
jiù jìn rù xué
  • go to school nearby
  1. 改革开放以来中国就近入学政策的内容分析

    Content Analysis of Nearby Enrollment Policy in China since the Reform and Opening up

  2. 就近入学与择校的政策辨析

    An Analysis on the Policy Related to Going to School in the Neighborhood and School Choice

  3. 义务教育的三个基本特征需要配套的政策制度保障,就近入学正是这一政策制度中的重要组成部分。

    This orientation requires relevant supporting policy systems , of which attending nearby school is an important part .

  4. 博弈论视角下城市义务教育就近入学政策实施的权利与义务关系

    The Relationship of Privilege and Obligation of the Implementing of the Nearby Enrollment Policy in Urban Compulsory Education under the Game Theory

  5. 笔者对就近入学政策的合理性进行了质疑,并对择校的利弊进行了分析。

    The author questioned the rationality of the nearby enrollment policy and made an analysis between the advantages and disadvantages of school choice .

  6. 社会分层与教育分流&一项对义务教育阶段划区就近入学等制度安排公平性的实证研究

    Social Stratification and Educational Differentiation & An Empirical Study of Fairness of Zone Division and Admission into the Nearest School for the Compulsory Education

  7. 农村教学点是适应我国农村偏远地区特殊地理地形而设置的教学组织形式,它有利于当地学生就近入学以及顺利接受义务教育。

    The rural small-school is a kind of teaching organization which was established to adapt to the rural area , especially the remote rural areas .

  8. 由于大面积的撤并学校造成的学生不能就近入学,绝大多数学生都到城镇学校租居民的房子上学。

    Being removed and merged most of the schools , students can not go to the nearby school to receive education , most of them have to rent houses in the town .

  9. 在国内外许多国家,就近入学是在义务教育阶段普遍实施以保障儿童平等受教育机会的政策之一。

    In many countries of the world , the policy of entering school nearby is one of policies that ensure children have equal chance of education at the phase of compulsory education .

  10. 本研究认为:(1)在政策投入方面,新乡市为执行免试就近入学政策投入了一定的人力、物力、财力和信息资源,基本保证了政策的正常执行。

    In the aspect of policy cost a certain amount of person power , material and fiance was invested by the administration of Xinxiang , which basically guaranteed the normal enforcement of PESSNWEE .

  11. 这一新的定位需要相应的政策体系保障,就近入学政策就是这一体系中的重要组成部分,具有积极的政策价值。

    It is needed for a series of corresponding policies to guarantee this orientation of compulsory education , therefore , nearby enrollment policy with positive values is one of key measures in this system .

  12. 对于就近入学政策来讲,如何吸收政策科学研究的先进成果,丰富和完善自身的政策流程?对这些问题思考是本文研究的起点。

    Regarding nearby enrollment policy how should we absorb the advanced achievements of the policy scientific research to enrich and perfect the policy ? It is the jumping-off point of this study to ponder these questions .

  13. “权利和义务”之争一直是我国城市义务教育阶段实施就近入学政策的一个焦点,两者处于一个博弈局势中。

    The debate of " privilege or obligation " has been the focus of the implementing of the nearby enrollment policy in our nation 's urban compulsory education , and the two are in a game situation .

  14. 我国的择校行为主要发生在基础教育领域,尤其是义务教育阶段,然而由于国家实施就近入学政策,自由择校不被允许。

    School Choice in China mainly occurs in the field of basic education , especially in compulsory education . However , because of the implementation of the nearby enrollment policy , selecting school freely is not allowed .

  15. 在我国,《中华人民共和国义务教育法》第九条规定:地方各级人民政府应当合理设置小学、初级中等学校,使儿童就近入学。

    In our country , the nine piece of the law of compulsory education in the republic of china prescribes that the government of every level in districts should properly set primary schools and secondary schools making the children enter them nearby .

  16. 其中农村教学点是根据偏远地区地理位置和经济发展情况在布局调整过程中为当地儿童就近入学而设置的小学阶段教学组织形式。

    The rural school is an Elementary period teaching organization form , which is based on remote geographic location and economic development situation and is set up in the process of distribution adjustment for local residents to enter a school nearest to their home .