
měnɡ ɡǔ yǔ
  • Mongolian;Mongol/Mongolian
  1. 直到今年8月,还没有《新约全书》的蒙古语全译本。

    Until August of this year there was no complete translation of the New Testament in Mongolian .

  2. 关于用XML语言组织蒙古语语料库的设想现代汉语语料库研制

    Organizing Mongolian corpus with XML Study of Corpus for Contemporary Chinese Language

  3. 汉语介词短语(pp)的蒙古语转换规则研究

    A Study on the Rules of Rendering Chinese Prepositional Phrases into Mongolian

  4. 基于trigger对的蒙古语语言模型的三种实现方法比较

    A Comparative Study on Three Approaches to the Mongolian Language Model Based on Trigger Pairs

  5. 第五章阐述了本文所建立的基于HMM建模的蒙古语连续语音识别系统的框架及其实现以及蒙语语音识别应用技术研究。

    In Chapter five , I introduce a Mongolian speech recognition system basing on HMM.

  6. 基于EPG的蒙古语/r/辅音研究

    A Study on the Consonant / r / in the Mongol Language on the basis of EPG

  7. 本文是关于蒙古语ama相关的复合词结构语义的研究。

    This article is about Mongolian human word " ama " related compound word structure semantics .

  8. 由于蒙古语属于黏着语,它的构词和构形都是以词根、词干上连接不同的词缀来完成的,从句子的基本语序看,属于SOV(主宾谓)型语言。

    From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .

  9. 使用m17n,同一个二进制文件可以在一个系统上显示法语,在另外一个系统上显示蒙古语,甚至在同一个屏幕上就可以显示多种语言的文本。

    Using m17n , a single binary can display French on one system and Mongolian on another or even display text from many languages on the same screen .

  10. 中古蒙古语SOVS型主谓结构句子演化初探

    Evolution of the s o v s pattern of subject-predicate sentence structure in the Mongolia language in the middle ancient times

  11. 因为,“捏古思”是蒙古语noqai(犬)的复数形态,在传说里是代指“狼”。

    Nukus is the plural form of ` noqai ( dog ) ' in Mongolian language but it indicated " wolf " in the tale .

  12. 本文在吸收和借鉴WordNet及中文词汇语义网研究的理论与方法的基础上,结合蒙古文信息处理的现状,并充分利用了其它相关的资源,研究和实现了蒙古语名词词汇语义网。

    This article studied and realized the Mongolian Noun Lexical Semantic Network by absorbing and drawing the searching theories and methods of Wordnet and Chinese Lexical Network , combined with the current situation of Mongolian information processing , and by making the full use of other related resources .

  13. 英蒙机器翻译系统(EMMT)是把源语言(英语)转换成目标语言(蒙古语)的系统,其中转换规则库是最重要的知识库之一。

    From English to Mongolian Machine Translation ( EMMT ) System would be a kind of system converting the source language-English into the target language-Mongolian . Transforming rules are one of the most important knowledge base .

  14. 朝鲜司译院蒙古语教习活动研究

    The Study of Mongolian Language in the Translation Department of Korea

  15. 蒙古语语音库中动词词缀分库的建立

    Establishment of a Verb 's Affix Sub-library in Mongolian Voice Library

  16. 本论文重点探讨了现代蒙古语感叹句。

    This article inspected the modem Mongolian sigh sentence with emphasis .

  17. 基于层叠隐马尔可夫模型的蒙古语词切分系统的研究

    Researching of Mongolian Word Segment Based on Cascaded Hidden Markov Model

  18. 蒙古语复合形容词和名词的语义搭配研究

    The Research on Semantic Collocation of Mongolian Compound Adjective and Noun

  19. 语言比较的意义及蒙古语与英语时态表达方式

    The significance of Languages Comparison and Mongolian and English Verb Tenses

  20. 《蒙古语语法信息词典》动词语法属性字段设置

    Verb Grammatical Attribute Field in " Mongolian Grammar Information Dictionary "

  21. 建立了基础的蒙古语标准音语音识别系统。

    Building the basic Mongolian speech recognition system . 5 .

  22. 新时期蒙古语诗歌中的现代流派

    A Modernist Trend in Mongolian Poetry in the New Period

  23. 蒙古语圆唇元音演变轨迹

    The course of the evolution of the Mongolian rounded vowels

  24. 提出了蒙古语大词汇量连续语音识别系统的难点问题。

    Prompting the difficulties of building Mongolian large vocabulary speech recognition system .

  25. 搏克(蒙古语的译音,即蒙古式摔跤)是蒙古族传统体育的主要项目。

    Burk-Mongolian wrestling-is one of the main events in Mongolian traditional sports .

  26. 古突厥语与蒙古语语音比较研究

    A Comparatively Phonetic Study on Ancient Turkic Language and Mongolian

  27. 关于《蒙古语新文字方案》的初步设想

    A Tentative Idea about them Formulation ofa New Writing System of Mongolian

  28. 乌鲁木齐是蒙古语美丽的草原的意思。

    Urumchi is a Mongolian term for a beautiful pasture .

  29. 蒙古语复数词缀-nar、-ner的词源

    Origin of Plural Affix - nar and - ner in Mongolian Language

  30. 蒙古语语音识别系统语言模型的设计

    Designing of Language Model in the Mongolian Speech Recognition Systems