
rén kǒu bào zhà
  • population explosion
  1. 人口爆炸还伴随着人口爆聚。

    The population explosion is accompanied by a population implosion .

  2. 那些悲观的预言,一会儿是人口爆炸一会儿是长期经济停滞,已经一次又一次的被证伪了。

    Gloomy prognostications , sometimes of population explosion , then of secular stagnation , have repeatedly been falsified .

  3. 人口爆炸的原因不是人们像兔子一样繁殖,而是人们不再像苍蝇一样死去。

    The reason for the explosion is not that people have been reproducing like rabbits , but that people have stopped dropping dead like flies .

  4. 以及与人口爆炸式增长带来的食品匮乏问题展开的搏斗

    of an exploding population with not enough to eat

  5. 顺便提一下,防止人口爆炸性增长的最好方法就是让全世界人接受更多教育,变得更健康。

    And by the way , the biggest protection against a population explosion is making the world educated and healthy .

  6. 在世界地球日,有些问题值得深思:人口爆炸到底带来了多大的环境问题?

    Some questions to ponder on Earth Day : how much of an environmental problem is the growing human population ?

  7. 当时,美国面临一个非常严峻的问题:人口爆炸式增长,而国内却缺乏足够的食物。

    At the time , the U.S faced a serious problem : a booming population and not enough meat with which to feed it .

  8. 同时,非洲国家的人口在爆炸型增长。

    Meanwhile , the population of Africa is exploding .

  9. 但如果我们都像男人那样去想,那地球上就要人口大爆炸了。

    But if we all thought like men , we 'd probably be facing a serious overpopulation crisis .

  10. 面对着不远的未来的世界人口大爆炸,我们必须执行生育控制计划以挽救人类、挽救世界。

    We must carry out the birth control program in order to save the mankind and save the world .

  11. 我们可以从画中推论作画者的意图在于使人们更加关注目前世界人口的爆炸性增长。

    We can deduce from this picture that the artist is trying to attract our attention to the present exploding world population .

  12. 麒麟公司官员称:中国的啤酒工业随着人口的爆炸而迅猛发展,甚至有一部分女性也养成了喝啤酒的习惯。

    China 's beer production rose to quench the thirst of an increasing population and a spreading drinking habit among women , the Kirin official said .

  13. 随着人口大爆炸的加剧,人口众多与粮食供给不足之间的矛盾日益突出,如何提高粮食产量已是刻不容缓的问题。

    As the population explosion intensifies , and contradiction between large population and food supply is prominent day by day , improving crop yield is urgently needed .

  14. 认为传统的集体所有、土地均分的农地制度刺激了人口的爆炸式增长,加剧了人口与土地资源的矛盾;

    It thinks it is traditional collectivity-possession land system and average land distributing that stimulate the explosive increasing population and reinforce the contradiction of population and land resource .

  15. 可持续发展理论是在世界人口的爆炸式增长、自然资源的日渐短缺和生态环境的不断恶化的背景下产生的。

    The sustainable development theory came into being based on the explosive growth of worldwide population , the gradual shortage of natural resource and the continually deterioration of ecological environment .

  16. 混乱的城市化人口的爆炸和农村土地的恶化,贫穷促使第三世界数以百万计的农民离开农村,聚集于大城市里。

    Chaotic urbanization : population explosion , the deterioration of rural land and poverty make millions of peasants of the Third World to leave rural areas , gathered in big cities .

  17. 随着科学技术的发展、建筑技术水平的提升,城市化的发展、人口的爆炸等诸多因素促进空间利用相关权利制度的成熟与发展。

    With the development of science and technology , construction technology , the development of urbanization , population explosion , and so on , they promoted the maturity and development of the space utilization system .

  18. 包括技术和技术变革对生产力的影响、人口统计学及人口爆炸。

    technology and its transformation effect on work , and demography and the huge explosion in population .

  19. 高科技及其对工作性质的改变影响,人口以及人口大爆炸,这些我们提及过的因素加在一起将导致毕业生越来越多。

    More people , and it 's the combination of all the things we 've talked about & technology and its transformation effect on work , and demography and the huge explosion in population .