
  • 网络phenobarbital;pentobarbital;phenobarbitone;Phenobarbitalum
  1. 光疗和苯巴比妥疗法成功治疗妊娠期妇女II型克里格勒-纳贾尔综合征

    Successful photo-and phenobarbital therapy during pregnancy in a woman with Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II

  2. 西药治疗组给予苯巴比妥混悬液60mg/(kg·d)灌胃;

    The western medicine ( PB ) group received 60 mg / kg phenobarbital suspension daily by gastric perfusion .

  3. C组采用苯巴比妥+白蛋白。

    And that of albumin and luminal combined , in group C.

  4. 细胞凋亡相关基因Fas和FasL在大鼠苯巴比妥促肝癌过程中的表达研究

    Fas and FasL expressions in rat liver tumor promotion by phenobarbital

  5. 苯巴比妥促癌过程中细胞凋亡与bcl-2和BAXmRNA表达的变化

    Apoptosis and expression of Bcl-2 and Bax mRNA of rat liver during cancer promotion by phenobarbital

  6. RP-HPLC同时测定人血清中苯巴比妥、苯妥英、卡马西平的浓度

    Determination of Phenobarbital , Phenytoin and Carbamazepine in Serum by RP-HPLC

  7. 目的:促进苯巴比妥(PB)在临床癫痫治疗中科学、合理应用。

    Objective : To improve scientific and reasonable application of Phenobarbital ( PB ) in clinical epilepsy treatment .

  8. 以硝酸汞为沉淀剂ICP-AES间接测定药物中的苯巴比妥

    Indirect Determination of Phenobarbital by ICP-AES Using Mercury Nitrate as a Precipitating Agent

  9. 建立了HPLC法同时测定人血浆中苯巴比妥、拉莫三嗪、奥卡西平及其代谢物单羟奥卡两平浓度。

    HPLC method was established for the simultaneous determination of phenobarbital , lamotrigine , oxcarbazepine and monohydroxycarbazepine in human plasma .

  10. 35例癫痫患儿用苯巴比妥治疗前后血清T3、T4、TSH变化

    The change of T_3 、 T_4 、 TSH in serum of 35 children with epilepsy receiving phenobarbital

  11. 研制了三种不同基质的苯巴比妥(phenobarbital,PBT)栓剂,并对其在家兔体内的药物动力学与市售片剂进行了比较。

    Three phenobarbital suppositories were prepared and their pharmacokinetics were compared with that of phenobarbital tablet in rabbit .

  12. 结果在MES试验,四氢孕酮或苯巴比妥产生剂量依赖性的保护作用。

    Results In the MES test , we found that pretreatment with the phenobarbital or allopregnanolone produced a dose-dependent protective effect against seizure .

  13. 本文提出了以硝酸汞为沉淀剂,ICP-AES间接测定药物中的苯巴比妥新方法。

    A news method for indirect determination of phenobarbital by ICP-AES using mercury nitrate as a precipitating agent has been described in this paper .

  14. 苯巴比妥可导致CNS状态改变,由兴奋至轻度镇静至催眠,直至深度昏迷。

    Phenobarbital is capable of producing all levels of CNS mood alteration , from excitation to mild sedation to hypnosis , and deep coma .

  15. 雷公藤多苷对苯巴比妥大鼠P450含量及血药浓度的影响雷公藤多苷片不良反应的回顾性分析

    Effects of Tripterygium Glycoside on Cytochrome P450 Serum Concentration in Phenobarbital-treated Rat Analysis of Adverse Drug Reaction of Glucoside Tripterygium Total

  16. 目的:本法建立了高效液相色谱法(HPLC)同时测定抗癫痫药苯巴比妥(PB)、苯妥英钠(DPH)及卡马西平(CBZ)的血药浓度。

    Objective : To establish the method to determine some anti-epilepsy drugs PB , DPH and CBZ concentration in the blood by HPLC .

  17. 本文就苯巴比妥(PB)的化学结构、理化特性、构效关系、毒副作用、在动物体内的代谢残留以及检测方法等进行详尽阐述。

    The chemical structure , physical and chemical characteristics , relation of structure and effect , toxicity , metabolic residues in animal body , determination of residues of phenobarbital ( PB ) were reviewed .

  18. 报道了电极对苯巴比妥,硫喷妥,异戊巴比妥、苯妥英、利尿酸及水杨酸的电位响应特性及最佳pH与浓度区间。

    The potentiometric response characteristics of the electrode with respect to thiopental , phenobarbital , amobarbital , phenytoin , ethacrynic acid and salicylate were studied and the optimum pH and concentration range of the electrode for different organic drugs were found .

  19. 目的研究苯巴比妥(PB)促肝癌过程中细胞凋亡与相关基因bcl-2和BAXmRNA表达,探讨PB促肝癌的分子机制。

    Objective To study the apoptosis and expressions of apoptosis-related genes bcl-2 , and bax mRNA of rat liver during cancer promotion by phenobarbital ( PB ), and to explore the molecular mechanism of cancer promotion .

  20. 本文测定了一组对位取代苯胺与未经处理或经苯巴比妥诱导的大鼠肝微粒体形成细胞色素P-450代谢中间体络合物的活性,并用Fisher线性判别分析研究了它们的构效关系。

    A group of p-substituted anilines were tested on their activities to form cytochrome P450 metabolic intermediate complexes with untreated or phenobarbital-induced rat hepatic microsomes . The Fisher 's linear discriminant analysis method was used to study their structure-activity relationship .

  21. 建议对新生儿窒息患儿在出生后6h内常规给予苯巴比妥预防量,以期进一步降低HIE的发生率及其严重程度。

    It is suggested that newborns suffered from asphyxia would be routinely given preventive dose of phenobarbital for further decrease of the incidence rate of HIE and its severity .

  22. 本研究从基础到临床对苯巴比妥治疗全面性强直阵挛发作(GTCS)进行了系列研究。

    This study for Phenobarbital treating generalized tonic-clonic seizure ( GTCS ) patients were from basis to clinical .

  23. 方法:新生儿重度窒息伴HIE患儿37例,先给予苯巴比妥负荷量20mg/kg,12小时后给予维持量5mg/kg·日,共7天。

    Methods Thirty-seven neonates suffering from HIE were treated by loading dose 20mg / kg of phenobarbital , maintaining doses 5mg / kg / d were given 12 hour after loading dose for 7 days .

  24. 方法:用高压液相测定扑热息痛及代谢产物和苯巴比妥诱导睡眠模型研究黄芪总黄酮(TFA)对扑热息痛的代谢及TFA抗扑热息痛所致损伤的机理。

    Method : Analysing paracetamol and its metabolites in mice urine by HPLC and studying the mechanism of anti damage induced by paracetamol using experiment module of pentobarbital induced sleeping time .

  25. 本文采用体外微粒体酶生化测定和体内探针药物代谢法评价了鸡肝微粒体细胞色素P450酶系活性,探讨了苯巴比妥和地塞米松对鸡肝微粒体CYP450的诱导作用。

    The biochemical determinations of hepatic microsomal enzymes in vitro and the metablism of a probe drug in vivo were conducted to evaluate the activities of microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes in chickens .

  26. 目的:比较浸透限制高效液相色谱法(RAM-HPLC)、荧光偏振免疫法(FPIA)和高效毛细管电泳法(HPCE)测定人血中苯巴比妥(PB)浓度的异同。

    Objective : To compare with restricted-access media ( RAM ) HPLC , high performance capillary electro - phoresis ( HPCE ) and fluorescence polarization immunoassay ( FPIA ) for analysis of phenobarbital ( PB ) .

  27. 结果苯巴比妥组和苯巴比妥加丙硫氧嘧啶组游离甲状腺素较对照组明显降低(P<0.01),促甲状腺激素显著增高(P<0.01),GFAP免疫反应显著减弱(P<0.01)。

    Results Compared with the control group , phenobarbital meal group , phenobarbital and propylthiouracil meal group had lower free thyroid hormones ( P < 0.01 ), higher TSH ( P < 0 . 01 ), weaker immunoreaction of GFAP ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  28. 方法40例相继入院的重度颅脑损伤病人均达到以下标准:用限制液体入量、甘露醇、苯巴比妥类药物等把颅内压控制在25mmHg以下;

    Methods 40 consecutive severe craniocerebral injured patients fulfilled the following criteria : the patients , ICP was maintained bellow 25 mmHg by using fluid restriction , mannitol and barbiturate therapy ;

  29. 结果对送检的10个样品进行了检测,在8个样品中均检测到了苯巴比妥。

    RESULTS Phenobarbital in 8 of the 10 samples were examined .

  30. 苯巴比妥早期干预早产儿黄疸66例

    Early intervention effect of phenobarbital in sixty-six preterm infants with jaundice