
  • 网络the age structure;age structure of population
  1. Modigliani和Brumberg(1954)的生命周期理论认为人口年龄结构变动会对居民消费产生重要的影响。

    According to the life cycle hypothesis proposed by Modigliani and Brumberg ( 1954 ), changing of population age structure will bring heavy effects on consumption .

  2. 人口年龄结构转变对经常项目差额的影响机制与实证分析

    The Impact Mechanism and Empirical Test of Age Structure on Current Account Balance

  3. 新的移民政策对英国经济、社会产生很大影响:增加财政收入和人均GDP、提供便利的劳动力供应、改善人口年龄结构等。

    The new immigration policy makes a strong impact on economy and society . It includes increasing fiscal contribution and GDP , providing convenient labour force and improving age-structure of population .

  4. 这一部分研究了影响人口年龄结构变动的因素。

    This part studies the factors that impact the age agriculture .

  5. 中国人口年龄结构与养老保险制度的福利效应

    Demographic Structure and the Welfare Effect of Pension System in China

  6. 人口年龄结构的变迁与新兴的居住模式

    Variation of the population composition by age and the new residential model

  7. 从人口年龄结构变动分析我国未来劳动力供给的变化

    Analysis on the Change of Population Age Influences the Supply of Work Force

  8. 收入、人口年龄结构和中国城乡居民储蓄

    Income , Population Age Structure and Savings of China 's Urban and Rural Residents

  9. 中国的省份众多,经济发展与人口年龄结构在各区域间都有明显的差别。

    There exists significant difference on economic development and population age structure among regions .

  10. 独特人口年龄结构下宏观调控政策取向分析

    Analyses on the Policy Tropism of Macroscopic Control in the Special Populace Age Structure

  11. 人口年龄结构模型建模和预测

    Modeling and Forecasting the Age Structure of Population

  12. 中国改革三十年人口年龄结构变化与总消费关系研究

    Studies on Relationship between Age Structure and Household Consumption in 30-year Chinese Economic Reform

  13. 并且,对于人口年龄结构和居民消费的研究具有重要的现实意义。

    And there was important practical significance for the study of Chinese age structure and consumption .

  14. 宁波市人口年龄结构已向老龄化发展,老龄化问题已成为一项社会问题。

    Aging population is a social problem and Ningbo City is also facing such a problem .

  15. 当然,对人口年龄结构的划分是相对的,而不是一成不变的。

    Of course , the division of population age structure is comparative , but not invariable .

  16. 人口年龄结构转变对我国综合要素生产率的影响&基于人力资本的视角

    The Impaction on of Age Structure Changes on the Integrated Factor Productivity Based on Human Capital View

  17. 这次人口普查反映出中国人口年龄结构发生了较大变化。

    The census results show that big changes have taken place in the population 's age composition .

  18. 人口年龄结构的变化就是通过影响上述经济变量,来间接影响对外贸易差额的。

    A demographic transition indirectly affects the balance of the foreign trade through the above economic variables .

  19. 讨论中国特有的人口年龄结构变化特征及其对我国社会经济的影响问题。

    This paper discusses special age structure evolution characteristics of Chinese population and its effect on Chinese social economy .

  20. 体育人口年龄结构不合理,呈两高一低的马鞍型趋势。

    Sports population structure is irrational , low in the middle high in two extremes-the " saddle shape " trend .

  21. 上述结果都在不同程度上显示出人口年龄结构变动所带来的人口红利对河北省经济增长的促进作用。

    The results are shown in varying degrees that the " demographic dividend " will promote economic growth in Hebei Province .

  22. 第二,注重对人口年龄结构变动引发的劳动力供求变化的分析。

    Secondly , main attention is paid to the analysis of the LSD change resulted from the change of population structure .

  23. 人口年龄结构的变动,必然使劳动力的数量及质量发生变化。

    The structural fluctuation of age in population , by all means , make varieties on quantity and quantity of labor force .

  24. 独生子女群体对城市人口年龄结构的变化产生明显影响,对城市人口老龄化进程的加快起到推波助澜作用;

    The only-child population has markedly influenced the age structure of China 's urban population particularly in the sense of aggravating its ageing process .

  25. 从长远看,可以优化和调整城市的人口年龄结构,改善未来人口发展条件。

    It also optimizes and adjusts the age composition of population in urban area and improves the conditions of population development in the future .

  26. 结合计量经济学模型建立科布&道格拉斯生产函数,分析了我国人口年龄结构变动对经济发展的影响。

    It also shows the effects of the change in Chinese population age-structure on the economic development with the help of a Cobb-Douglas production function .

  27. 21世纪上半叶,长春市人口年龄结构将面临严重的老化问题,这将给长春市的经济发展带来一系列影响。

    During the early twenty-first century , the seriously aging of population is a big problem for Changchun , which will influence the economic development .

  28. 随着中国人口年龄结构的不断老化和建立市场经济的需要,必须由现收现付制转变为部分积累制。

    With aging of the people age structure in China and developing of market economy , its finance mode must be changed to part-accumulating system .

  29. 随着人口年龄结构的改变和城市化水平的推进,适龄劳动人口快速增加,总量性失业问题严重。

    As the population age structure changes and the advancement of urbanization , rapid increase in the working-age population , total unemployment problem is serious .

  30. 两国间共同点是无线市话的替代效应,产业升级对需求推动的积极作用以及并不显著的人口年龄结构影响。

    Common points were the negative substitution effect of PHS , the positive effect of industrial upgrading , and the insignificant effect of population age structure .