
  • Guangdong Province;SHANTOU;GD
  1. 广东省在经济改革中走在了全国的前列。

    Guangdong Province has paced the whole nation in the economical reform .

  2. 广州位于广东省南部。

    Guangzhou is in the south of Guangdong province .

  3. 广东省的贵屿就是其中之一。

    Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them .

  4. 记者唐从广东省政府获悉,2015年4月5日,广东省发生一起溺水事故,造成7人死亡。17岁女生小伊和家人扫墓后洗手时掉进了水库。

    Reporter Tang got the news from Guangdong Provincial Government that seven people died in a drowning accident on April 5th , 2015 . A 17-year-old girl , Xiao Yi , fell into a reservoir while washing hands after a tomb sweeping with her family .

  5. 贺优琳,全国人大代表、原广东省中山纪念中学校长

    He Youlin , an NPC deputy and former principal of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Middle School in Guangdong province

  6. 广东省和吉林省的受访者运动最积极。

    Respondents in the southern province of Guangdong and Jilin province in Northeast China turned out to be the most active .

  7. 今后,广东省科技人员参加职称评定将有更多可能性,不再“唯论文论”。

    From now on , the evaluation1 of professional titles for scientific and research personnel in Guangdong will no longer be paper-centric but featuring more variety to apply .

  8. 广东省气象局表示,2017年第13号台风“天鸽”周三中午在珠海市登陆,台风中心风速达到45米每秒。

    Hato , the 13th typhoon this year , landed at noon Wednesday in Zhuhai City , south China 's Guangdong Province , bringing gales of 45 meters per second at its eye , according to local meteorological authorities .

  9. 应用GIS技术研究广东省海岸带湿地资源与环境

    A study on wetland resources and environment in Guangdong by GIS

  10. 广东省县级林业地理信息系统(GIS)的建立和应用

    The establishment and application of Forestry GIS in the counties of Guangdong Province

  11. 广东省AIDS病人的医疗保健费用预测

    The Projection of HIV / AIDS Medical Expenses in Guangdong province

  12. 广东省X射线诊断医疗照射频率与剂量水平

    The frequency and dose levels of medical diagnostic X-ray exposure in Guangdong province

  13. 广东省AIDS患者住院费用调查

    A study on the hospitalization expenditures of AIDS patients in Guangdong Province

  14. 广东省FDI与经济增长相关性检验及挤入挤出效应研究

    Guangdong province FDI and economy growth relative inspection and squeezing effect research

  15. 广东省外来劳动力与GDP增长的互动关系研究

    The Interaction between Migrant Workers and the Growth of the GDP in Guangdong

  16. 广东省人力资本影响FDI技术外溢效应的实证研究

    Human Capital and Spillovers from FDI in Guangdong Province

  17. 本文采用地理信息系统(GIS)和数学模型相结合的方法,探讨了广东省的土地生产潜力。

    With geographical information system ( GIS ) and mathematical methodology , the potential land productivity of Guangdong Province was studied in the paper .

  18. DEA模型方法在排位评估中的应用&广东省在全国建筑业生产效率的排位研究

    Application of DEA method in evaluating ranking & Research on the productive efficiency ranking of Guangdong 's construction industry in China

  19. 以广东省主要烟区11个县(市)的516个耕层土壤样本的养分分析数据,采用Fuzzy综合评判法对烟区土壤综合肥力水平进行评价。

    The Fuzzy comprehensive adjust method was adopted to evaluate soil fertility level in several tobacco planting regions based on nutrient analytical data of 516 topsoil samples from 11 counties ( cities ) in Guangdong Province .

  20. 提出了选定烟气脱硫系统的优化思想,包括系统的设计和运行优化两方面,并以广东省连州电厂的石灰石/石膏湿法FGD系统为例,对其进行优化分析。

    The concept of optimization of FGD System is proposed , it can be divided into design and operation optimization .

  21. 广东省PRED系统分析

    The Analysis of the PRED System in Guangdong Province

  22. 本研究课题来源于广东省科技厅科技攻关课题基于地理信息系统(GIS)和城市混合交通的交通流仿真系统(No.2002C5030202)。

    Subject for research this stem from Guangdong Province scientific and technological drawing room scientific and technological brainstorm subject " A traffic flow simulation system based on GIS and urban mixed traffic ( No. 2002C5030202 )" .

  23. 阐述了802.11bWLAN的远程链接,介绍了在广东省清新县建成的清新无线网;

    This paper elaborated remote access of 802.11b WLAN and briefed on the implementation of " Qingxin WLAN " in Qingxin County of Guangdong Province .

  24. 由广东省第三产业对全省GDP增长的贡献及第三产业各主要行业对GDP增长贡献大小可以看出,随着工业化的发展,第三产业将成为国民经济的主要推动力。

    The paper analyses the contribution of the tertiary industry to the growth of GDP in Guangdong Province . With the development of industrialization , the tertiary industry will become the main driving force for national economy .

  25. 案例的主体是X研究中心,它是广东省科学院下属的一家国有科研事业单位,其主要业务范围是承担自动化信息技术研究、产品开发和工程技术咨询任务。

    The leading role in the case is the X Research Center ( XRC ); it belongs to Guangdong Academy of Science . The business of the XRC focuses on automatic information technology research , product development and engineering technology-consulting service .

  26. 以广东省江门市的经济数据为例,采用Bagging算法训练了五个BP神经网络,构建了一个神经网络集成的GDP预测模型,并运用MATLAB7.0语言程序实现。

    According to the economic data of Jiangmen , Guangdong , five neural networks have been trained by adopting Bagging to build a NNE , which is realized by MATLAB 7.0 and employed to forecast GDP .

  27. 目的了解广东省2003年甲型流行性感冒(流感)病毒的抗原变异情况和血凝素重链区(HA1)基因的特征。

    Objective To understand antigenic and genetic characteristics of HA_1 gene of influenza A circulated in Guangdong in 2003.Method The data of influenza molecular surveillance were analyzed .

  28. 以地级市为基本空间单元,选取15项工业发展指标,利用SPSS统计分析软件对1991和2003年广东省工业经济发展进行主成份分析和层次聚类分析。

    Using SPSS data analysis toolkits , an analysis is made on the change of spatial disparities for industrial development in Guangdong Province between 1991 and 2003.The spatial units are municipal level cities and the 15 industrial development indices are considered .

  29. Friedman的核心&边缘模式作为理论基础,分析了广东省四大经济地域发展水平的差异,探讨了空间极化与空间扩散趋势。

    Friedman 's core-periphery theory , the differences between the four economic regions of the province are analyzed , which are divided in terms of the natural and socio-economic conditions . Furthermore the tendency of the spatial polarization and diffusion is examined .

  30. 广东省中山市气象局引进中国移动通信公司的GRPS无线业务通讯技术,取代常规电话拨号方式,用于完成中尺度灾害性天气监测网中22个自动气象站观测资料的采集和传输。

    The China Mobile GRPS wireless communication technology was adopted instead of the routine telephone dial mode in the collection and transmission of observation data of 22 automatic weather stations .