
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào xué
  • advertising
  1. 广告学专业摄影课程架构探讨

    On the Framework of the Specialized Photography Course for Advertising Studies

  2. 营销管理,渠道管理,广告学,现代推销学等。

    Marketing Management , Channel Management , Advertising , Modern Selling .

  3. 品牌是市场营销学和广告学广为使用的一个概念。

    Brand is used frequently in Marketing & Sales and Advertisement .

  4. 中、美高校广告学专业的学科归属

    Subject Belonging of Advertising Education in Chinese and American Colleges

  5. 广告学硕士研究生课程体系建设研究

    Research on the curriculum system for graduate students in advertising

  6. 向左向右,传播学麾下的新闻学与广告学

    Left to Right , Communications Arm of Journalism and Advertising

  7. 20世纪中国广告学理论的发展

    The Development of China 's Advertising Theories in the 20 th Century

  8. 广告学在中国是一门新兴的边缘学科。

    The study of advertising is a relatively new subject in China .

  9. 长期从事传播学、美学、广告学研究。

    Special Field of Study : Communication Theory , Aesthetics and Advertising .

  10. 虚拟4A:广告学专业实务课程课堂教改探索

    Virtual 4A : Study on the Teaching Reform of Practical Course in Advertising

  11. 历史广告学&广告学研究的一个新领域

    Advertising History : a New Field of Advertising Study

  12. 理论课程教学中愉快教学法的应用研究&广告学原理教学中愉快教学法的实践初探

    Application of Happy Teaching Method to Theory Teaching

  13. 广告学专业实践教学与创业能力的培养

    Advertising Professional Practice in Teaching and Entrepreneurial Ability

  14. 我的本科专业是广告学。

    Of course , that is my dream .

  15. 研究当代消费者群体心理行为是广告学教学的第一要素

    The First Element of Advertisement Teaching & To Study the Customer Target Group Psychological

  16. “声称”和“定位”这两种广告学技巧将给人1个全新的视角来看待广告翻译。

    Claim and positioning make translators understand advertisements translation with a whole new perspective .

  17. 新媒介环境下,广告学专业学生实践能力培养要进行创新思考。

    Under new-media environment , advertising professional practice ability of students need innovative thinking .

  18. 广告学教学实践与思考

    The Practice and Thought of Advertising Teaching

  19. 对传播类广告学专业设计教育的思考

    Reflection of Design Education of Medium-Advertisements Specialty

  20. 数字化时代广告学专业教学探讨

    The Digital-age Instruction for the Advertising Major

  21. 所以广告学既是一种科学,又是一门艺术。

    Therefore the school of advertising is not only one science , is also an art .

  22. 对市场营销学的研究与广告学和消费者行为学的研究之间有着密不可分的关系。

    The study of marketing and the study between advertising and consumer behaviour are closely related .

  23. 广告学专业毕业设计(论文)质量评价体系的构建

    The establishment of the quality evaluation system of graduation project ( thesis ) of advertising profession

  24. 山东省政府和企业要与山东省高校相互配合,共同培育良好的广告学教育氛围。

    The government and enterprises need to combine universities to foster a good atmosphere of advertising education .

  25. 学院现有中国语言文学、新闻学、广告学三个本科教学专业。

    There are three undergraduate degree programs at the school : Chinese Language & Literature , Journalism and Advertising .

  26. 品牌资产起源于上个世纪后期,由西方广告学研究者最先提出。

    Brand equity was originated in the late last century , it was first proposed by western advertising researchers .

  27. 广告学专著教材上对广告文案的定义普遍存在问题。

    There exist common problems in the definitions of advertising copies in the advertising 's monograph and teaching materials .

  28. 本文涉及到的广告学知识主要是与广告翻译相关的部分,如广告中的基本技巧、广告的语言特点和组成部分。

    The knowledge of advertising involved is the part that is related or might be related to ad translation .

  29. 地理,广告学,教育,文学,电信,社会学,语言学,运输,酒店学。

    Linguistics , Education , Sociology , Literature , Advertising , Hospitality , Transportation , Communication , and Geography .

  30. 随着广告学和心理学的发展,人们对于广告如何影响消费者有了更全面的认识。

    With the development of advertising theories and psychology , people have learned more knowledge about how advertising affects consumers .