
shēnɡ wù ɡù dàn zuò yònɡ
  • biological nitrogen fixation;biological fixation of nitrogen
  1. 发挥生物固氮作用减少化学氮肥用量

    Exertion of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Order to Reducing the Consumption of Chemical Nitrogenous Fertilizer

  2. 植物与微生物之间的共生关系,例如生物固氮作用与林木菌根;

    The symbiotic relationship between plants and microsymbionts , such as biological nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizae ;

  3. 目前,一系列令人兴奋的实验结果表明:LCOs不仅可促进豆科作物的生物固氮作用,对一些非豆科作物的细胞分裂作用等同样具有刺激作用。

    There are promising results that suggest the application of LCOs in leguminous and non leguminous plants can control cell division .

  4. 自生固氮菌是植物根际促生细菌(PGPR)的重要组成成分,并且可以将大气中的N2通过生物固氮作用供给植物生长,提高植物对氮素的利用。

    Free-living nitrogen fixation bacteria are important plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria ( PGPR ), and they can supply plants with N by bio-nitrogen fixation .

  5. 养虾池水层生物固氮作用的原位测定

    In Situ Determination of Pelagic Nitrogen Fixation in Shrimp Culture Ponds

  6. 生物固氮作用为生命世界提供75%的绿色氮源,根瘤菌是重要的固氮微生物,具有基因组结构简单、培养周期短等特点。

    Biological nitrogen fixation provides all the plants on the globe with 75 % of fixed nitrogen .

  7. 氮素是植物必要的营养元素之一,其主要来源有:生物固氮作用、降雨和灌溉水以及人工施肥。

    Nitrogen for plant nutrition is mainly obtained from three sources : nitrogen-fixing plant , rain water and manure .

  8. 充分发挥其生物固氮作用,对修复干旱半干旱区的生态损伤和抑制土壤退化具有重要意义。

    Pea cultivation in arid and semi-arid agricultural regions is of great significance to rehabilitation ecological damage and inhibition soil degradation .

  9. 第四,大豆是一种生态作物,作为豆科作物,具有生物固氮作用,在全球氮循环中扮演重要角色。

    Fourthly , as legumes , soybean is part of ecological crop , which functions in biological nitrogen fixation and plays a predominant role in the global nitrogen cycle .

  10. 它们参于有氧呼吸作用、氮素代谢、脂肪代谢、淀粉合成和生物固氮作用等重要生理生化过程,能调节植物代谢,提高作物的产量和改进农产品品质。

    It takes part in the physiological processes of respiration , nitrogen metabolism , fat metabolism , starch synthesis and biological nitrogen fixation . It also regulates the plant metabolism , increases the crop yield and improves the qualities of agricultural products .

  11. 异株克生因素对生物固氮的作用

    Effects of antagonism factors on bio-fixation of nitrogen

  12. 然而刺槐由于具有生物固氮的作用,能够更有效的利用低水平的氮。

    However , R. pseudoacacia could utilize nitrogen effectively at low nitrogen level due to its capacity to nitrogen-fixation .

  13. 植物凝集素及其在生物固氮中的作用

    The Lectins of Plant and Its Role in Biological Nitrogen Fixation