
  • 网络Unexpected access;cold calling;cold-calling
  1. 国防部部长(萝卜头该死)对伊拉克进行了意外的访问。

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates has made a surprised visit to iraq .

  2. 他在周五意外地访问阿富汗,与数千名美国军人会面。

    He made a surprise visit there on Friday , meeting with thousands of U.S. troops .

  3. 国务卿约翰·克里今天开始对中东展开访问,并意外地访问了埃及。

    Secretary of State John Kerry is on a tour of the Middle East that started today with a surprise visit to Egypt .

  4. 有一个温柔和温和的牧人名为布鲁斯,谁爱上了安琪拉在第一次见面时,他抓住了她的意外的访问了草地安吉拉和她的父母。

    There was a meek and mild shepherd named Bruce , who fell in love with Angela at the first sight he caught of her accidentally when Angela visited the meadow with her parents .