
fú hào xué
  • semiotics;semiology
  1. 基于组织符号学进行组织建模,以利于建立基于Agent的组织信息系统模型。

    Based on organizational semiotics , organization models are designed to facilitate the construction of Agent-based information system .

  2. 符号学在品牌包装与CI设计中的应用研究

    Application Research of Semiotics in Packaging and Brand CI Design

  3. 生命的百合&试析《百合花》的符号学意象低的1/f噪声;

    The Lily in Life low cost .

  4. 建筑模式语言在建筑符号学(SemioticsofArchitecture)的层面是一个类似语言符号系统的意指系统。

    A Pattern Language ( Semiotics of Architecture ) Architectural symbols level means the system of a language symbol system .

  5. 综述了符号学在信息系统中的应用研究,着重介绍了组织符号学中的语义分析方法和norm分析方法。

    In this paper , semiotics applying information system and organizational semiotics are overviewed . Semantic analysis and norm analysis method was presented .

  6. 跨文化交际具有多学科、跨学科的性质,因此自从成为一门学科以来其研究路径有许多,如人类学、沟通学(communication)、语言学、符号学等,其中语言学的研究路径非常重要。

    Due to its interdisciplinary nature , intercultural communication has had a variety of approaches since it became a subject , such as those of anthropology , communication , linguistics and semiotics , among which linguistic approach is of great importance .

  7. 组织符号学中的规范扩充了规则与惯例的语义表述范围,可以很好的描述Agent的行为特性,实现对系统中Agent行为的规范约束。

    Norm in the semiotics which has expanded the scope of semantic expression of rules and convention can well implement the constraint and specify of the Agent behavior in the system and well describe the subjective dynamic characteristics of the Agent .

  8. 罗兰·巴特(RolandBarthes以下简称巴特)是法国当代著名哲学家和文学理论家,结构主义运动代表者之一,是公认的法国符号学和法国新文化批判运动的创始人。

    Roland Barthes , as a famous contemporary French philosopher and literary theorist , is one of the structure movement representatives , and he is recognized as the founder of French semiology and the New Culture Critical Movement .

  9. 从符号学的角度看意象派诗

    Understanding Images : Read Imagist Poetry from the Approach of Semiology

  10. 中国平面公益广告语言学与符号学分析

    A Linguistic & Semiotic Analysis of Chinese Print Public Service Announcements

  11. 评欧美现代符号学源头中的相似之处

    On the Similarities Between Saussure 's Semiology and Peirce 's Semiotics

  12. 从能指和所指的角度看隐喻的符号学翻译

    Semiotic Translation of Metaphor from the Angles of Signifier and Signified

  13. 从莫里斯的现代符号学理论看翻译中的语义选择

    The Choices of Senses in Translation from a Modern Semiotics Perspective

  14. 研究建筑符号学对地域性建筑设计的意义

    The meaning of studying architectural semeiology on the regional architectural design

  15. 符号学是当代西方文化学术研究的一个热点。

    Semiotics is a hot point in western contemporary learning study .

  16. 谈英汉翻译中的数字陷阱从语言符号学看中英文化交流的陷阱

    On Translation Pitfalls in the Way of English-Chinese Translation of Rhetorical Numbers

  17. 文中还引入了建筑符号学的概念。

    This article also introduced the concept of architectural semiology .

  18. 浅谈建筑符号学在旧建筑改造中的应用方法

    Discusses the construction semiotics shallowly in the old construction transformation application method

  19. 以建筑符号学来看台湾本土的建筑风格

    On architectural style of Taiwan local based on architectural semiotic

  20. 空间解析与衍生:旧城更新中的符号学方法&以成都新都老城区城市设计为例

    Space Analysis and Derivative : Semiotics Method in the Old City Renewal

  21. 斯图亚特·霍尔与文化研究的符号学路径探析

    Analysis on the Way of Semiotics of Stuart Hall and Cultural Studies

  22. 建筑领域中的符号学游记领域中的双子星座

    Semiology of architecture field Dual - star in Area of Travel Notes

  23. 《雨中的猫》的符号学解读&厄内斯特·海明威小说中的猫和女性

    A Semiotic Interpretation of " Cat in the Rain "

  24. 传媒业的产业融合与传播符号学的新视域

    The Convergence of Media Industries and the New Horizon of Media Semiotics

  25. 从符号学角度解析中国民间剪纸艺术

    Explaining the Art of Chinese Paper Cutting from the Angle of Semiotics

  26. 设计符号学在汽车定制设计中的应用

    The Application of Design Semiotics in Automotive Styling Customization Design

  27. 敦煌千佛图像的符号学分析

    A Semiotic Analysis of The Thousand-Buddha Images At Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang

  28. 英汉广告语言的符号学文化学视角

    Advertising English and Chinese Languages in the Perspective of Semiotics and Culture

  29. 论符号学三分法对语言哲学和语言逻辑的影响

    On the Trichotomy in Semiotics and its Influence on Linguistic Logic and Philosophy

  30. 笔者从符号学的角度对现代平面广告进行深层次的解构。

    From the perspective of semiotics of modern plane advertisement carny of deconstruction .