
  • 网络vladivostok
  1. 昨日,普京出席了马自达汽车(mazdamotor)在符拉迪沃斯托克的汽车装配厂的启动仪式。

    Mr Putin yesterday attended the opening of a new Mazda Motor car assembly plant in Vladivostok .

  2. 从莫斯科到符拉迪沃斯托克十五天的行程,黄金等车厢自15795美元起,可通过GWTravel预订。

    Fifteen-day Moscow to Vladivostok trips travelling in Gold Class start at $ 15,795 , booked via GW Travel .

  3. 租一艘游艇甚至潜艇日内瓦最贵的酒店客房穿越西伯利亚的豪华列车从莫斯科到符拉迪沃斯托克十五天的行程,黄金等车厢自15795美元起,可通过GWTravel预订。

    Fifteen-day Moscow to Vladivostok trips travelling in Gold Class start at $ 15795 , booked via GW Travel .

  4. 本月,今年年初成为中国建设银行(ccb)董事长的他曾赴符拉迪沃斯托克参加亚太经合组织(apec)峰会。

    This month the man who became chairman of China Construction bankat the start of the year was in Vladivostok for an Asia-Pacific Conference .

  5. 希拉里下周将访问北京,届时她很可能会讨论近期在南中国海和东中国海出现的紧张局势,然后她将前往符拉迪沃斯托克出席亚太经合组织(apec)峰会。

    Mrs Clinton will visit Beijing next week , where she is likely to discuss recent tensions in the South China and East China seas , before attending an APEC summit in Vladivostok .

  6. APEC领导人会议在俄罗斯远东区的符拉迪沃斯托克举行,此时欧洲领导人正在想方设法遏制主权债务危机。该危机不仅影响到欧洲地区的经济增长,还引发人们对更广泛的全球经济放缓的担忧。

    The meeting of APEC leaders was held in Vladivostok in Russia 's far east , as European leaders grapple with ways to contain a sovereign-debt crisis which has eaten into economic growth in that region and sparked concern about a broader global slowdown .

  7. 而俄罗斯的符拉迪沃斯托克港离绥芬河只有230公里。

    Russia 's Vladivostok Port is only 230 kilometers away from Suifenhe on the route .

  8. 即使在苏联时期,符拉迪沃斯托克仍更多的是一个要塞,而非门户。

    Even during Soviet times , Vladivostok was more of a fortress than a gateway .

  9. 符拉迪沃斯托克的一些市民对这些形象工程的长期效果表示怀疑。

    Some residents of the city are sceptical about the lasting effects of such showcase investments .

  10. 1860年,中国在鸦片战争中落败,海参崴(符拉迪沃斯托克)才正式成为俄罗斯的一部分。

    Vladivostok only became a formal part of Russia in 1860 after China was defeated in the Opium Wars .

  11. 早些时候,中国舰艇编队已抵达俄罗斯远东港口符拉迪沃斯托克,为军演做准备。

    A fleet of Chinese warships have earlier arrived in Russia 's Far Eastern port of Vladivostok for the drill .

  12. 美国特勤局追踪他的数字踪迹至俄罗斯的符拉迪沃斯托克,要求俄方帮助抓捕他。

    The Secret Service had followed his digital trail to Vladivostok , Russia , and they asked for help catching him .

  13. 然而,尽管普京现已离开中国,前往俄罗斯城市符拉迪沃斯托克出席会议,但他留下来的问题依然存在。

    But while Mr. Putin has now left China for meetings in the Russian city of Vladivostok , his legacy remains .

  14. 符拉迪沃斯托克俄罗斯很少被认为是一个亚太国家,尽管它的确属于亚太地区多亏了它的远东地区。

    VLADIVOSTOK Russia is seldom thought of as an Asia-Pacific country . Yet it is one thanks to its Far East .

  15. 目前,符拉迪沃斯托克号一直在进行海试,自上个月以来,大约有400名俄罗斯海员已抵达法国,在该军舰上训练。

    Some 400 Russian sailors have been in France since last month training on the Vladivostok , which has been undergoing sea trials .

  16. 中国官员没有回应记者的置评请求。记者无法联系上中国驻俄罗斯东部城市符拉迪沃斯托克(即海参崴)的领事馆。

    Chinese officials haven 't responded to requests to comment , and attempts to contact the Chinese consulate in the eastern Russian city of Vladivostok were unsuccessful .

  17. 中国国有媒体本周援引中国驻符拉迪沃斯托克领事馆的话报道说,本周两艘中国渔船被俄方查扣,一艘在周日,一艘在周一。

    Chinese state-run media said this week that two Chinese fishing vessels were seized by Russia , one on Sunday and one on Monday , citing the Chinese consulate in Vladivostok .

  18. 重申我们2012年在符拉迪沃斯托克达成的在2015年底前将亚太经合组织环境产品清单实施关税降至5%或以下的承诺。

    Reaffirm our commitment to reduce applied tariffs to five percent or less by the end of 2015 on the list of environmental goods that we endorsed in 2012 in Vladivostok .

  19. 成立于2012年的该公园位于滨海边疆,地处俄罗斯、朝鲜和中国三国交界处符拉迪沃斯托克以西一处狭长地带上。

    The park , which was established in 2012 , is in Primorsky Krai on the finger of land west of Vladivostok , where Russia , North Korea and China meet .

  20. “我们需要调整规则,减弱投机资本涌入俄罗斯的兴趣,”普京在前往符拉迪沃斯托克途中向记者们表示。

    " We need to correct the rules so it is less interesting for speculative capital to come running into Russia , " Mr Putin told journalists on a trip to Vladivostok .

  21. 中国企业也是一个位于符拉迪沃斯托克附近的大兴综合性赌场度假村的主要投资者,该度假村预定在2015年开业并且服务对象主要是中国游客。

    Chinese companies have also become the principal investors in a large-scale integrated casino resort near Vladivostok , which is slated to open in 2015 and aims to service mostly visitors from China .

  22. 德国曾设想一个更加自由的俄罗斯,俄罗斯曾希望德国能帮助说服欧洲平等对待俄罗斯,并建立一个从里斯本到符拉迪沃斯托克的自由贸易区。

    Germany had imagined a more liberal Russia ; Russia had hoped that Germany wouldhelp convince Europe to treat Russia as an equal , and to create a free-trade zone from Lisbon to Vladivostok .