- 名negative population growth

The Discussion about the Negative Growth of Population in Liangdang County
China 's on the brink of negative population growth .
Nowadays , Japan has come to the period of negative increase of population .
The Major Problems Caused by the Negative Population Growth of Yanbian Korean Nationality and the Countermeasures
A number of countries are staring at depopulation , with Japan and Russia being the worst .
The paper discusses the causes about the negative growth of population in Liangdang County and puts forward appropriate countermeasures to resolve the issue .
The fourth part of this article is the legislation about how to solve negative population growth , it is the core and the priority of the paper .
Because of the particularity of population development such as the population negative growth , the population security of Korean Nationality faced many challenges in Yanbian of Jilin Province .
Migrants becomes a prominent characteristic of contemporary Russian society , and in the shadow of possible nation declination , migrant policy appears more urgent and essential than ever .
It has become a cosmopolitan tide to solve the problem of the population negative growth . , To explore countermeasures in downtown new law is the trend of developing .
Social guarantee law should be set up as quickly as possible and Yanbian local economy should be developed greatly which can prevent negative population growth of Yanbian and ensure the sustainable development of Yanbian population .
There has been a negative population growth of Yanbian Korean nationality since ten years which has influenced the sustainable development of Yanbian population .
Some cities have maintained negative population growth for years , due to the implementation of the family planning policy in the late1970s and early1980s .
The third stage , from 1994 up to now , is negative allometric growth , during which the urbanization is quickened , and the dynamic model of allometric growth of urban-rural population changed from positive power law .
Natural decrease in Shanghai population and socioeconomic development
It is estimated that in around 2010-2040 , population growth rate will be negative in all regions of Europe .
Since 1990s , the total population of Zhuozi County takes on a negative growth , because the scale of the agricultural population flows out significantly .
The report said the population is heading for negative growth and an ultra-low fertility rate , adding that it also faces issues related to aging , gender imbalances , urbanization , an expanding shortage of migrant workers and an only-child generation .
The core problem of the population security of Yanbian Korean Nationality is negative growth .
The dwindling birth rate has center the nationwitha shrinking population and the worlds highest proportionofelderly people .
The growth rate of European population has been declining ever since 1960s .
Because of the population inertia and the birth idea of population transformed thoroughly , phenomenon of the population negative growth will be continued .
Natural Population Growth has gradually become slow , and even the negative growth appeared .
First of all , with the development of social economy and population and family planning policies continue to influence , at present Yanbian Korean population growth , influence of regional national autonomy and social progress .