
rén kǒu ɡuò shènɡ
  • overpopulation;surplus of population
  1. 谁知道人口过剩会带来什么麻烦?

    Who knows what troubles may ensue from overpopulation ?

  2. 人口过剩是个世界性的问题。

    Overpopulation is a universal problem .

  3. 环保人士认为澳大利亚已经人口过剩。

    Environmentalists say Australia is already overpopulated .

  4. 沃特豪斯,牙买加最贫穷的社区之一,是一个充满暴力且人口过剩的地方。

    Waterhouse , one of the poorest communities in Jamaica , is a really violent and overpopulated place .

  5. 在过去五年里,梁建章在斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)攻读了经济学的博士学位,并且刚刚出版了一本挑战中国人口过剩这一观点的书。梁建章说,他感觉到最近社会上正围绕独生子女政策展开开公讨论。

    in economics at Stanford University and just published a book challenging the notion that China has too many people , said he has felt a recent opening up of discussion around the one-child policy .

  6. 它们列举那些为盈利而传播疾病的“大制药公司”幕后黑手,并声称比尔·盖茨(BillGates)等亿万富翁私下里都是优生主义者,他们寻求通过推广有毒的儿童疫苗来解决人口过剩的问题。

    They trace the hidden hand of " Big Pharma " spreading disease for profit and claim that billionaires like Bill Gates are closeted eugenicists seeking to address overpopulation by promoting poisoned childhood vaccines .

  7. 但并非所有人都认为人口过剩是个问题。

    But not everyone sees over ­ population as a problem .

  8. 我们要告诉人们人口过剩的问题。

    We need to tell people about the problems of overpopulation .

  9. 我国农村的主要症结在于农业人口过剩,农民就业不足,收入没保障。

    The main problems are that agriculture overpopulation , unprotected income .

  10. 人口过剩的地球无法维护它上面的居民。

    A.an overpopulated earth will be unable to sustain its inhabitants .

  11. 如今他们要对付艾滋病、严重的通货膨胀和巨大的人口过剩问题。

    Now they have aids , terrible inflation , huge overpopulation .

  12. 这个国家在贫困,人口过剩及政治不稳定中挣扎。

    The country struggles with poverty , overpopulation and political instability .

  13. 人口过剩是国家现代化建设的绊脚石。

    Overpopulation is in the way of the construction of modern country .

  14. 第二章人口过剩带来的压力及影响。

    Chapter II discusses the pressure and influence brought about by overpopulation .

  15. 地处热带雨林的国家大豆平穷,人口过剩。

    Most countries where rainforests are located are very poor and overpopulated .

  16. 人口过剩是这个国家最紧迫的社会问题之一。

    Overpopulation is one of the country 's most pressing social problems .

  17. 爱尔兰人不允许再发生人口过剩。

    The Irish would not allow overpopulation to occur again .

  18. 他们把人口过剩看成是对社会的威胁。

    They regard overpopulation as a danger to society .

  19. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了。

    Nowadays ,( overpopulation ) has become a problem we have to face .

  20. 许多问题都是由贫穷和人口过剩引起的。

    Many problems are caused by poverty and overpopulation .

  21. 这首歌是关于当今人口过剩和资源消耗等问题的。

    This is a song about overpopulation and the depleting of our resources .

  22. 中国的男性人口过剩&规模、结构、影响因素及其发展趋势分析

    Chinese Male Overpopulation & Scale , Structure , Influence Factors and Development Trends Analysis

  23. 但我们今天面临的主要问题仍是人口过剩的危机。

    The crisis of overpopulation is still the main problem we are facing today .

  24. 而末日论者和兴旺论者仍将就地球是否人口过剩争执不休。

    And doomsters and boomsters will still disagree over whether the planet is overpopulated .

  25. 是不是因为这样的人口过剩?

    Is it because of this overpopulation ?

  26. 人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。

    Overpopulation is not compatible with freedom .

  27. 现在不只是科学家们在讨论人口过剩问题,马赛族人也在讨论这个问题。

    Overpopulation is not only discussed among scientists , but also in the Maasai community .

  28. 性别选择在阻止更广泛的“人口过剩”的斗争中成了一项工具。

    Sex selection became a tool in a wider battle to stop " overpopulation " .

  29. 解决人口过剩问题的最佳途径是实行计划生育。

    The best solution to solve the problem of overpopulation is to exercise birth control .

  30. 文章认为,近代湖南人口过剩加重了湖南农村经济的衰败;

    The article believed that , modern Hunan has overpopulation accelerated the Hunan rural economy deterioration ;