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  • 网络Mongolian Empire;The Mongol Empire
  1. 1260年的今天,忽必烈成为蒙古帝国的统治者(蒙古大汗)。

    Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire .

  2. 不是中国人,他是蒙古帝国皇帝。

    Was not Chinese , he was the emperor of the Mongol Empire .

  3. 蒙古帝国的猎豹与豹猎

    Cheetah and Cheetah Hunting in the Mongol Empire

  4. 然而,这一事件标志着结束基本上一个统一的蒙古帝国。

    However , this event essentially marked the end of a unified Mongol empire .

  5. 他回到了刚建立的新蒙古帝国首都撒马尔罕。

    He returned to samarkand , the capital of the new Mongol empire he had created .

  6. 喇嘛教在蒙古帝国有其特殊地位,享有蒙古人的国家保护。

    A special place in the Mongol empire was reserved for Lamaism . Lamaism enjoyed state protection .

  7. 在成吉思汗统治下的蒙古帝国,有一位不知名的人物,名叫耶律楚材。

    Yelu Chucai is the unknown figure behind the great success of Genghis Khan 's Mongolian empire .

  8. 丝绸之路于是成为蒙古帝国各部落间重要的交通线路。

    Accordingly , the Silk Road became an important communication route between different parts of the Mongol Empire .

  9. 这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。

    It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire , considered one of its four descendant empires .

  10. 评蒙古帝国衰亡对蒙古社会发展的影响

    Some Comments on the Consequences of the Decline of the Mongolian Empire on the Social Development of the Mongols

  11. 蒙古帝国以后,丝绸之路上的各个政治强国的经济和文化也分裂了。

    After the Mongol Empire , the great political powers along the Silk Road became economically and culturally separated .

  12. 他们费时三年多,跋涉九千英里才到达蒙古帝国的都城上都。

    It took them more than three years to travel the9000 miles to shang-tu , capital of the Mongol empire .

  13. 13世纪初蒙古帝国军队西征后,有大批西域人以各种途径移居蒙古草原。

    Many Xiyu people moved their residence in Mongolian grasslands after the Mongolian Empire west expedition in the early of thirteenth century .

  14. 成吉思汗及其子孙在半个多世纪的西征过程中,相继建立起横亘欧亚的蒙古帝国。

    Genghis Khan and his descendants set up the Mongolian Empire successively in the western expedition during the over half of the century .

  15. 自13世纪早期蒙古人入侵以后,在蒙古帝国的统治下建立了一些行政区域,形成了哈萨克斯坦汗国。

    Following the Mongolian invasion in the early13th century , administrative districts established under the Mongol Empire formed territories of the Kazakh Khanate .

  16. 从一开始就对他的统治,其他三个汗国的蒙古帝国成为事实上的独立,只有一个认识他的Khagan。

    Fromthe beginning of his reign , the other three khanates of the MongolEmpire became de facto independent and only one recognized him asKhagan .

  17. 汉文作品蒙译活动在蒙古帝国时期就开始了,至今已有700多年的历史。

    The Chinese written language work Mongolia translated the activity to start in the Mongolian empire time , until now had more than 700 years history .

  18. 蒙古帝国首都哈剌和林是13世纪世界著名的都城,在世界历史上具有深远影响和重要地位。

    The Mongolian empire capital KaraKorum is worlds famous capital city in13 centuries , has the profound influence and the important status in the world history .

  19. 本文论述了金帐汗国和伊利汗国将近100年的以战为主、以和为辅的关系,并分析了这种关系产生的主要原因和对蒙古帝国及其两个汗国的消极影响。

    The essay gives a description of about 100-year relation between the two Khanates , with wars as the main events and peace as the supplementary events .

  20. 皇权、帝国的贸易.这样,他用最小的武力把大理划归到了蒙古帝国,从此大理一直坚定不移地忠实于蒙古皇帝。

    Imperial power , trade Tali was thus incorporated in the Mongol empire with a minimum of violence , and thereafter remained steadfastly loyal to the Mongol emperors .

  21. 我向巴维尔.彼得洛夫请教了,他说我说错了,这不是他书中描述的讹达剌打制的蒙古帝国铜币。

    I consulted with Pavel Petrov . He said that I was mistaken , this is not the copper coin , described in his book as Great Mongols , Otrar mint .

  22. 从波斯帝国到大蒙古帝国,再到大英帝国,这是历史上一切超级强国所做到的,而且它们是通过宽容做到这一点的。

    This is what every hyperpower in history has done from Achaemenid Persia to the great Mongol Empire to the British Empire and the way they have done it is through tolerance .

  23. 建立蒙古帝国的成吉思汗一二○七年开始进侵西夏,但要攻取一座宏伟城堡的时候,发觉骑兵派不上用场。

    Genghis Khan , founder of the Mongol Empire , began his invasion of Hsi Hsia in1207.He soon learned the futility of using cavalry when he tried to take a mighty fortress .

  24. 其中一个儿子名叫窝阔台,继承了父位成为蒙古帝国的大汗。他的名字叫罗密欧,是蒙太古家里的人,咱们仇家的独子。

    One of them , called Ogadai , succeeded him as Great Khan of the Mongol Empire . His name is Romeo , and a Montague ; The only son of your great enemy .

  25. 世纪时,蒙古帝国瓦解、明朝实行闭关政策,加上“海上丝路”的发展,丝绸之路被迫走向没落。

    During the14th century , with the disintegration of the Mongol empire , the isolationist policies of the Ming dynasty , and the development of the silk route by sea , the silk road was forced into decline .

  26. 他们怀疑这位威尼斯探险家从一些黑海地区的商人伙伴那里听来了很多关于那片神秘的东方大地的故事。他们向他讲述了很多13世纪中国、日本和蒙古帝国的传说。

    They suspect the Venetian adventurer picked up stories about the mysterious lands of the Orient from fellow traders around the Black Sea who related tales of China , Japan and the Mongol Empire in the 13th century .

  27. 14世纪时,蒙古帝国瓦解、明朝实行闭关政策,加上“海上丝路”的发展,丝绸之路被迫走向没落。

    During the 14th century , with the disintegration of the Mongol Empire , the isolationist policies of the Ming Dynasty , and the development of the silk route by sea , the Silk Road was forced into decline .

  28. 忽必烈于1294年去世,享年78岁。经过忽必烈的黄金时代以后,蒙古帝国开始迅速解体。

    On Political and Cultural Implication of the Legendary Huang di During the Qin and Han Dynasties ; After the golden age of Kublai , who died in 1294 , at the age of 78 , the Mongol empire swiftly began to break up .

  29. 在这方面,很少有人比蒙古人了解得更深。13世纪到14世纪的蒙古帝国从太平洋绵延至黑海和地中海,这个帝国的特征不是暴力和混乱,而是对主要城市中心的谨慎和有意的投资。

    Few understood this better than the Mongols , whose vast 13th and 14th century empire , extending from the Pacific to the Black Sea and Mediterranean , was not characterised by violence and chaos , but by careful and deliberate investment into major urban centres .

  30. 再次第三节;讲述了统一蒙古时期与蒙古帝国时期妇女对蒙古族文化教育方面的影响,也就是抚育子女们和发展文化教育方面的影响。

    Again the third quarter ; about the impact of the unified Mongol period and during the Mongol Empire women of Mongolian culture and education , that is , bringing up their children and develop cultural and educational implications .