
  • 网络employment difficulty
  1. 女性就业困难是我国就业困难问题的一个侧面。

    Female employment difficulty is one part of Chinese employment problem .

  2. 女性就业困难与城镇女性犯罪

    On the Problem of Female Employment Difficulty and Female Crime in City and Town

  3. 2009年大学生就业困难的原因分析及指导对策

    Reason Analysis of 2009 College Students Employment Difficulties & Countermeasures

  4. 大学生就业困难分析及指导策略研究

    Analyzing Employment Difficulties of College Students and Guiding Strategy Study

  5. 下岗失业人员再就业困难,既有主观的原因,也有客观的原因。

    Analysis of causes for difficulty of reemployment is proposed .

  6. 她们面临着职业进入、工作升迁和培训以及再就业困难等多方面的不利环境。

    They are facing difficulties in employment , promotion , training and reemployment .

  7. 再谈新形势下大学生就业困难的原因和对策

    Restudy Reasons and Countermeasures of Difficult Employment for College Students under New Circumstances

  8. 造成女性就业困难的因素主要有:社会对于不同的性别有着固有角色期待和定位;

    The society has fixed expectation towards different sex .

  9. 大学生就业困难群体援助:现状、困境与出路高校特困生的精神解困工作探析

    The Assistance of College Students ' Employment Disadvantaged Groups : Present Situation , Difficulties and Outlets

  10. 针对大学生就业困难的对策是从四个方面提出的:首先,着重论述了政府方面如何应对大学生就业问题。

    According to the college students ' employment difficulty countermeasures , I conclude four aspect strategies .

  11. 结论:(1)临床医学专业毕业生近年来就业困难增加,尤其是五年制本科生。

    Medical graduates are facing more difficulties in obtaining employment , especially students of 5-year bachelor program .

  12. 在当前全球经济危机影响的大背景下,大学生就业困难日益严重。

    In the current global economic crisis , the employment difficulties of university students is becoming increasing serious .

  13. 解决大学毕业生就业困难的问题,需要政府、高校及学生个人等共同努力。

    The solution to the problem lies in the joint efforts of the ( government ), universities and students .

  14. 因此,倡导大学生开展自主性创业,是缓解当前高校毕业生就业困难问题的重要措施之一。

    Therefore , advocating the graduates to start their own businesses is one of the solutions to alleviate the problems .

  15. 未来几年内大学生就业困难的成因与对策分析

    Analysis of Producing Reason and Resolving Way to the Difficult Position of Graduated Students ' Employment in the Next Few Years

  16. 近年来,优秀运动队的退役运动员遇到了前所未有的再就业困难,这将影响到我国竞技体育的可持续发展。

    With the ongoing of our economic reform , the question about the athletes employment after retirement has become more serious .

  17. 弱势群体的就业困难及其救助,已经成为十分引人关注的社会问题。

    The difficulties to get a job for these vulnerable groups or to help them have become a serious social issue .

  18. 目前,当农民工面临就业困难时,政府往往会从劳动力市场配置上给予干预。

    When migrant workers are facing problems of finding a job , the Government would often intervene configure of labor market .

  19. 突出表现为就业困难,住房紧张,粮食、燃料等生活必需品短缺。

    Outstanding performance for the difficulties in finding employment , housing tension , food , fuel shortages , and other daily necessities .

  20. 目前,制度障碍是农民工进城就业困难、就业保障不足的重要原因。

    Currently , institutional barrier is an important reason for the difficulty of peasant-workers to work in a city and for their insufficient insurance .

  21. 随着近年来大规模的艺术生扩招很多学校出现师资力量缺乏,教学质量难以提高,艺术生就业困难等问题。

    Recent years , with large-scale art students enrollment many school teachers lack , appear to improve teaching quality , art students employment difficulty .

  22. 发展民办高等教育,可以缓解政府资金投入不足和高校毕业生就业困难的矛盾。

    Developing civilian-run education can mend the insufficiency of the government 's investment and relieve the contradiction between the number of graduates and their employment .

  23. 近年来,我国大学生就业困难问题越来越突出,其中有社会原因、高校原因,也有大学生自身的原因。

    Employment difficulties of university students become increasingly sever in recent years , for which the society , college and graduates themselves may be responsible .

  24. 重点做好高校毕业生、农民工、就业困难人员就业和退伍转业军人就业安置工作。

    Emphasis will be given to helping college graduates , rural migrant workers , people experiencing employment difficulty , and demobilized military personnel find jobs .

  25. 促使医学生愿意到农村基层工作的主要原因为就业困难带来的压力,占82.2%。

    The main factor that urging medical students to get a job in rural grassroots is the pressure from employment difficulties , accounting for 82.2 % .

  26. 因性别原因,女性就业困难的特殊性主要表现为就业率相对较低,就业质量差,再就业难。

    Due to sex , the particularity of female employment difficulty is as the following : the relatively low employment rate ; the unsatisfied employment quality ;

  27. 2008年以来受国际金融危机的影响,出现了像农民工返乡,大学生就业困难等问题。

    Since 2008 , it appeared a phenomenon like " migrant workers return home ," and college students ' employment difficulties influenced by the international financial crisis .

  28. 造成女大学生就业困难与职业发展阻隔的原因主要有两个方面:自身心理弱势与劳动力市场的性别歧视。

    There are two reasons for the difficulties of female employment and professional development : female 's own vulnerability and the sexist discrimination in the labor market .

  29. 高校毕业生就业困难分析与解决途径广西农村少数民族贫困女大学生就业存在的问题及相应对策

    Analysis and Solution of Employment Difficulty for College Graduates ; Proposal of Solving Poor Female College Students ' Employment Issues in Guangxi Rural Minority Areas and Countermeasures

  30. 在当前高等教育大众化背景下,大学毕业生就业困难问题随着高校招生规模的不断扩大而日益加剧。

    Under the Popularization of Higher Education background , the problems of university graduate ' employment with the expansion of the enrollment scale become more and more serious .