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dāo bǐ
  • pettifoggery;writing of indictments, appeals, etc;writing of indictments
刀笔 [dāo bǐ]
  • [writing of indictments;pettifoggery] 古代在竹简上刻字记事,用刀子刮去错字,因此把有关案牍的事叫做刀笔,后多指写状子的事。多用作贬义

  • 临汪王欲得刀笔,为书谢上。--《史记.酷吏列传》

  • 长于刀笔

  • 刀笔吏

刀笔[dāo bǐ]
  1. 我不知道人们怎么就会饱受刀笔之苦,而这些年轻人又怎么就会由于刀笔的罪孽而掉到火坑里去;

    How mankind ever came to be afflicted with Wiglomeration , or for whose sins these young people ever fell into a pit of it , I don 't know ;