
rén kǒu fù zēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • negative population growth
  1. 对两当县人口负增长现象的思考

    The Discussion about the Negative Growth of Population in Liangdang County

  2. 中国濒临人口负增长。

    China 's on the brink of negative population growth .

  3. 现在日本已经进入了人口负增长的时期。

    Nowadays , Japan has come to the period of negative increase of population .

  4. 延边朝鲜族人口负增长所引发的主要问题及其对策

    The Major Problems Caused by the Negative Population Growth of Yanbian Korean Nationality and the Countermeasures

  5. 不少国家已经开始人口负增长,其中日本和俄罗斯最严重。

    A number of countries are staring at depopulation , with Japan and Russia being the worst .

  6. 本文分析了两当县人口负增长的原因,并对解决这一问题提出了相应对策。

    The paper discusses the causes about the negative growth of population in Liangdang County and puts forward appropriate countermeasures to resolve the issue .

  7. 在本文的第四部分就是关于解决延边州朝鲜族人口负增长的立法设想,这也是本文的核心和重点阐述的部分。

    The fourth part of this article is the legislation about how to solve negative population growth , it is the core and the priority of the paper .

  8. 由于人口负增长等人口发展的特殊性,吉林延边朝鲜族人口安全面临诸多挑战。

    Because of the particularity of population development such as the population negative growth , the population security of Korean Nationality faced many challenges in Yanbian of Jilin Province .

  9. 移民成为当代俄罗斯社会的一个重要特征,也使处在人口负增长阴影下的俄罗斯国家的移民政策在当前比历史上任何一个时期尤显迫切和重要。

    Migrants becomes a prominent characteristic of contemporary Russian society , and in the shadow of possible nation declination , migrant policy appears more urgent and essential than ever .

  10. 运用法律手段来解决人口负增长问题已经成为一种世界性的潮流,探索出符合民情的法律对策是新的发展趋势。

    It has become a cosmopolitan tide to solve the problem of the population negative growth . , To explore countermeasures in downtown new law is the trend of developing .

  11. 尽快建立社会保障制度、大力发展延边地方经济,是现阶段解决延边人口负增长、保证延边人口可持续发展的必要举措。

    Social guarantee law should be set up as quickly as possible and Yanbian local economy should be developed greatly which can prevent negative population growth of Yanbian and ensure the sustainable development of Yanbian population .

  12. 近十年以来,延边朝鲜族人口呈现负增长态势,严重影响了延边人口可持续发展。

    There has been a negative population growth of Yanbian Korean nationality since ten years which has influenced the sustainable development of Yanbian population .

  13. 由于70年代末80年代初国家实行计划生育政策,一些城市出现了人口数量负增长现象。

    Some cities have maintained negative population growth for years , due to the implementation of the family planning policy in the late1970s and early1980s .

  14. 1994年以后为异速生长的负幂律时期,乡村人口开始负增长,城市化进入加速阶段。

    The third stage , from 1994 up to now , is negative allometric growth , during which the urbanization is quickened , and the dynamic model of allometric growth of urban-rural population changed from positive power law .

  15. 上海人口自然变动负增长与社会经济发展

    Natural decrease in Shanghai population and socioeconomic development

  16. 大约在2010-2040年间,预计欧洲所有地区的人口都将出现负增长。

    It is estimated that in around 2010-2040 , population growth rate will be negative in all regions of Europe .

  17. 自20世纪90年代以来,卓资县总人口数量连年呈现负增长的局面,其中农业人口的流出十分显著。

    Since 1990s , the total population of Zhuozi County takes on a negative growth , because the scale of the agricultural population flows out significantly .

  18. 报告说,人口问题朝着负增长和超低生育率转移,补充说人口也将面临老龄化、性别失衡、城市化、不断扩大的民工荒,以及独生子女这一代有关的问题。

    The report said the population is heading for negative growth and an ultra-low fertility rate , adding that it also faces issues related to aging , gender imbalances , urbanization , an expanding shortage of migrant workers and an only-child generation .

  19. 吉林省延边朝鲜族人口安全的核心问题是人口负增长,其中延边朝鲜族妇女的生育意愿、迁移流动是两个最为关键的制约因素。

    The core problem of the population security of Yanbian Korean Nationality is negative growth .

  20. 逐渐下降的人口出生率使日本人口出现负增长,并使日本成为世界上老龄人口比例最高的国家。

    The dwindling birth rate has center the nationwitha shrinking population and the worlds highest proportionofelderly people .

  21. 自20世纪60年代以来,欧洲人口增长率持续下降,1999年人口开始负增长,这无疑是其人口发展的一个转折点。

    The growth rate of European population has been declining ever since 1960s .

  22. 由于人口惯性及人口生育观念的彻底转变,人口负增长现象还将持续下去。

    Because of the population inertia and the birth idea of population transformed thoroughly , phenomenon of the population negative growth will be continued .

  23. 人口增长速度也逐渐变缓,甚至出现了人口负增长。

    Natural Population Growth has gradually become slow , and even the negative growth appeared .

  24. 首先,随着社会经济的不断发展以及受到人口与计划生育政策持续作用的影响,现阶段延边州朝鲜族人口的负增长,影响民族区域自治以及社会进步。

    First of all , with the development of social economy and population and family planning policies continue to influence , at present Yanbian Korean population growth , influence of regional national autonomy and social progress .