
  • Guangzhou City;Canton
  1. 众所周知,木棉是广州市的市花。

    As all we know , kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou .

  2. 经过近10年的努力,广州市LSF出租汽车公司逐步壮大成为一个拥有585台出租车,1200多名司机,40多名管理人员的企业。

    After 10 years ' effort , Guangzhou LSF Taxi company has developed into a big company with 585 taxi , over 1200 taxi drivers and a management team of 40 people .

  3. 广州市能源消费与GDP及能源结构关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Impact of GDP and Energy Structure on Energy Consumption in Guangzhou

  4. 研究对象是广州市某普通中学女校长W校。

    The object of the research is a female principal of a secondary school in Guangzhou .

  5. 目前,广东盈通IP城域网已经在广州市运行,结果表明,本文的网络设计规划和实施是可行的,满足了预期的需求。

    The results shows that the design planning and implementation for network is feasible , which meets the expected demand .

  6. 广州市街道环境PM(10)和PM(2.5)质量浓度的变化特征

    Variations of pm_ ( 10 ) and pm_ ( 2.5 ) levels in street microenvironment in Guangzhou

  7. 广州市生长不良儿童膳食结构和TE模式的研究

    Study on Meals Structure for Dysgonic Children in Guangzhou and pattern of Nutrient Trace Elements

  8. 广州市第91中学是一所F类学校,那里高中生的写作存在障碍,经过问卷调查、采访、随意的交谈等方式了解到,主要原因在于本地区社会环境不好,没有文化氛围;

    The No. 91 school of Guangzhou is a class F school where the senior middle school students have difficulties in writing .

  9. 广州市夏季室内外PM(2.5)中有机碳、元素碳的分布特征

    Characterization of indoor / outdoor organic and elemental carbon in PM_ ( 2.5 ) during summer in Guangzhou city

  10. 广州市积极探索,在全省率先对外来人口实行IC智能卡管理。

    The government of Guangzhou city took the lead of implementing IC smart card management of the population from other places in the province , after the active studies .

  11. 广州市人事局电子政务系统中的CA就是建立在OPENSSL基础之上的小型认证机构。

    The CA of Guangzhou Personnel Bureau Electronic Government Affair System is a minitype Certificate Authority building on the base of OPENSSL .

  12. 2006年4月21日21点左右,许霆到广州市天河区一商业银行的ATM取款机取款,同行的郭安山在附近等候。

    At about 21 o ' clock on April 21,2006 , Xu Ting went to a commercial bank at Guangzhou City , Tianhe District to withdrawal some money .

  13. 随着广州市大规模城市地下空间开发利用的展开,相应的地下工程属性信息、图形数据快速增加,迫切需要利用GIS技术对既具有空间分布信息、又具有大量属性信息的地下空间设施进行信息化管理。

    As the development of large-scale urban underground space utilization in Guangzhou , the attribute and graphic data of underground space projects are increasing quickly . It is necessary to manage the data using GIS technology .

  14. 广州市大气环境中多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers ( PBDEs ) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs ) in Atmosphere of Guangzhou

  15. 在广州市各主要交通道路上选择7个有代表性的道路绿化模式,分别监测它们对NOx、CO和TSP等大气污染物质的净化效果,分析其环境效益。

    The environmental benefits from seven chosen patterns of road green in Guangzhou city were systematically monitored and analysed by monitoring the main air pollutants of NOx , CO and TSP .

  16. 广州市水政水资源管理信息系统是一个基于GIS技术的、客户/服务器结构下的环境信息系统,本文介绍了系统的总体设计与关键技术。

    The water policy and resource management information system of Guangzhou city is based on GIS technology and under the structure of Client / Server system . This paper introduced the overall design and key technology of this system .

  17. 本文选取广州市典型的乘用汽车涂装喷涂生产工艺,研究了汽车生产过程中涂装工艺的挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)排放特征。

    We chose currently typical painting technics of passenger cars manufacture in Guangzhou China to investigate the emission characteristic for volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) .

  18. 讨论了PGIS需提供的静态和动态信息以及当前广州市PGIS提供的信息。

    The provided information by PGIS , including static and dynamic data , was discussed .

  19. 结合广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院GIS基础空间数据生产实际,介绍了将工程测绘系统与掌上电脑测绘系统相结合完全实现建设工程测绘内外业自动化的全过程。

    Based on the production practice of GIS fundamental spatial data in Guangzhou Urban Planning Design Survey Research Institute , this paper introduced the realization procedure of engineering survey field indoor works automation by combining engineering survey mapping system with palmtop computer .

  20. 用8级撞击式采样器在广州市五个代表点采集了大气气溶胶样品,用质子激发X荧光分析(PIXE)法进行了分析。

    Using eight-stage impact collector , we collected aerosol sample of five representative points in Guangzhou City , and analysed them using the method of Proton induced X-Ray emission ( PIXE ) .

  21. 目的通过对广州市黄沙海产品批发市场7种经济贝类为期一年的麻痹性贝毒(PSP)污染状况的调查分析,了解海产品食用的安全性。

    Objective The investigations of the paralytic shellfish poisoning ( PSP ) from Huangsha seafood market of Guangzhou was performed to assess the risk of PSP in bivalves .

  22. 在欧姆龙(Omron)位于广州市的一家工厂,数百名工人离开了工作岗位。该厂为广州地区的汽车制造商提供电子元器件。

    Several hundred workers walked off the job at an Omron factory in Guangzhou , which supplies electronic components to carmakers in the region .

  23. 方法:实验于2003-01/2004-06在广州市临床医学研究中心完成。10只SD大鼠接受右坐骨神经结扎手术,模拟慢性神经痛模型。

    METHODS : The experiment was completed in Guangzhou Research Center for Clinical Medical Sciences from January 2003 to June 2004.Ligation was performed in right sciatic nerves of 10 SD rats to replicate a model of chronic neuropathic pain .

  24. 广州市RJ-1地铁上盖基坑及其周边环境监测研究

    Monitoring of Foundation Pit of RJ-1 Subway Upper Cover and Surrounding Buildings in Guangzhou

  25. 对广州市F类学生作文能力训练的实践研究源于本人在广州市第91中学执教六年来所遇到的语文教育方面、特别是作文教学方面的一些问题。

    The practical research of the composition-writing training of the class F students in Guangzhou finds its origin from the problems I have encountered in the teaching of Chinese , especially that of the teaching of composition-writing teaching in my six-year teaching there in Guangzhou .

  26. 目的:调查广州市与深圳市贯彻落实CHS方针政策情况,进行两市CHS机构现状的对比研究。

    Objective : The investigation of community health service in Shenzhen and Guangzhou city carrying out policy of CHS , in order to do the contrast analysis of the situation of CHS between them .

  27. 应用人工神经网络网络模型,结合MATLAB中BP网络算法的基本训练函数,建立了城市环境质量评价的BP神经网络模型。应用该模型,对广州市1997年至2002年的环境质量进行综合评价。

    The thesis studies the rationality and reliability of Artificial Neural Network , and a BP neural network model for urban environmental quality evaluation built in MATLAB 's neural networks toolbox , the well trained network is used to assess eco-environmental quality for the year 1997 ~ 2002 of Guangzhou .

  28. 本文从宏观和微观方面对广州市CBD的交通设施和管理现状做了粗浅的分析,针对广州市的实际情况,提出了构建CBD可持续发展的交通体系的途径和策略。

    This paper analyses the traffic establishment and the management status from macrocosmic and microcosmic aspect superficially . Aiming at the practical circumstance of Guangzhou , the paper shows how to construct sustainable development traffic system for CBD .

  29. 广州市轨道交通四号线[车-万]盾构工程始发井长度仅为50m,要实现盾构始发必须采用盾构机分体始发的方式。

    The launching shaft of Che-Wan shield tunnel works on line 4 of Guangzhou Mass Rapid Transit systems is only 50m long , therefore separate launching scheme must be adopted for the launching of the shield machine .

  30. 化学质量平衡模型研究表明,机动车排放和煤燃烧是对广州市大气PM2.5影响最大的污染源,其贡献率分别为54%~75%和32%~52%。

    Ambient and source data were used in the chemical mass balance model for source identification and apportionment , indicating that major sources of ambient particulate aerosols in Guangzhou were vehicle exhaust ( 54 % ~ 75 % ) and coal combustion ( 32 % ~ 52 % ) .