
  1. 最后,通过对水果购买这类低涉入行为的分析,运用相同的工具和方法构建了广告效果模型,分析影响广告效果的主要因素。

    At last an advertising model was constructed by the same method based on the analysis of low-involvement purchasing behavior .

  2. 广告效果评估模型及其应用研究

    Research on Advertising Effect Model and Its Application

  3. 电视广告效果预测模型

    A Forecast Method on TV AD Effectiveness

  4. 为了说明构建广告心理效果测评模型的必要性和重要性,我们介绍了过去及现有实践中的各种广告心理效果测评方法。

    In order to demonstrate the need and importance to develop models to evaluate advertising mental effects , we make a particular introduction to various kinds of evaluation methods in practice , before and currently .

  5. 根据前人的研究成果以及在此基础上的分析推论,我们建立了网络广告特性对广告效果的影响模型。

    According to some scholars ' findings and our analysis and deduction from them , we established a model of the impact of advertisement features on advertising effectiveness .

  6. 本文首先在广告心理效果评价中应用比较典型的Edward.K.Strong五阶段模型的基础上,结合服饰广告的特点,增加品牌效果的评价内容,形成完整的服饰平面广告效果评价模型。

    K. Strong five stages model which applied in advertising psychological evaluation typical and combining the characteristics of apparel advertising , increase brand effect of evaluation content , form the complete fashion print advertising effectiveness evaluation model .

  7. 之后,我们介绍了学术界对于广告效果进行的各种类型的研究,包括一系列广告心理效果测评模型。

    Then we introduce kinds of research aiming at advertising effects in academic , among these are a series of mental effects evaluation models .

  8. 网络广告界面评价中的人机交互理论&网络广告交互界面与广告效果关系模型

    Human-Computer Interaction in Network Advertisement Interface Evaluation & A Model of Relationship Between Network Advertisements ' Interface and Their Effectiveness