
  • 网络Lifestyle;life phase;TheImagesOfLife
  1. 英国设计师威廉·莫里斯(WilliamMorris)倡导艺术与技术相结合,强调艺术与生活相融合。

    British designer William Morris advocated Art and Technology , stressed a integration of Art and Life .

  2. 我试着把工作和周末生活相分离。

    I try to keep work and the weekend totally divorced .

  3. 美术与社会生活相联系的课。

    Art and social activities mutually the lesson of contact .

  4. 都有许多和实际生活相结合的内容。

    There are lots of contents combining with actual life .

  5. 设计与生活相渗透空间与色彩筑情怀&谈壁挂艺术在现代生活中的作为

    Design and Life Infiltrate Each Other , Space and Colour Influence Feelings

  6. 主张物质消费与精神生活相统一;

    It advocates to unify material consumption and spirit live .

  7. 他的宗教信仰常和现实生活相抵触。

    His religious beliefs often collided with the realities of his life .

  8. 语文教学与生活相结合

    The Language Teaching and the Life Unifies

  9. 重视实验与生活相联系。

    Emphasis on combine experiment with life .

  10. 这是一个如何将法定权利义务与现实生活相衔接的问题。

    This problem is how to join the legal rights and obligations with the reality .

  11. 她擅长将传统形式与现代意识、虚幻世界与现实生活相融合。

    She integrates modern consciousness into traditional forms , fusing unreal world and real life .

  12. 其作品紧密与现实生活相联系,挖掘出具有现实意义的文化内涵。

    His work closely linked with real life , digging out the relevance of cultural content .

  13. 要运用跟反映大众生活相一致的大众化形式;

    Popularizing literary forms which conform to the life of the grand masses must be adopted ;

  14. 特别强调美术学习要与学生日常生活相联系,与社会相联系。

    Special emphasis on art learning to associated with their daily life , and social linked .

  15. 语文教学要与学生的生活相联系,要关注学生的情感。

    Teaching of Chinese should be associated with the students ' life and focus on their emotion .

  16. 参与到思考和行动中我把这称作思考行动法让理论与生活相结合。

    Engaging in reflection and action what I have called " ReflAction " brings theory to life .

  17. 实质上的稳定是指宪法与社会结构和社会生活相适应。

    The stability in form refers to that the constitution corresponds to social structure and social life .

  18. 漆艺术在于生活相沟通的各个层面展现出他的实用性、装饰美化性和精神上的深层次表达。

    Lacquer art connects with life layers to demonstrate its practical and decorative characteristics and deep spiritual expression .

  19. 与生活相结合的城市设计&重庆城市空间设计中的问题探讨

    Connected With Urban Life in Urban Design & an analysis of problems on urban space design of Chongqing

  20. 例如,犹太教一基督教传统自认为在许多方面与人们的生活相关联。

    The Judaic-Christian religious tradition , for example , claims to be relevant to life in many ways .

  21. 这种功利主义、实证主义的教学具有工具化的倾向,容易使教学与生活相脱离。

    This kind of teaching of utilitarianism and positivism is easy to separate teaching from life because of its instrumental tendency .

  22. 因为在这一天,女人们将神圣的婚纱与平淡的生活相结合,再一次享受做新娘的幸福。

    For on this day , people will sacred wedding women with dull life again , combining the bride enjoy happiness .

  23. 在自给自足的农耕时代,民间美术的发展与劳动人民的生活相始终。

    In the era of self-sufficient farming , the folk art developed with the lives of working people from beginning to end .

  24. 倡导以人的活动为设计依据的“网络形”街道空间模式,最终认为将城市设计与城市生活相结合是城市焕发活力的有效途径。

    In the end , it is concluded that only the urban design connecting with urban life will result in urban vitality .

  25. 和日常生活相适应,日常认识具有大众性、平凡性、直观性、表层性和不自觉性等特点。

    And daily life , adapt to the daily awareness of a public nature , ordinary , visualization , surface and non-consciousness and so on .

  26. 达尔文注意到,大自然使这些野蛮人能适应他们所处的恶劣气候,但是,与文明生活相接触,他们已经发生了变化。

    Darwin noticed that these savages , whom nature had fitted into their harsh climate ,( 3 ) were already changed by their contact with civilization .

  27. 自我认识将与理性的生活相一致,但理性的生活依赖于身体和精神条件的适当结合。

    Self-realization would be identical with the life of reason , but the life of reason is dependent upon the proper combination of physical and mental conditions .

  28. 章节编写时,注重知识与现实生活相联系,且多数以讲故事和谈话的形式表述,给于学生更加亲切、和蔼的感觉。

    The knowledge associated with the real life in drafting chapters , and most expressed in the form of telling stories and talking to give students much kindness .

  29. 其次,重新选择编排教材内容,让授课内容与学生专业、生活相靠近,引起学生兴趣。

    Second , re-selection and re-arrangement of teaching materials : the content , only when it is close to the major and life of students , can interest students .

  30. 教师既是一个职业,一种身份,又是作为独立个体的人,其自觉行为需与教师所从事的工作和教师作为个人的生活相关联。

    Teacher is a career , a kind of identity , and as individuals . The aware behavior of teacher is related to his personal life and his work .