sights and cost-benefit method was used for other lands .

  17. 意愿调查价值评估法的问卷设计技术

    The Technology of Questionnaire Design in the Contingent Valuation Method

  18. 意愿调查价值评估法是目前西方广泛采用的一种环境物品经济价值的评估方法。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ), and approach for economic valuation of environment , is now widely used by western countries .

  19. 关于意愿调查价值评估法在我国环境领域应用的可行性探讨&以北京市居民支付意愿研究为例

    The feasibility of contingent valuation method in economic valuation of environment in china : a case study of the residents ' willingness to pay in Beijing

  20. 用意愿调查价值评估法分析了北京市居民为改善大气环境质量的支付意愿,评估大气质量改善的价值,并对这一方法在我国的应用进行探讨。

    The aim of the paper is to estimate the value of the improvement of air quality in Beijing through the residents ' willingness to pay ( WTP ) by using the Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) .