
  • 网络HEIDELBERG University;university of heidelberg;heidelberg
  1. 我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。

    Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University

  2. 提倡良好科学行为:海德堡大学的做法及启示

    Advocating good scientific practice : procedure and Its Enlightenment of Heidelberg University

  3. 有价值的;有益的;有用的我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。

    Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University .

  4. 1922年他从德国海德堡大学获得了社会学博士学位。

    In 1922 he received his Ph.D in sociology from the University of Heidelberg .

  5. 海德堡大学是德国最古老的大学和最有吸引力的大学之一。

    Heidelberg University is one of the most ancient and attractive universities in Germany .

  6. 中、德两国大学本科体育教育专业课程设置分析&苏州大学与德国海德堡大学对比

    Comparison of the Curriculums Offered for PE Students between Suzhou University and Heidelberg University

  7. 22岁的黄龙(音译)十分享受在德国海德堡大学的学习经历。

    Huang Long , 22 , enjoyed his stay at Heidelberg University in Germany .

  8. 毛姆出生于法国巴黎,后来又到了德国海德堡大学读书。

    Maugham was born in Paris , and studied in the University of Heidelberg in Germany later .

  9. 海德堡大学一位图书馆笔迹专家发现的这一证据似乎可以证实人们长期以来的猜测。

    The discovery by a Heidelberg University library manuscript expert appears to confirm what has long been suspected .

  10. 目的引进和修订《德国海德堡大学小学生数学基本能力测试量表》,为制订适合中国儿童的测试量表及其参照常模提供基础资料。

    Objective To use Heidelberg Mathematics Test for reference to establish Mathematics Test suitable for Chinese children and corresponding the national norm .

  11. 传世画作《蒙娜丽莎》中那个带着神秘微笑的女子究竟是谁?德国海德堡大学近日称,一名研究人员发现了足以证实“蒙娜丽莎”身份的确凿证据。

    Germanys University of Heidelberg says a researcher has uncovered evidence that apparently confirms the identity of the woman behind the Mona Lisas famous smile .

  12. 方法采用《德国海德堡大学小学生数学基本能力测试量表》翻译版,团体测试武汉市3所普通小学一~六年级共12个班级551名学生。

    Methods With Heidelberg Mathematics Test ( Chinese translation ), 551 students at grades 1-6 were examined in 12 classes at three elementary schools in Wuhan .

  13. 采用文献资料法、访谈法、对比分析法等研究方法,对苏州大学与德国海德堡大学本科体育教育专业的课程设置进行对比研究。

    Based on the methods of documentary reference and comparative analysis , the curriculums offered for PE majored students between Suzhou university and Heidelberg university were studied .

  14. 曾任报馆编辑、纽伦堡中学校长、海德堡大学教授,1818年被聘请到柏林大学任哲学教授和校长。

    A former newspaper editor , Nuremberg secondary school principals , professors from the University of Heidelberg.1818 was to recruit Berlin University Professor of Philosophy and principals .

  15. 普鲁斯纳医生和来自德国海德堡大学的同事们让志愿者在指定时间内进行心算,与此同时他们观察了这些成人志愿者的脑部活动状况。

    Dr Pruessner and colleagues from the Univerity of Heidleberg in Germany monitored the brain activity of adult volunteers while they carried out mental arithmetic puzzles under time pressure .

  16. 在考核方面,海德堡大学大学学生考试压力较小,但突出了个人的创造性、主导性及综合能力。

    Refers to the examination ways , Heidelberg university takes more emphasis in the individuals ' creativity , initiative and comprehensive ability , so students have less pressure for exams .

  17. 目的用德国海德堡大学小学生数学基本能力测试量表研究贵州省小学生数学基本能力现状,为制订适合贵州省儿童的参照常模提供基础资料。

    Objective To obtain current data of basic mathematical competencies in the elementary school level in Guizhou province , and to provide evidence for establishing a norm suited the children in Guizhou .

  18. 在600多年的发展中,海德堡大学形成了自己的学术传统,即忠于生命、忠于真理,自由与开放,基于思想交流的精神生活。

    In more than 600 years of its development , Heidelberg University has constructed the tradition of academy of its own : faith to the life , faith to the truth , freedom and opening to the world , communication-based spiritual life .