
  • 网络Biological reagent;bioreagent;biochemical reagent
  1. 非接触式微量生物试剂分配技术及系统研究

    Research on Noncontact Liquid Dispensing Technology and System

  2. 实验结果与理论分析具有很好的一致性,从而验证了本文关于微量生物试剂非接触式分配机理研究成果的可靠性。

    The good agreements between theoretical analysis and experimental results verify the reliability of the research achievements about the mechanism of non-contact dispensing .

  3. 生物试剂的高精度、自动化分配是生物、化学、医药等领域不可或缺的实验操作手段。

    Nowadays there is urgent demand of high precision and automation distribution of biological reagent , which is a dispensable procedure in biological , chemical , and medical fields .

  4. 甲基转移酶诊断试剂盒是为恶性肿瘤的快速诊断,选择肿瘤化疗与治疗方案的生物试剂一类新药。

    The MGMT is for malignant tumor of fast examine a patient , choose the tumor chemotherapy try with the living creature of the treatment project an a new medicine .

  5. D-2-脱氧核糖是一种重要的生物试剂,它是核酸的重要组成部分,也是某些维生素及辅酶的组分,在细胞核中起遗传作用,与生命现象有关,在生理上非常重要。

    2-Deoxy-D-ribose , an important biochemical , is a significant component of nucleic acid and also a component of some vitamins and coenzymes . It plays the role of inheritance in cell nucleus , and has something to do with biological phenomena .

  6. 虽然中国生物实验试剂行业发展迅速,但市场竞争异常激烈。

    Although biological reagents industry has got great progress , the competition of biological reagents industry in China is very intense .

  7. DNA探针的生物素标记试剂研究&Ⅰ.生物素化2′-去氧核苷酸的合成和应用

    Investigation of reagents for biotin labeled DNA probe & ⅰ . synthesis of biotinylated 2 ' - deoxynucleotides

  8. 同时还有其他类的制剂如生物类的试剂,激素及抗生素制剂等,但这几类盖髓剂还只是处于研究阶段,临床疗效尚未最后确定。

    And other agents such as biological agents , hormones and antibiotics have less effective results when used in pulp capping .

  9. 目前,对PCP的主要处理方法是:生物方法、芬顿试剂法、光化学、电化学、臭氧处理、超声波及金属催化氧化等处理方法。

    Currently , the main treatment of PCP includes : biological method 、 fenton reaction photochemical method 、 electrodeposition 、 ozone treatment 、 ultrasonic 、 metallocene catalysts .

  10. 生物医药实验室有害试剂使用的防护及废弃物的处理

    Protection of baneful reagents and disposal of wastes in laboratory

  11. 张先生表示,这7中核糖核酸,或者说是生物标记,是用来检测牛奶的生物试剂。

    Zhang said the seven molecules or biomarkers can be used to design test kits for sampling milk .

  12. 二,微混合器流动特性和液体混合效率。本文采用数值方法研究生物芯片弯曲微通道三维周期流动特征,以及生物样品溶液和试剂液体在微通道扩散混合过程。

    This paper also adopts numerical method to study periodical flow characteristics and liquid mixing process of biological sample and chemical reagent in a serpentine micro-channel .

  13. 随着生物分析技术和高通量筛选技术的发展,大量自动化的生物试剂分配系统在生命科学研究领域得到广泛应用。

    With the development of biological analytical techniques and high throughput screening techniques , a large number of automated biological agents dispensing systems are widely used in the field of life science research .