
  • 网络demographic composition;Population Composition;Composition of population
  1. 以2000年全国普查的人口构成为标准人口构成,使用ExcelVBA编程来计算1991-2003年各年份男性肿瘤的标准化死亡率。

    Standard population composition was defined as Chinese census statistics in 2000 . The male 's SMRs were calculated , using Excel VBA for each year and classification of cancers .

  2. 由于地理和人口构成等因素,该县汉语方言具有混合型语言的特点。

    Due to factors like geography and population composition , the dialects in this county are characteristic of a blending-mode language .

  3. 如此一来,人口构成对社保(socialsecurity)和medicare的压力就是违宪的,所以会得到遏制。

    That way , demographic pressures on social security and Medicare would be unconstitutional , and hence contained .

  4. 标化患病率按照2000年该地区人口构成计算。结果DM和空腹血糖偏高(IFG)患病粗率分别为11.22%和17.28%,标化患病率分别为9.46%和15.88%;

    Results : The crude prevalence rate of DM and impaired fasting glucose ( IFG ) was 11.22 % and 17.28 % , and the age-adjusted rate was 9.46 % and 15.88 % respectively .

  5. 经济快速增长还影响了人口构成和生活水平。

    With economic growth have come demographic shifts and life improvements .

  6. 失业人口构成的空间分布差异分析

    Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Unemployed Population 's Constitution

  7. 劳动力的人口构成也发生了变化。

    The mix of the labour force has also changed .

  8. 活动听口已经成为武汉市人口构成的一个主要组成部门。

    Floating population has become a population of Wuhan , a major component .

  9. 这么说有些夸张,但也突显出一种重要的人口构成上的变化。

    His hyperbole underlines an important demographic shift .

  10. 按女性人口构成比进行1%抽样,样本量5300人。

    The population constituent ratio is 1 % .

  11. 家庭人口构成对住宅设计的影响

    The influence of family composition on residential design

  12. 资源热潮以及越来越多的亚洲移民正在重塑澳大利亚的人口构成。

    A resources boom and growing immigration from Asia are reshaping Australia 's population .

  13. 外国人,或者是外国人的子女在伦敦的精英人口构成中占据着越来越高的比例。

    Its elite is increasingly made up of foreigners , or the children of foreigners .

  14. 艾滋病的恶性蔓延已经改变了一些国家的人口构成。

    Malignant spread of AIDS has changed the composition of the population in some countries .

  15. 全球人口构成的变化也在发挥作用。

    Demographics are also playing a part .

  16. 本文分析了山一村人口构成现状,预测了2000年人口增加量;

    The population structure of Shanyi village is analyzed , and future population in2000 is predicted .

  17. 湖南是典型的农业大省,农村地域辽阔,农民占全省人口构成的绝大部分。

    Hunan is a typical agricultural province with vast rural territory and a very large peasant population .

  18. 总之,世界人口构成正以空前的速度颠倒发展。

    In short , the age mix of the world is turning upside down and at unprecedented rates .

  19. 诚然,人口构成及全球日渐繁荣等结构性力量,使得进一步城市化无可避免。

    To be sure , structural forces such as demography and rising global prosperity make increased urbanisation inevitable .

  20. 同时,这一区域的其他人口构成趋势,信仰及习惯可能具有负面作用。

    At the same time other population trends , beliefs and practices in the region may have an adverse effect .

  21. 同时,纽约市的人口构成中黑人和拉丁美洲人所占的比重大幅度增加。

    During the same period the rate of Afro-Americans and Hispanics in New York City 's population has risen sharply .

  22. 因为北京历史上就是一个移民城市,人口构成变化很大。

    According to history , Beijing is a city of immigration , the change in composition of population is huge .

  23. 没有一部是女性导演的。这些数字可能并不令人意外,因为大家都清楚电影业的人口构成。

    None were directed by women . Perhaps these numbers aren 't surprising , given the well-known demographics of the film industry .

  24. 在眼下澳大利亚经济越来越依赖中国这样的国家的时候,从来源看其人口构成正越来越亚洲化。

    Australia 's population is becoming more Asian in origin at a time when its economy has grown dependent on countries like China .

  25. 他的战略是为参观者着想,这也反应了博物馆界改变解说方式、适应人口构成变化的趋势。

    His strategy to think of the visitor also reflects a museum trend toward creating narratives that are more relevant to a changing demographic .

  26. 研究现场贫困人群中,老人、文盲半文盲、残疾人口构成和慢性病患病率均高于一般人群;

    The proportion of the aged , illiterate and handicapped and the incidence rate of chronic disease in the poorest were higher than the common .

  27. 从各民族的人口构成来看,汉族一直占全国人口的绝大多数,少数民族的人口占少数。

    The Han population accounts for the majority of the total population of the country , while the populations of ethnic minorities are in the minority .

  28. 随着人口构成的变化,老年人群将不可避免的成为信息科技产品的主要使用人群之一。

    Along with the changing of population structure , older adults will inevitably be one of the major user groups of information technology in the near future .

  29. 体育旅游消费市场的人口构成与性别、民族、年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭类型和收入有着密切关系;

    The population structure of consumption has close relationships with gender , nationality , age , education degree , occupation , family style and one 's income ;

  30. 如今,无论是城镇还是中小学的人口构成在人种和民族上都更加多元化,而且平均都在中产偏上阶层。

    Today the demographics of the town and both schools is far more diverse racially and ethnically , and averages more in the upper middle class bracket .