
ménɡ mèi shí dài
  • The Age of Ignorance;primitive age
  1. 论基本经济规律&蒙昧时代

    On the Fundamental Economic Law & Production of the Ignorant Era

  2. 蒙昧时代、野蛮时代、文明时代

    Stage of savagery , stage of barbarism , stage of civilization

  3. 野蛮迷信的蒙昧时代

    Benighted ages of barbarism and superstition

  4. 即在今日,澳大利亚人和许多波利尼西亚人还是处在蒙昧时代的这个中级阶段上。

    The Australian aborigines and many of the Polynesians are still in this middle stage of savagery today .

  5. 在洪荒而漫长的蒙昧时代,原始石器的制造是原始美术的起源与萌芽时期。

    In deserted and ignorant age , making primitive stone implements was the original and sprouting period of primitive art .

  6. 这是野蛮时代所特有的家庭形式,正如群婚之于蒙昧时代,一夫一妻制之于文明时代一样。

    The pairing family is the form characteristic of barbarism , as group marriage is characteristic of savagery and monogamy of civilization .

  7. 弓箭对于蒙昧时代,正如铁剑对于野蛮时代和火器对于文明时代一样,乃是决定性的武器。

    The bow and arrow was for savagery what the iron sword was for barbarism and fire-arms for civilization & the decisive weapon .

  8. 由此,我们可以推出蒙昧时代的基本经济规律就是使用价值。

    With this conclusion , the value of the use can be taken as a fundamental economic law ruled the production activities in the ignorant era .

  9. 现在我们可以把摩尔根的分期概括如下:蒙昧时代是以采集现成的天然产物为主的时期;

    For the time being , Morgan 's division may be summarized thus : Savagery & the period in which man 's appropriation of products in their natural state predominates ;

  10. 泰勒主张,文化是从简单进化到复杂的,所有的社会都要经历如下三个发展阶段:野蛮时代,蒙昧时代,文明时代。

    Tylor maintained that culture evolved from the simple to the complex and that all societies passed through three basic stages of development : from savagery through barbarism to civilization .

  11. 人类的童年是原始人而非古猿,它是人类社会的最早阶段,具有蒙昧时代低级的社会属性。

    The childhood of mankind is the primitive man not the ancient ape . It is the earliest stage of human society , which has the social attributes of the ignorant lower stage .

  12. 它们包含着诗意的真理,无论其是讲来逗乐、开心或者在蒙昧时代人们表达人们认为最科学的东西,就像在《创世纪》中见证造物主的神迹一样。

    They contain poetic truths , whether told to amuse and delight or to convey the best science man knew in a pre-scientific age , as witness the Creation story in the Book of Genesis .

  13. 氏族在蒙昧时代中级阶段发生,在高级阶段继续发展起来,就我们现有的资料来判断,到了野蛮时代低级阶段,它便达到了全盛时代。

    Arising in the middle stage of savagery , further developed during its upper stage , the gens reaches its most flourishing period , so far as our sources enable us to judge , during the lower stage of barbarism .

  14. 根据这一说法,外婚制的部落只能从别的部落娶妻,而这在与蒙昧时代相适应的各部落之间战争不断的状态下,只有用抢劫的办法才能做到。

    According to this theory , exogamoustribes can only obtain their wives from other tribes ; and since in savagery there is a permanent state of war between tribe and tribe , these wives could only be obtained by capture .

  15. 在那个蒙昧的时代,声音成了最好的交流。

    Voice became the best communication in that uncivilized age .

  16. 我们必须为这些幼稚无知的姑娘开脱一下,她是在一个普遍蒙昧的时代就持有这些看法了。

    It must be remembered , in extenuation of this primitive young woman , that she held these opinions in an age of general darkness .

  17. 所有这些都是远古蒙昧、野蛮时代遗留下来的群婚与对偶婚的习俗。

    Those were all traces of communal marriage and dual marriage in the uncivilized and savage age .

  18. 伴随着罗马帝国的崩塌,欧洲经历了一段漫长蒙昧的黑暗时代,而与此同时,穆斯林世界正处于智慧与文化蓬勃发展的黄金时期。

    While Europe was enduring the long intellectual Dark Ages that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire , the Muslim world was experiencing a flourishing golden age of intellectual and cultural achievement .

  19. 人类社会自从脱离蒙昧野蛮走进文明时代以来,科学技术就越来越成为推动社会进步不可或缺的重要力量。

    Since the human society changed its savage barbarous situation into civilization era , science and technology become an indispensable important power that promotes social progress again and again .

  20. 看看人类在漫长的蒙昧时期非常野蛮,我们步入真正的文明时代与蒙昧时代比短的多。

    It has been a long , rather barbaric period before we finally step into the relatively short civilized age .