
  • 网络Mongolian Branch;Mongolian group;Mongolic;Mongolic languages
  1. 另一种倾向认为,蒙古语族语言及其方言土语和中世纪文献资料是构拟古代蒙古语辅音系统的基础。

    The other is that Mongolian group language and its dialect and document material of the Middle Ages is the basis for constructing the consonant system of primitive Mongolian language .

  2. 蒙古语族语言同样来自一个原始共同蒙古语。

    Similar , all Mongolian languages developed from a common Mongolian ancestor language ( Proto-Mongolian ) .

  3. 蒙古语族语言的领属格和宾格词缀在诸语言中的分布情况不完全一样,有的语言中使用着独具语音形式的领属格和宾格两个格词缀;

    The Languages belong to the Mongolian languages family have different affix forms for both genitive and objective cases .

  4. 东乡族主要分布于甘肃省,其语言东乡语属于阿尔泰语系蒙古语族,只有语言没有文字。

    The Dongxiang nationality mainly scatters over Gansu province , which belongs to Mongolian language of Altai language family .

  5. 东乡语是阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言的一支,临夏话是汉语西北方言的一支。

    Dongxiang language is one of the Mongolian languages of Altai language family , while Linxia dialect is one of the Chinese Northwest dialects .

  6. 所以,蒙古语族远古先民所崇拜的腾格里,最初指的便是太阳和月亮这两个有生命有人格的天体;

    Therefore tngri ( heaven ) Mongol language speaking peoples ' ancestors worshiped were certainly the sun and moon , two celestial bodies with personality .

  7. 第二部分,比较了蒙古语族诸语言的人称代词变格的情况,联系中古蒙古语的情况,进行了推理。

    The second section compares the declension of personal pronouns in various Mongolian languages and conducts reasoning by relating it with that of Mediaeval Mongolian Language .

  8. 第二节,以《蒙古语族是怎么划分的》、《蒙古语族诸语言的概况》为切入点,介绍了蒙古语族诸语言。

    The second section , taking how the Division of Mongolian Languages and The Mongolian Languages of Survey as the points of penetration , introduces about Mongolian languages .

  9. 本文讨论了阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言、突厥语族语言和满、通古斯语族语言第一人称代词的关系。

    The paper discussed the relationships of the first personal pronouns in three language groups of Ahai language family : Mongol group , Turki group and Manchu-Tungusic group .

  10. 本文通过中古蒙古语和蒙古语族诸语言的格语尾比较,依据语音发展规律,尽可能解释这些格语尾的历史来源。

    By comparing Case endings of Mediaeval Mongolian Language and Mongolian Languages , the paper tries to fully explain the historical origin of those Case endings on the basis of the development law of speech sounds .

  11. 蒙古语和达斡尔语是蒙古语族的主要语言,鄂温克语是满&通古斯语族主要语言之一,这几种语言都属于阿尔泰语系,所以有同源关系。

    Mongolian mainly use Mongol or Daur languages , and Ewenki is one of the important languages in Man-Tungus branch . Belonging to the Altai language family , all the three should have the common origin .