
  • 网络Enrollment;matriculation;matriculate
  1. 90年代许多大学的注册入学不断增加。

    Matriculation is increasing in many universities in the1990s .

  2. 试点项目观念的创新及实践&注册入学、严教、高出

    Innovation and Practising of the Project - Registration , Quality and Efficiency

  3. 她在北京大学注册入学。

    She registered as a student in Beijing University .

  4. 注册入学:成人高等教育招生制度变革的思考

    Registration enrollment : on the system reform of adult enrollment of higher education

  5. 本人同意如本人注册入学,当遵守本学院的一切规章制度。

    I consent that if registered , I will conform to the statutes and regulations of the bafm college .

  6. 该校的学术和社会影响之大,孩子们刚出生就注册,长大后入学。

    Eton 's academic and social importance is so great that children are registered at birth to attend the institution when they are older .