
  • 网络advertising agency;In-House Agency or House Agency
  1. 专注于社交媒体的广告代理公司中海互动(chinafocusinteractive)的首席执行官艾颂(soniaai)表示,twitter成立4年后才推出第一种商业功能。

    Sonia AI , chief executive of China focus interactive , an advertising agency specialising in social media , says twitter did not offer its first commercial function until four years after launch .

  2. 一家广告代理公司的董事总经理莎拉•戈德(SarahGold)说:WACL让你结识精明而时髦的女性,她们乐于将其经验像润唇膏一样分享。

    WACL puts you in touch with wise and sassy women who are as happy to share their experiences as their lip gloss , says Sarah Gold , MD of an ad agency .

  3. 广告代理公司正逐渐丧失曾经对品牌营销的有力控制。

    Advertising agencies are losing their once-powerful grip on brand marketing .

  4. 最后一个例子是LinkedIn上疯传的一篇文章。这篇文章名为:“KBS+说:留住人才的方法就是教他们自立门户”。这篇文章讲述纽约广告代理公司KBS+如何教员工创业。猜猜怎么着?

    The final example is described in an article being plugged on LinkedIn , called : " How to Retain Talent ? Teach Them to Leave , Says KBS + . " It tells how KBS + , a New York advertising agency , is teaching staff how to start their own businesses and - guess what ? -

  5. 我认为该找家广告代理公司了?

    A : I suppose we have an advertisement agent .

  6. 我在一家大型广告代理公司工作。

    I work for a large advertising agency .

  7. 他供职于一家广告代理公司。

    He works for an advertising agency .

  8. 是一家创立于美国俄勒冈的波特兰、提供全方位创意服务的广告代理公司。

    We are a full-service , creatively driven advertising agency based in Portland , Oregon .

  9. 我差点进了一家广告代理公司。

    I nearly joined an advertising agency .

  10. 创建一广告代理公司;

    Establishing an advertising agency ;

  11. 福特还聘请了至少三位前通用汽车公共关系主管就职于其广告代理公司。

    Ford has also hired at least three former GM public relations executives to work for its agencies .

  12. Barbra13岁的时候,灌制了两首歌曲,她曾在一家中国餐馆当过收银员,也在广告代理公司当过接待员。

    She once worked as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant and as a receptionist in an ad agency .

  13. 如果这家广告代理公司失去啤酒协会这一客户,将会造成巨大的利润损失。

    If the advertising agency loses the United beer account , it will make a big dent in their profits .

  14. 如果美国政府决定不采取措施,将通用汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司拉出泥潭的话,这只是将遭受打击的众多广告代理公司之一。

    It is one of several ad agencies that will be dealt a blow if the U.S.government decides not to bail out GM and Chrysler LLC.

  15. 作为一个特立独行的广告代理公司,李戈斯雷尼始终相信态度、灵感和挑战,而绝非传统而空洞的产品介绍或者价格大战。

    Leagas Delaney believes in teasing , inspiring and challenging advertising , rather than the traditional communication build around endorsements or product and price alone .

  16. 一家小型广告代理公司新上任的会计主管在上班的第一个星期里被获准将一些材料退还给客户。

    DURING his first week on the job , a new account manager at a small advertising agency agreed to return some materials to a client .

  17. 这篇文章讲述纽约广告代理公司KBS+如何教员工创业。猜猜怎么着?

    It tells how KBS + , a New York advertising agency , is teaching staff how to start their own businesses and – guess what ?

  18. 劳伦戴尔蒙德,一个因广告代理公司裁员然而下岗的员工,在排队等待游戏的时候耸耸肩,“我真的很难过,”她说。

    Lauren Diamond , a victim of advertising agency layoffs shrugs as she waits in line for the games ," I 'm seriously sad ," she says .

  19. 作为一家不断成长的广告代理公司的首席执行官,我学会了如何做一个高效的领导者,如何创建一家成功企业。

    As CEO of a growing advertising agency , I 've learned a lot about what it takes to be an effective leader and build a successful company .

  20. 在广告代理公司奥美(ogilvy&mather),员工和其主管及团队成员会不断进行职业生涯方面的对话,很多经理人不时为他们的职业生涯加速或减速。

    At Ogilvy & Mather , the advertising agency , employees have continuing career conversations with supervisors and team members , and many executives accelerate or decelerate their careers over time .

  21. 但创建活动的广告代理机构,智威汤逊公司发现了导致数字下降的其他原因。

    But JWT , the ad agency that created the campaign , found other reasons for the decline .

  22. 年,中旗广告开始加入天津日报广告代理公司的行列。

    Giant made itself a membership of TIANJIN Newspaper agent in2000 .

  23. 作为广告代理,媒介集团通过自己的广告代理部门或公司,直接与广告主接洽广告业务,为广告主提供广告代理的专业服务。

    Role for advertising agent is the way that media group contact with the advertisers directly by their self-running advertising agent , to provide professional services to the advertisers .

  24. 为了支持手机公司T-Mobile的广告语“生活就是为分享”,他们的广告代理公司盛世长城在伦敦的利物浦车站组织了一场游击快闪。

    Supporting cellphone company T-Mobile 's slogan ," Life 's for Sharing ," their ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi organized a guerilla flash mob in London 's Liverpool Street Station .

  25. 作为广告载体,媒介集团通过广告发布、价格制定、与广告代理公司合作以及对广告资源进行推广等活动,担当起广告信息发布者的职责。

    Role for advertising carrier is the responsibility of advertising information publishing carried by media group , through the advertising releasing , pricing setting , cooperation with the advertising agency and promotion .

  26. 为了使报纸平面广告设计实现标准化管理,本文提出了在报社、广告代理公司、广告主三方之间预留标准化接口,即设置标准化合作范式。

    In order to make the newspaper advertisement design to achieve standardization management requirements , this paper put forward reserved standard interface between newspaper , advertising Proxy Companies , advertisers three party , namely standardization cooperation paradigm .

  27. DoubleClick为网络出版商提供这类广告(在消费者打开的网页中插入广告),并为广告客户和广告代理公司提供在线广告管理系统。

    DoubleClick serves such ads for Web publishers inserting ads on a Web page as a consumer pulls it up and provides systems for advertisers and ad agencies to manage online advertising .