
měnɡ gǔ bāo
  • yurt;ger;igloo
蒙古包 [měng gǔ bāo]
  • [ger;Mongolian tent] 蒙古族人居住的圆顶的毡子帐篷

  1. 所以在进蒙古包之前。

    So , before entering the yurt .

  2. 我会住在蒙古包里。

    I might stay in a yurt .

  3. 景区内有游船码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

    Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal , a zoo , fishing , grazing land , aobao , villas and a strong national style yurts , continental style of cultivation and so on .

  4. 终于可以进蒙古包了。

    Finally , we can get into a Mongolian yurt .

  5. 牧民们正在新的居住地搭建蒙古包。

    Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile .

  6. 蒙古包的地面有厚毡。

    There are thick felts on the ground of yurts .

  7. 还有像蘑菇一样洒落在草原上的蒙古包。

    And also the mushroom-like Mongol yurts that are scattered on the grassland .

  8. 蒙古包对当代室内设计的启示

    The Enlightenment of Mongolian Tent to Contemporary Interior Design

  9. 蒙古包提供有庇护的住所以及更多的自主和自由。

    The gers provide sheltered accommodation as well as greater autonomy and freedom .

  10. 蒙古包的每一个部分都十分精巧并且十分便于拆装。

    Each part of the yurt is ingenious and quite convenient to dissemble and carry .

  11. 玻璃钢蒙古包设计及制作

    The design and manufacture of FRP yurt

  12. 他的蒙古包就在那座庙背后。

    His yurt stood behind the temple .

  13. 蒙古包基座更新工程;

    Renewing Mongolia house foundation projection ;

  14. 你用不着客气,任何一个蒙古包都是你温暖的家。

    You need not hesitate to make any one of the yurts your home for the night .

  15. 正蓝旗蒙古包厂的蒙古包制作工艺调查

    An Investigation on the Techniques and Skills of Making Mongolia Yurts in the Zhenglan-qi Mongolia Yurts Factory

  16. 本文以当代设计界新兴的绿色设计理念分析了蒙古包结构材料独到的设计特点。

    Characters of structure and materials of Mongolian yurt are analyzed in this paper using green design theory .

  17. 每个蒙古包的顶部都有开口,而且这下面通常还有一个炉子。阿以旺

    Every yurt has an opening on the top , and there 's usually a stove under it . Ayiwang

  18. 《蒙古包》蒙古包里居住的已经不是原居民,这是开发出来为游客服务的商业性蒙古包。

    Mongolian yurt People don 't live in Mongolian yurt any more , but develop it for business purpose .

  19. 牧民贡巴和他的妻子、三个孩子以及祖母生活在草原上的蒙古包内。

    The shepherd Gombo lives with his wife , three children and grandmother in a tent on the Mongolian steppe .

  20. 蒙古包的顶端有个大洞,除了可以排出火烟,还能引进阳光。

    A yurt has a large hole at the top where smoke can go out and sunlight can come in .

  21. 本论文以蒙古包的结构为研究对象,对其进行了逻辑思维分析。

    This paper takes Mongolia package structure as the research object , carries on the analysis of the logical thinking .

  22. 观念文化的变迁与环境意识的重构&以蒙古包祝词内在结构变迁为例

    Idea Culture Vicissitude and Environmental Awareness Reconstruction : Taking Congratulatory Remarks Intrinsic Structure Change in a Yurt as an Example

  23. 哪天他把悍马停在一座蒙古包的边上,我们就知道,绿色在中国旅游领域终于登堂入室了。

    When he parks it next to a yurt we will all know that green has finally come to Chinese tourism .

  24. 仅北京到杭州的途中,就建有行宫三十余处,还有黄布城,蒙古包等不计其数。

    Only between Beijing and hangzhou , there were more than thirty xanadus and countless yellow cloth cities and Mongolian tents .

  25. 导论部分里概述了蒙古包的研究现状及论文选题目的和研究意义。

    Introduction tells Mongolia packet research present situation and the author of this article selected topic goal and the significance of the research .

  26. 蒙古包是上千年来蒙古民族祖祖辈辈居住并传承至今的防晒御寒的居住物。

    It is thousand years that yurt comes Mongolia nationality live for generations , as sun-proof keep out the cold so far inhabit things .

  27. 在我国内蒙古自治区阿拉善左旗东北部生活着一个独特的群体。他们住蒙古包,穿蒙古袍,说蒙古话,也过着蒙古游牧生活。

    In the northeast of Alashan league in Inner Mongolia , there is a special group . They live in yurts wear tunics , speak Mongolic-speaking .

  28. 2006年10月10日,蒙古包外(蒙古国内),牌子上写着“餐饮、快餐店、百货铺”。

    Mongolian ger , with a sign that says ( roughly )" Food , Fast food restaurant , General store ", seen on October10th , 2006 .

  29. 在蒙古包中生活的人从事各种日常活动,例如牧马、挤牛奶、收集燃料、在园中干活、做木工和刺绣。

    People living in gers are engaged in day-to-day activities such as herding horses , milking cows , fuel gathering , gardening , carpentry , and embroidery .

  30. 学校以蒙古包为教室和住宿,聚集赛春嘎等蒙古族大文豪,招收学龄牧民女孩上学。

    Schools to ger for classroom and accommodation , gathered in the spring of ga such as Mongolian big literary giant , enroll school-age herdsmen girls go to school .