
  • 网络Ecological damage;ECOLOGICAL DESTRUCTION;ecology destroying;Ecological Devastation
  1. 绿色GDP核算体系的一个重要组成部分就是环境经济核算,主要核算国民经济活动对环境的影响,包括环境污染和生态破坏两个方面。

    One of the most important part of Green GDP accounting system is environmental accounting which mainly accounts the influence to environment in country , s economic activities . It includes two aspects of environmental pollution and ecological destruction .

  2. 人类活动将类固醇类物质(如雌二醇(E2)、口服避孕药)、多环芳香烃(PAHs)及杀虫剂等化合物大量排入环境中,这些物质已经引起生态破坏,不育、癌症等各种疾病日益增多。

    Chemicals such as steroids ( e.g estradiol ( E2 ) and oral contraceptive etc. ) , polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) and insecticide have been discharged into environment , which have already caused ecological destruction and various diseases such as infertility , cancer increased .

  3. 我国矿山开采中生态破坏的原因分析

    Analyses of causes for ecological destruction by mining activities in China

  4. 生态破坏等级的自然度研究及应用&以海南岛为例

    The Disturbance Degree Study and Application of the Ecological Destruction Level

  5. 青海省因草地生态破坏造成土壤流失的经济损失核算

    Economic cost of soil erosion from grassland degradation in Qinghai Province

  6. 煤矿生态破坏因素及主要对策

    Factors and Primary Countermeasure of Ecological Destroy in Coal Mine

  7. 积极与生态破坏和环境污染作斗争。

    Energetically fighting ecological destruction and environmental pollution .

  8. 云南省生态破坏成因分析与保护对策探讨

    Analysis on Origin of Destroy and Research on Countermeasures of Ecological Environment of Yunnan

  9. 地球上没有哪里逃过了生态破坏。

    Nowhere on earth is freefrom ecological damage .

  10. 生态破坏经济损失度量与对策研究

    Study on the Measuring of Economic Costs Caused by the Destruction of Ecosystem and the Countermeasures

  11. 黑龙江省矿区生态破坏与地质灾害及其防治

    The ecological destruction and geologic hazards in mining areas of Heilongjiang Province and their prevention and control

  12. 矿山生态破坏和污染十分突出。

    Mining pollution is serious .

  13. 近年来高速公路的建设飞速发展,同时也带来了一定的生态破坏和环境污染问题。

    The rapid development of freeway construction results in serious problems in ecological destroying and environment pollution .

  14. 由于人口的压力和资源的不合理利用,生态破坏问题十分突出。

    Due to the population pressure and unreasonable utilization of natural resources , ecological damage is conspicuous .

  15. 本文提出了防止生态破坏,走向生态文明的几点建议。

    The article puts forward some recommendations on controlling and preventing ecological destruction and striding towards the eco-civilization .

  16. 然而,旅游演艺项目在带来机遇的同时也会给旅游区造成生态破坏和品质良莠不齐的负面效应。

    However , the tourism performing arts cause not only opportunities but also ecological damage to the tourist area .

  17. 煤炭开采在给社会带来经济效益的同时,也导致了矿区的环境污染和生态破坏,如煤炭开采引起地表塌陷;

    Coal mining brings the society economic benefits , also causes environmental pollution and ecological destruction to mining areas .

  18. 人类社会不得不遭受一个接一个的随着生态破坏而来的灾难。

    Human societies have to suffer one disaster after another that follows in the wake of the ecological damage .

  19. 自然灾害是突发性公共事件的一种,常常带来人员伤亡和财产损失,生态破坏和环境污染。

    The sudden natural disasters is a public event , which often brings about heavy casualties and property losses .

  20. 中国是一个环境大国,存在很多环境问题,有的甚至还很严重,环境和生态破坏都令人震惊。

    China is a big environment country , and exist many environment problem , some of them are even serious .

  21. 生命支持系统受到威胁,生态破坏造成巨大经济损失,区域社会可持续发展支撑能力受到削弱。

    Carrying capacity for social and economic development was weakened ; the economy suffered enormous losses due to ecological deterioration .

  22. 得出了在发生6.7级~8.5级地震时环境生态破坏的面积;

    Destructed areas of environment and ecology caused by earthquakes with magnitudes from 6 7 to 8 5 are obtained ;

  23. 然而,能源开发建设和生产,伴随的环境污染与生态破坏十分严重;

    Nevertheless , the environmental pollution and the ecological destruction is bound to follow the rapid development , production in energy .

  24. 安徽两山一湖地区的旅游生态破坏和视觉污染问题

    On the Problems of Touring Ecology Destruction and Visual Pollution in the " Two-Mountain and One-Lake Area " of Anhui Province

  25. 采矿造成的生态破坏和生态环境灾害则是全球最为严重的环境问题之一。

    Ecological disruption and ecological environment calamity caused are one of the most serious environmental problems in the world to mine .

  26. 目前,由环境污染和生态破坏造成的环境侵权现象已成为中国的一大社会问题。

    At present , environmental infringement caused by environmental pollution and ecosystem destruction has become one of the most serious social problems .

  27. 着重阐述了因耕地隐性失衡所导致的农民隐性失业、农业结构失衡、农村环境生态破坏等三农问题;

    Emphasized the farmer hidden unemployment , the agricultural structure unbalanced and the countryside environment ecology destruction which caused by the concealed unbalance ;

  28. 但是当我们在赞美工业文明带给人类巨大财富的同时,人类也遇到前所未有的环境污染和生态破坏问题。

    While we glorify the huge fortune attribute to industry civilization , mankind also meet unprecedented problem of environmental pollution and ecological ruin .

  29. 然而,伴随着工业的迅猛发展,也出现了资源短缺、能源危机、环境污染和生态破坏等一系列全球性的严重危机。

    However with the sharp development of industry , some problems such as environment pollution , energy scarcity , ecological damage came out .

  30. 近年来,由于农村面源、农业生产和生态破坏带来的影响,车木河水库面临水环境污染及生态环境破坏等环境问题。

    The water pollution and ecological environment destruction of Chemuhe reservoir are analyzed resulted from the impacts of non-point source pollution and agriculture production .