
yì wài shānɡ hài bǎo xiǎn
  • Accident insurance;accidental injury insurance
  1. 意外伤害保险需求研究

    Study on the Demand for Accidental Injury Insurance

  2. 第四十四条煤矿企业必须为煤矿井下作业职工办理意外伤害保险,支付保险费。

    Article 44 Coal mining enterprises must provide accidental injury insurance for miners working underground and pay premiums .

  3. 除国际租赁金融公司之外,AIG还在考虑出售其他业务,包括同房地产和意外伤害保险有关的资产。

    In addition to ILFC , AIG was considering selling other parts of its business , including assets related to property and casualty insurance .

  4. 温州地区建筑意外伤害保险工作的运作模式

    Operation Model of Construction Accident Injuries Insurance in Wenzhou

  5. 农户借贷者+人身意外伤害保险产品博弈分析

    Peasant Household Lending Money + Person Accident Insurance

  6. 但愿你们都有意外伤害保险。

    Hope you guys have hobo-stab insurance .

  7. 商业保险公司的人身意外伤害保险则以营利为保险目的。

    The person accident injury insurance of commercial insurance company is insurance purpose with seeking profits .

  8. 重点是要加强预防措施和建立意外伤害保险制度。

    The key point is to enhance the preventive measures and found insurance system for unexpected injury .

  9. 人身意外伤害保险的保障项目有四项:其一,死亡给付。

    The safeguard project of person accident injury insurance has 4 : One of , die to pay .

  10. 免费后,除了书本费、住宿费、学生意外伤害保险外,学生不用再缴纳任何费用。

    Students needn 't pay fees any more , except those for books , accommodations and personal accident insurance .

  11. 从近几届奥运会来看,奥运会涉及的保险险种将主要涉及赛事注销和停办保险、人身意外伤害保险、财产损失保险等几个方面。

    In recent Olympic games , Olympic insurance mainly focus on games logout insurance , accident insurance and property insurance .

  12. 商业性人身意外伤害保险的实施对象是符合保险合同规定条件的任何人。

    The executive object of injury insurance of commerciality person accident is the anybody that accords with insurance contract rated condition .

  13. 建筑施工企业办理施工人员意外伤害保险,并将保险凭证提供给服务局。

    The Construction Unit shall be responsible for the insurance of incidence of the workers and provide the certificate to DSB .

  14. 鼓励企业为井下作业职工办理意外伤害保险,支付保险费。

    Enterprises are encouraged to purchase accidental injury insurance for the miners working in underground coal mines and pay the premium .

  15. 第三章是本文的核心章节,在本章中利用灰色系统理论,对我国农村未来养老保险、医疗保险和农民工意外伤害保险的需求进行了预测。

    In this chapter , it adopts gray-system method to predict the need on pension insurance , medical insurance and migrant workers accident insurance .

  16. 个人意外伤害保险、公共责任保险、意外事故保险与财产保险等风险转移和市场化是处理风险的主要策略。

    The risk transference and marketization of personal accident injury insurance , public liability insurance , accident insurance and property insurance were the main strategy .

  17. 目前来看,我们可以合理的设立监控装置和完善物业管理制度来预防此种侵权的发生,可以通过投保意外伤害保险来获得救济。

    Currently , we can improve the property management system to prevent such infringement and to be covered against accidental injury insurance for charity from long .

  18. 可见,工伤保险是一种政府行为,而人身意外伤害保险是一种商业行为。

    Visible , inductrial injury insurance is action of a kind of government , and person accident injury insurance is act of a kind of trade .

  19. 报酬:待遇面议,另外购买意外伤害保险,如果你不是当地人还将提供车旅费和住宿费。

    Remuneration : A living allowance will be provided each month , with insurance , travel allowance and accommodation if the person does not live locally .

  20. 商业性人身意外伤害保险的基金来源是投保人根据保险合同的有关条款规定而缴纳的保险费。

    The fund origin of injury insurance of commerciality person accident is policy-holder the insurance premium of according to the concerned provision provision of insurance contract pay .

  21. 人身保险包含人寿保险、健康保险和意外伤害保险,它能给予身体和生命各方面的保障。

    In China , life insurance consists of three parts : life insurance , casualty insurance , and health insurance that could protect body and life risks .

  22. 中意财险将向企业和个人提供一系列财产保险,责任保险,意外伤害保险和短期健康保险产品。产品由中国人民保险公司承保,实行质量责任保险,畅销国内外市场。

    Generali China Insurance Company Limited provides a broad array of property and casualty products to businesses and individuals . The products are insured for product liability and sell well both at home and abroad .

  23. 同时,组织者还应不断加强赛事的安保措施,并在联赛中建立意外伤害保险机制,从而保证所有参赛人员的人身安全。

    Meanwhile , the organizer should also strengthen the security of sports events , and should establish accident insurance mechanism in the league tournament , thus assuring the life security of all the participative personnel .

  24. 与工伤事故有关的商业保险主要是雇主责任保险和人身意外伤害保险,发生工伤事故后根据保单的规定理赔。

    Two main commercial insurance concerned with industrial accident injury are liability insurance of employer and the insurance of personally accidental injury . Victims who suffer industrial accident are able to claim compensation on the basis of insurance policy .

  25. 南京市业余足球联赛组织过程中主要问题有赛事组织经验不足,监管力度不够,裁判员执法能力有限,后勤工作还有待于进一步的提高,对于意外伤害保险制度不够完善。

    Amateur Football League operational processes main problems are lack of Nanjing : event organization experience ; inadequate supervision ; referees limited enforcement capacity ; logistical work needs to be further improved ; accident insurance system is not perfect . 5 .

  26. 那些以被保险人实际医疗费、住院费的支出为保险金给付前提的医疗费用保险、意外伤害保险都属于损失补偿的性质的保险,可以适用保险代位求偿权。

    Those take the outgo of assured actual medical fee , admission fee as insurance money to pay antecedent hospitalization costs insurance , injury by accident insurances to all pertain the insurance of property of loss compensation , can apply insurance subrogation .

  27. 所以在公共场因上述原因所受伤的,受害只要能证实自己没有过错的,投保了人身意外伤害保险的被保险人可以得到赔偿。

    Get hurt because of afore-mentioned reason place in communal field so , fall victim wants to be able to prove he does not have fault only , the insurant that drops the injury insurance outside keeping person idea can get compensatory .

  28. 第三者责任商业保险和潜在的受害人的意外伤害保险的投保率比较低下,显示出机动车一方对法律责任的风险认识不足、社会公众的风险意识还有待于进一步强化。

    The lower participation rate of the third party liability commercial insurance and accident insurance of potential victims of auto-accident shows that automobile owners lack enough consideration to auto-accident liability risk and the risk awareness of the public is still stayed pending further enhancement .

  29. 医疗保险负责被保险人在保险期限内,因发生人身意外伤害保险责任范围内的意外事故所需费用,但每次事故的免赔额为5元。

    Medical treatment is sure to be in charge of insurant be inside insurance time limit , because produce the contingency place inside extent of liability of person accident injury insurance to require cost , but every time the franchise of the accident is5 yuan .

  30. 旅客意外伤害强制保险

    Compulsory insurance against injury to passengers